CB’s Slant: Powered Up! But Gas Lines Are 60 Cars Deep, and a Message to NYC Marathon Organizers

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This really doesn’t have much to do with professional wrestling because right now, in Long Island and New York City and all along the Northeast, there are just way too many people still with no power and no heat, and now, no gas and dwindling food supplies.

True story: My wife woke up at 3 am this morning and got on the local gas station line that already ran 17 cars deep. She was able to fill up after 1 hour, and by 4 am there was a line that ran 60 to 70 cars deep.

So please excuse me for not doing a wrestling column at the moment, because this shit is real, and scary, and, well, really scary.

I am one of the LUCKY ones. I now have power back as of last night, we don’t have kids or senior citizens to tend to, we can afford to wake up at 3 in the morning and scout out the local gas station, our train service is back up and running, and hell, we even went back to work this week.

And not a minute goes by that I don’t appreciate what I have and what I didn’t lose. A tree fell on my neighbor’s house, luckily no one was hurt. But trees in other towns and on other streets DID fall on people … and killed them.

The flooding destroyed homes and killed more people.

The folks who misused their generators blew their own houses up and in some cases, blew themselves up.

Fires and flooding aside, there is just devastation everywhere, and we all have our stories, and we’re all in cranky moods on top of it all. This leads to guns being pulled on the aforementioned gas lines, and riots breaking out over Brooklyn shuttle buses, and people who are hungry and scared and displaced or even homeless becoming increasingly starving and frightened and left feeling hopeless.

In some areas, it’s not as bad as you see on the news and in the pictures. In others, it’s exactly that bad and even worse.

And they wanted to run a f***ing marathon on top of all this shit? REALLY?!?!?!

Here’s my message to the marathon runners and the marathon organizers who thought it was important to run their stupid race while so many people are ravaged all around their precious 26.2-mile route: Too f***ing bad. Maybe you can take those three gigantic gas-fueled generators you were going to use to keep the media and the runners warm to, I don’t know, help heat 400-plus homes or something.

Before I go, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has checked in with me this week. Your support and kind words are much-appreciated, and you can always reach me at cbpulse@4sternstaging.com.

I promise to get back to Rasslin’ soon — CB.

CB is an Editor for Pulse Wrestling and an original member of the Inside Pulse writing team covering the spectrum of pop culture including pro wrestling, sports, movies, music, radio and television.