Remote Destination – The Wire 4-6


The Street

I’ve got to say that I’ve got a newfound respect for Marlo. I mean the way that he’s toying with the cops. I wonder if he’s not being a bit cockier than he needs to be. Maybe his move in this episode was just to flush them out, but I’m worried that he’s going to think that he’s more impervious then he really is.

I dig that we had an appearance by a Barksdale, even if it appears to be a final appearance as Namond and his mom have been cut off. But still it’s nice to see that glimpse of the past.

I’m not going to lie; I was shook when I saw Omar walk though lockup. I’ve probably never had more empathy for a character than I did for Omar. Yes, he’s a criminal and a killer but he’s also a guy who has a code that he lives by. And seeing Omar in such a vulnerable position actually filled me with both fear and dread. Sadly it’s not over.

Still you’ve got to respect Marlo and Chris for putting Omar in such a position.

I like how Cutty has finally decided to take advantage of his situation, though it appears to have some downsides as well. I am curious to see how Bodie deals with Namond having a package. Clearly Namond has no ambition, but how long can he skate on his pop’s rep?

City Hall

Seeing Carcetti struggle to campaign in those final days was quite a rush. I really appreciated that he was more comfortable when he didn’t have a chance than he was when he was in the running. That felt truly real to me.

And seeing the candidates in the Black church was a very good touch. Of course anytime Clay Davis is present you know you’re in for some good stuff.

The Police

First off I liked how true the writers kept McNulty to his character. Yeah he’s a beat cop again, but he still did right by Omar and even he doubted that Omar’s guilt. Sure McNulty had limited screen time but he was still the same guy.

The predicament of the Homicide department was a tough one, and it was handled with great diplomacy. I did like how Herc is really trying to take it to Marlo, it’s nice to see him back in the game.

The School

I loved how Randy trying to earn few bucks in the previous episode snowballed into Randy trying to drop as many dimes as he possibly could. I mean I like how it was set up, not necessarily seeing Randy squirm like that.

We also got a glimpse at Bunny’s class, which looks promising. But seeing how Prez has taken the kids under his wing is really endearing, especially considering how he treated Black youth in the first season. Seeing him trying to protect Randy and reach out to Dookie were some great moments.

I really loved this episode. It had so many moments that were full of emotion; Omar in lockup, Randy trying to drop time, the whole voting sequence. It not only builds on past episodes but also create a new status quo for many characters. Good business.

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