10 Thoughts on Superstars 10.28.2010 – Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins

Reviews, Shows, Top Story, TV Shows

1. And here I thought that the only silver lining to Evan Bourne’s injury was a substantial decrease in Mark Henry’s appearances. I hate being wrong.

2. Just as Jey was starting to get settled in, boom…the match finished. I’m not sure why Henry keeps going over, but I know how tired of it I am. However, this was the first time his finisher didn’t look absolutely ridiculous.

3. Zack Ryder and Tyson Kidd…a very interesting matchup. Tyson is intoxicating to watch, and I always forget how much I love Ryder.

4. It was interesting to see DH Smith come out and cost Tyson the match. As happy as I am that Zack finally picked up a win, why would they continue the implosion of former champions on their novelty show? Although, it was subtle enough, that I guess it works.

5. Damn. I had nearly pushed NXThree out of my head, until the recap.

6. As much as I adored the Gatecrashers, I really like Curt Hawkins on his own. He stands out a lot more, and his personality just pops.

7. MVP’s victory seems too forced. Hawkins had great momentum throughout the entire match, but MVP landed a few quick spots for the three-count? It just felt wrong to me.

8. I know it’s blasphemous, but I went without watching Raw this week. So for once, I appreciate the Raw Rebound. From the looks of it, I missed a hell of a main event.

9. Chris Masters rocks a shiner. He does not, however, rock the super-snug trunks. Almost got a glimpse of his mini-locks.

10. Reks has great fluidity in his moves, and looks great when performing them. But he needs to react to what Masters is doing. His face gives away a concentration that kills the aggression quick.

Kelly has been with Inside Pulse since 6/2010, beginning with just her 10 Thoughts on WWE Superstars column. Now she brings you her 10 Thoughts on Smackdown weekly, and constructs the Rasslin' Roundtables for PPV's. In her spare time, she works with indy fed, Future Stars of Wrestling - AZ, wrangles children for her day job, and is generally and exceptionally awesome.