MGF Reviews We Are Scientists – Brain Thrust Mastery


We Are Scientists – Brain Thrust Mastery
Astralwerks (U.K./Europe: 3/25/08, North America: 5/13/08)
Rock / Electronic / Punk

We Are Scientists, consisting of guitarist/lead singer Keith Murray and bassist Chris Cain, are what the Scissor Sisters would be on low-heat, but with spicy, savory lyrical and indie-rock substance. Their press materials are charming, New York band blah blah blah and here comes the good part: “Nine years later, the band has long-since relocated to New York City, seen many countries their parents swore to them were ‘myth, accursed myth,’ and finally dated girls.” Good stuff!

The theme of Brain Thrust Mastery is also good stuff (maybe even great) focusing on relationships, misunderstandings, promises and continuing. “Ghouls” has a rock-and-roll sound with almost a disco trailing speed and the constant repeating of the lyric: “We all recognize that I’m the problem here”. “Let’s See It” focuses on the belief between two people and how they are going to see it one way and you’re going to see it in another. In the UK, the new single, “After Hours”, is climbing up the charts and I have no doubt that it will crossover well in the States. It’s got hit written all over it, taking the shared experience of being somewhere late with someone and the hope that after hours will keep time meaningless yet meaningful.

“Lethal Enforcer” sounds so familiar, like wandering a little drunk out of a mid-’80s indie-rock show, and I like it for that quality alone. “Impatience” is simple lyrically, encompassing the plea to not count on every promise and to be more patient. The song really is, however, the perfect lead-in to the stronger rock track, “Tonight”, that would serve as another strong radio hit, with lyrics: “I promise to remember that making promises are always a mistake”.

“Altered Beast”, which has a forbidden temptation rock seduction there’s-nothing-wrong-with-asking-versus-there’s-nothing-to-lose feel to it, works as is, but I would absolutely love to see this turned into a few remixes. “Chick Lit” has an almost Euro-Rage Against The Machine Disco/Rock Lite feel to it, and either some people will love this song or hate it with the “I wouldn’t be caught dead with your kind” declaration. I’m still in the middle regarding it, but I would like to see it remixed and put into a background of a love-gone-wrong vendetta movie.

“Dinosaur” is used in the vein of natural selection and what’s left of a relationship and the choices made as a consequence of living or dying. Because of the tucked-in metaphors, this incredibly punk/indie-rock song ends up being one of the best aspects of Brain Thrust Mastery.
