Marvel News & Views


At the House of H

The Internet is Down.

This entire report is being written from my job.

So no – we’re not breaking the internet into fractions this week.

Just my heart…

here at..

Hey kids, welcome to a big week here at MNV, why is it a big week? Well wait til we get to the news, and you will find out! I mean why do you have to be so pushy? All I’m trying to do is make you feel as if each and every one of these reports are important.

Except last weeks. That was a bastard child of a report. Fun, yet small and useless.

This week, lots of M news. Let’s get to it, shall we?

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Peter David sat down with Newsarama to discuss all of his projects. Here is the most useful thing he tells about THE OTHER:

NRAMA: What is “The Other” about?
PD: About twelve issues.

Thanks Peter, you are such a hoot! About X-Factor though, a book I’ve been salivating for ever since I read the Madrox special.

PD: Madrox, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane, M, Siryn, Rictor, plus one more original character brought over from House of M. Actually, I’m having way more fun with the original character than I thought I would.
NRAMA: How does this tie in with House of M?
PD: Well, X-Factor feels that part of its mission is to investigate just what the heck happened, and if it’s possible to restore the status quo. And what’s interesting is that it that mission will bring them into conflict with some unexpected people.

MMmmmm – there isn’t that many characters that are holdovers from the House of M. Unless we’re talking about Layla Miller, or someone who died – then I’m completely without a clue. So, once again, I’ve been given another piece of delicious entertaining news to keep me awaiting with baited breath for this book! ILLITERATION MEANS READERSHIP CHILDREN!

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

One interesting bit of info that’s been revealed in the solicitation text (and you’ve said it yourself as well) is that Reverend William Stryker is the main villain in your first arc, the four-part “Childhood’s End.” Why him? What’s his motive this time around?

First off this is a great interview with the team of Yost/Kyle who will be taking over New X-Men right after House of M ends. They get right into why this title should be good.

So William Stryker, eh? I’m a bit hesitant, if only because every story involving him since God Loves, Man Kills has sucked rocks. I’m willing to give them a shot though. Now a minor editorial about this title.

I liked DeFillipis and Weir, even though their storytelling seemed spotty at times. My problem is that this book should reflect in other titles. These kids should be a decently noticable part of the X-Universe, and they feel like they aren’t even involved. Generation X always felt that it was a school that the X-Men occasionally visited to see how the kids were doing. The NEW School seems like it’s supposed to be right under the nose of all the major X-Teams.. yet they are rarely seen. (With maybe the exception of the Foxxy story of Milligan’s.. but nobody read that)

I just want to see these kids more involved in the real X-Verse in the same way the Titans are involved in the DCU.

OKAY OKAY OKAY! NO MORE FLUFFY… except this one. (Sentinel v2.)
(Courtesy of Newsarama)

The main character, Juston, has run away from home and stolen this Sentinel from the Commission on Superhuman Activities to go in search of his mother, who abandoned his family about 10 years ago. So, he’s got a sample of her DNA, and he’s going to use the Sentinel to track her DNA. When we open up, he’s out walking through the woods with the Sentinel and eating canned beans and sleeping on the ground in the woods. Everybody’s worried about him, and the media’s out in full force with the Juston watch. And Jesse and all his friends are concerned about him. And that’s how we open up the story.

It’s McKeever. It’s Giant Robots. it’s a book that didn’t need to be cancelled, and thankfully to the power of the mini-digest format, it came back. McKeever has GOT to have stock in these books by now, as he has been saved so much by them. I’m in for Sentinal 2, and if you go to the interview, the three page preview looks just as good as it ever did before.

Dare I say….. better?

(Courtesy of Newsarama

” Announced at last night’s awards ceremony, Marvel’s 1602 by Neil Gaiman, Andy Kubert, and Richard Isanove won the inaugural Quill Book Award for the Graphic Novel category, beating out American Splendor: our Movie Year, Bone: One Volume Edition, In the Shadow of No Towers and Persepolis 2.

So 1602 beat out a book about a comic about a movie. A comic that is the greatest thing for children to read ever. A book about 9/11. …and Persepolis 2.. (??)

I liked 1602, especially when it got the reread treatment because it was in a huge hardcover that I had to own because I’m just that kind of guy. It’s awesome. Is it better than Bone? That is so hard to say… but I would vote no. Nor would I say it is better than In The Shadow…, but I will admit to have only seeing a few pages of that, and it’s probably a knee jerk reaction since I live in NJ.

Either way, it is a great novel, and to beat out all that other stuff.. congrats to Neil.

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Okay, there are spoilers in here.. I’m sorry, you have to know that.

In explaining the decision to cut down on the number of mutants in the Marvel Universe, Quesada said that part of the X-Men’s appeal was that mutants were a minority, and that allowed for empathy with readers. As Quesada explained, that feeling of “minority” had been lost over the years.

So it’s official – Mutantdom is going to be cut down. The rumor is that the number will be 198 of the little bastards running around. I will have something special for that in the weeks to come, but right now let’s discuss this.

First off – the guy who is taking over the reins of this seems to be Brubaker, who will be doing Deadly Genesis. All I can say is ‘YAHOO!’, if you read this column you know that I have heavy faith in what Ed is going to bring to the table when it comes to Daredevil and X-Men, and it sounds like he’s already taking the horse by the reins.

Quesada has also stated that every character that is depowered or dead, will remain dead as long as he is still in office. That is a bold statement to a guy who let Colossus come back, and we can predict that Jean Grey will be around by then too, me thinks. If not, then I will have lots of credi to dole out – as this puts the mutants on the minority front.. even though they all will seemingly have their own title.

(Courtesy of Newsarama)

Before digging in to New Excalibur, we did want to put one ghost to final rest (hopefully), and figure out, once and for all if possible – the Magneto/Xorn question. Was Magneto Xorn the whole time? Who died in Genosha? Who did Wolverine kill at the end of Grant Morrison’s run?

With the skill of a practiced politician, Claremont deferred to the X-office’s Nick Lowe, who said: “That’s a good question, but read House of M #7 closely – there’s a clue to the whole Xorn/Magneto issue.”

Said like any good politician. What he’s referring to is a line where Doc Strange asks.. or maybe it was Emma.. eh, it doesn’t matter – they both have nice racks – that Scarlet Witch very well might have created the whole Xorn/Magneto fiasco. How? Why? Will Claremont ever get around to telling us? When he does, will we get it? Probably not. So there’s your answer.

I would also like you all to check off ‘GET RID OF MORRISON’S RUN’ on your Bingo Card of ‘Uses of House of M’.

Also if you read this interview, Claremont says in a very defensive veiled way, that he realizes that Excalibur v2 was a complete and utter shit factory, and is now going to give the fans what they want instead of throwing a bunch of 2nd tier characters in Genosha and giving them Xavier and a screwed up Magneto to talk to. Good for him, that’s one of the 12 steps isn’t it?

(Courtesy of Comic Book Resources)


This came from Halle Berry:

“I wanted Storm to do more than stand there and be mute,” Berry said. “The fans would see me on the street and say, ‘You know, how lame are you? You don’t even fly in the movie!’ So this time I said, ‘I would love to come back but — and I’m really not being snobby about it — but I want to come work. I want to earn my money!'”

Hey! No! That sounds snobby to me! It really does! The story doesn’t revolve around you, so yes.. you are in fact getting paid to be a prop. You are qualified as one of the most beautiful women in the world (not my type, but eh…) and you are upset that you are a prop. Admit it and move on.


According to Variety (subscription required), Marvel Entertainment has teamed with Indian animation company First Serve Toonz to produce an animated “X-Men” series centered on Wolverine. The companies are set to produce 26 episodes, which will be available for distribution in 2007.

…oh.. good.. something else I can ignore. Ptoo.


Yes, somebody actually asked me a question! It’s none other than my only fan.. Soak! So this proves that if you send me email it will get responded to, and sometimes even on my column.

. i want to know your honest opinion on X3 and spidey 3. i have read all the rumors, spoilers, and just about everything else on both these movies. personally i am scared. if even some of what i read is true i am dreading these.

No, I didn’t correct spelling. I like to alienate those that love me. So Soak wants to know my opinion – here it is:

Spider-Man 3 is going to be good. If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that I trust Sam Raimi. Whether it’s on a stupid show like Xena, which I didn’t watch religiously, but got a giggle at the times I did, Brisco County Jr., or a movie with the word ‘Dead’ or ‘Dark’ in it – the man puts out a quality product, and he makes sure that he puts his heart into it. The web has made claims that Raimi doesn’t like Venom, and I’ve more recently heard counter claims that those original claims are completely unfounded. Is Venom going to suck, nah, probably not. He’s not my first choice, but he is one of two characters that the world that DOESN’T read comics like. (Along with Wolverine and Ghost Rider)

X-3… heh, well that’s another story entirely, isn’t it? The removal of Brian Singer was the first coffin nail. There was a lot of potential after that, since where Singer may be a great director – he isn’t the only great director ever. So instead, we got Brett ‘Rush Hour’ Ratner, who is generally not a popular choice, but he might shock us. I remember being shocked that Harry Potter was still a decent film franchise after Chris ‘Home Alone’ Columbus took it on. Are the signs towards this one looking good? No, not in the least, but you also have to look at the cast. Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan who deserve at least a modicum of credit.

If I was to say which one I was going to look forward to more, it would be Spidey as there is no dramatic change to the creative team. I’m not outright dreading X-3, but I’m not keeping my hopes up either.


CABLE/DEADPOOL #21 – Teehee… oooohooooo.. bwahahahaha.. heheh. Now, I read a few other reviews, after I wrote my own for this issue – and some of the reviewers are commenting on how the story is difficult to follow. Given that they mention that outright.. isn’t that intentional? Stupid reviewers. Stupid internet. Funny comic book.

ESSENTIAL WEREWOLF BY NIGHT VOL 1 TP – I know it’s not a comicbook per se’, but I’m reading it right now – bout half way through.. and once you get into the Len Wein stuff.. it is reaaaallly good. It’s standard 1970’s episodic horror stuff, but it is definately good reading. Recommended for those who aren’t sure if they like horror.

EXILES #71 – This was a damn good end to the House of M story… I’m not going to ruin it for you.. but all I have to say is that I’m more looking forward to next month where they go to the =NEW UNIVERSE=!!!!

FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #1 – I have to comment on the first few pages of this book. It’s dirrrrrrty… and bless Peter Jackson for it. Otherwise, the book is just a perfectly launching point for a huge mega crossover. You get all the viddles you need, without feeling as if you’ve been forced into something major. Oh, and Morlun’s back.. OOoooo.

HOUSE OF M #7 – I wrote a review on this! It’s a damn good review too. This is by far the strongest story of the entire House of M, and thank god. Next issue should be nothing but awesome.

ULTIMATE X-MEN #64 – One last issue with Vaughan at the helm.. I’m so gonna miss him. This book once again, tops my reading charts for perfect characterization.


Okay, two things to address before we go. First off, I want to thank Andrew DiNunzio who also sent me a feedback to my House of M #7 review (available here at COMICSNEXUS!) He commented that I, and other internet scribes, are poopooing House of M – and not taking into consideration it’s depth of character between Witch and Silver. I wrote him a fairly lengthy email on the topic, and with his permission I’ll repost it here next week..

Anyway, I just want to say that I like House of M. I just feel that the journey to get to issue #7 has been one that has been taffy pulled out for longer than necessary. Two issues in my mind (#2 and #..5 I believe) were more filler than content, and had no ultimate bearing on the story other than quite a bit of pomp. The breakdown of Quicksilver is an amazing story that is going to lead to him being a very strong member of the Marvel U, whether he has powers or not.

It’s the journey that I feel is truly the problem, not the story. It would be if Identity Crisis had an entire issue of Batman going from person to person and saying, “So, did you do it?”

And finally, I’m going to reveal a special project that I’ll be putting forth as long as I’m doing this column. As an addendum TO this column, I’ll be compiling a list of the mutants that appear in the Marvel Universe. Assuming that the magic number is #198 – I want to know who they are. So, over the course of the next few… years? You will be seeing a masterlist of mutants, and where they are appearing, so we can find out if this infamous number is actually true.


Yep.. now we’re done. Hope you all enjoyed. Keep on sending that feedback, I love talking to you guys about our geekocity.