The Daily Review: Uncanny X-Men #524, Second Coming Chapter 6


Hope is on Utopia, Nightcrawler’s dead, and Bastion’s ready to attack. Let’s see the fallout.

Summary: The bulk of this issue is taken up with the fallout of Nightcrawler being dead. Almost everyone seems to blame Hope, with Wolverine most outspoken about it, as he was Nightcrawler’s closest friend and Kurt was the only one to treat him like a man. Cable is protective of Hope, who is a bit frustrated at the idea of being savior at this point to everyone but Magneto, who quickly befriends her despite Cable’s warnings. Donald Pierce lowers the island’s defense and Bastion is ready to move. Beast blames Cyclops and everyone says a few words over the fallen Kurt before agreeing to mourn him after they take out Bastion.

Thoughts: This was pretty good, but the tone shifts were… strange. When dealing with Kurt’s death directly, the issue is somber, but the Hope scenes switch so quickly that it’s disconcerting. It makes sense for her not to be overly effected by the death- everyone around her dies all the time- and it makes sense for her to be frustrated- no one knows why she’s a big deal- but even with that, all that’s going on around her makes her attitude feel a bit bratty. Is it honest? Yes, but this is a character I assume I’m supposed to be sympathetic too and this undermines her likability. Cyclops continues to be an utter pragmatist and the best thing to read about. The Science Club is a bit marginalized here, but given the magnitude of the happenings, it makes sense… even if they are the best thing to read about in the book. Bastion took out Nightcrawler specifically as he’s getting rid of the X-Men’s ability to teleport Hope, a very good idea, as well, though attacking an island full of mutants, not quite so bright.

Rating: 6/10 – A good issue for a breather before the big climactic battle; finding out what the big deal is about Hope really has to be a priority as it takes a lot of the drama out of the story.

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.