The Interinactivity Returns Tour – Begins Monday!

Columns, Top Story

Boys and gentlemen, my name is Blair A. Douglas and as announced in the fun little interview that I did with CB, this Monday night, I make my return to Inside Pulse’s Wrestling Division with more episodes of “Interinactivity”.

For anyone who might be new around here, I started with Pulse at the beginning of the year as the recapper of all TNA TV and PPV events. It was fun for a while, watching them make incredibly dumb and senseless moves every week, until I suffered a complete rage blackout. My doctors demanded I do something less dangerous as a hobby, like sticking my wet fingers in electrical sockets. So now, I do that, as well as Q & A with the readers of Inside Pulse. It’s been a lot of fun.

I took a couple months off, and was going to start right back in with Interinactivity. However, someone suggested that I “re-familiarize” myself with the “products”. I don’t know why I need to watch this stuff to judge it, but there seems to be some really odd point of view populating wrestling sites these days that I actually need to WATCH a Mark Henry title run to know that it’s horrible. I don’t really know what that’s about, but, given that Pulse let me take time off, lets me work without a net, and lets me swear so often that the words have lost all meaning (I’m going to try to cut back on that), I decided, why not.

So the Interinactivity Returns Tour takes place over the next 3 weeks, with 3 episodes of “That Being Said” recaps, which will cover all the major wrestling TV shows on the air currently. So, October should be a fun month.

Monday October 3rd: “That Being Said” recap of WWE RAW (Supershow? Regularshow? Bigshow? Whatever.)
Thursday October 14th: “That Being Said” recap of TNA Impact Wrestling
Friday October 22nd: “That Being Said” recap of WWE SmackDown (AKA The Mark Henry Power Hour)
Friday October 29th: “Interinactivity” column, which will handle comments from all 3 of the recaps above.
(After that, Friday morning will be the new home of “Interinactivity”.)

I would have covered the new ROH show, but I wanted to leave that to my man Jack Newbury. He’s Pulse’s new Ring Of Honor recapper, and will be covering the show each week. You may remember him as WaterDrip from the “BEST F#$%ING TNA TEAM EVER!” Dude is a full-fledged Pulse writer now. Make sure to check that out when it finally gets posted, who’s supposed to be taking care of approving that article anyway? GET IT DONE!

One more thing before I head out – there seems to have been a notion before I took off a couple months ago that I was way too hard on the products. I’m not going to go on a diatribe here, but let me be very clear – I’m not letting what is popular with other people shape my opinions or my articles, nor am I going to “take it easy” on either show. We’re wrestling fans. Obviously we are, or we wouldn’t be here. And wrestling isn’t rocket science. It’s not even science. At all.

Being wrestling fans doesn’t mean we have to pretend something is awesome just because a few people in one town cheered for it. Being wrestling fans doesn’t mean we have to pretend that WWE pipes chants through arena speakers. Being wrestling fans doesn’t mean we have to pretend something is good because it’s a LITTLE bit better than the terrible stuff that’s shown normally. Being wrestling fans doesn’t mean we have to try to put a good face on something like Mark Henry .vs. Shaemus because WWE wants us to think it’s awesome. Being wrestling fans doesn’t mean we have to swallow what either company gives us because the other one is terrible.

All I’m saying is this – let’s try to keep things in perspective here. We take a lot of guff for being wrestling fans, and we deserve good products. You know it and I know it.

I said it, I meant it, I’m here to represent it. Have a good weekend. See y’all on Monday.


BD writes about professional wrestling on Inside Pulse until he has to stop because he's about to have a stroke. Any “errors” that are made on his part are, of course, intentional and represent an artistic choice. He acts as a kind of fly paper for the emotionally disturbed.