Nintendo Weekly Downloads for Nintendo Wii: BIT.TRAP FATE & My Planetarium

In Stores Now, News

Here are the games now available for download on the Nintendo Wii Shop Channel.

(800 Nintendo Points)
BIT.TRIP FATE is an on-rails side-scrolling shoot-’em-up that finds CommanderVideo riding the vibe to discover his fate. CommanderVideo will need a little help from the friends he made in BIT.TRIP RUNNER to thwart the Mingrawn Timbletot, who has mutated the world into an ugly technological nightmare. Join forces with the Junior Melchkin, CommandgirlVideo and others to increase CommanderVideo’s power and save the world. Whether you play in single-player mode or team up with a co-pilot, you’ll need a steady hand to navigate the vibe and aim your blasters at the twisted souls out to destroy you.

My Planetarium
(500 Nintendo Points)
My Planetarium is a game that allows you to observe celestial bodies from the comfort of your living room using the Wii Remote controller. Choose from three main modes. Observation Mode contains approximately 20,000 celestial objects up to stars of the 7th magnitude. Changeable settings include the ability to display the latitude and longitude of constellations and choose how fast time elapses. In Planetarium Mode, you can take 11 different tours that cover subjects such as stars, nebulae, constellations and other celestial objects. The Celestial Guidebook contains detailed information and mythology on celestial objects and constellations as well as a helpful glossary of astronomy terms used in observation. Enjoy a deep look into the stars and mysterious objects that fill the night sky. (Information on celestial objects is up-to-date as of June 2010.)

I like Comics, Wrestling, Super Mario Bros & Dead Space. Oh ya, and Scott Pilgrim.