Brothers & Sisters – Episode 5-5 Review

Reviews, Shows

As a rule, I generally don’t like to start reviews with a note from me, but I feel in this case I have to apologize. This review is more than a week overdue. While I’m sure you don’t care about excuses, I just want to put in that between not having my own laptop, going to LA, and starting a retail job, I’ve been busier than I have been in a long time. 

Anyway, while personally I’ve been looking forward to Nora the radio host, “Call Mom” is disappointing. Character and plot inconsistencies turn what should have been a fantastic episode, given the huge twists at the end, into one that I probably won’t remember by the end of the season.

The radio show audition itself really could be much better. After two episodes where a Walker has to take down an enemy (Sarah versus the prep school moms, Nora verusus the flower shop boss), I was hoping for something different. There was no need for writers to bring in this uber-annoying Dr. Alex, who I want to smack every time she speaks. Seriously, the woman is so irritating that I can barely watch when she’s on screen. Every word out of her mouth is intended to shoot Nora down or build up her own image. I’m sure that’s just how her character is supposed to be, and I’m sure many viewers find her funny, but I just can’t stand the woman.

Maybe that’s partly because she’s just so…not needed. The audition is enough of a challenge. Writers really couldn’t have been creative with that, instead of bringing in a story line that’s already been used twice this season? It just irks me so much how lazy the writing is that I can’t even enjoy the story line at all. Of course it doesn’t help that, while I love Nora, her lack of confidence and stuttering begins to grate on my nerves as well.

And don’t get me started on Luc and Sarah. Why write a story line where Sarah thinks Luc is cheating on her, almost right after an episode where he assures her that he will always love her, no matter what (“Faking It”)? Was she just not listening? Granted, that phone call is pretty incriminating, but she’s considering the possibility of him cheating even before that. I guess after her divorce she has a right to be mistrustful, but the whole ordeal is just irritating when Luc has been incredibly loyal to her.     

However, I am thrilled that Sarah and Luc are tentatively engaged. I’ve been wondering why they aren’t married by now, when they’re so in love and have been together for more than a year (including the time jump). Maybe since the Walkers were a mess, Sarah thought it was best to wait? Well, whatever the reason, I’m glad they’re together. It’s nice to see a happy couple on this show stay a happy couple for once.

Side note…what the heck is going on with Narrow Lake? Hello? Did writers forget about that minor little detail? It still hasn’t been mentioned since Sarah decided not to sell, and I guess we won’t hear about it for a while more now that she’s getting married. Argh, this show can be so frustrating.

Speaking of arguing couples, Justin is understandably still dealing with losing Rebecca. I’m glad, unlike with Kitty, writers kept themselves from throwing him into another romance so soon. Yes, like Kitty, Justin’s marriage had already been over for a long time. But seeing Rebecca would have undoubtedly brought up that pain again. Unfortunately, this means that Justin – as a Walker not in a relationship – will be subjected to dozens of dead-end dates and relationships as his plot for the season. Oh boy.

Meanwhile, Kitty realizes that she and Jack have nothing in common, and can’t go on like they are. In the end, that changes because he reveals that he used to be a businessman. I’ve established that I really don’t care for Kitty, but I do enjoy Justin’s visit. Not as much as Kevin’s, of course, but the talk he has with Jack is cute.

Throughout all this, Kevin hasn’t had time for anything besides work lately. His main purpose in this episode is to hilariously boost Nora’s morale, which is the only bit of that story line I like. However, his victory is short-lived when Scotty reveals that he had an affair months ago. Surprisingly, this isn’t really the dropped bomb it should be, to me at least. My gut, and rumors, say that he and Kevin will still be together forever, so this is more like a little bump in the road. I don’t mind though, because it will give both Kevin and Scotty more screen time.

So while this episode isn’t the best quality Brothers & Sisters has to offer, it does serve as a catalyst for what will most likely be the most interesting twists of the season so far.