Anderson Silva Says He Thought He Was Paralyzed After Latest Back Injury


Following his most recent injury, Anderson Silva thought he was paralyzed.

The middleweight who is in Rio de Janeiro training for his fight against Nick Diaz, fell to the floor after a recent workout and could no longer feel his legs. He was placed on a stretcher and taken to a local hospital for evaluation.

“I couldn’t believe when I felt that back pain,” Silva told Veja Rio. “I thought I was going to be paralyzed.”

After undergoing various tests in the hospital, including MRI, CT scans, and blood tests, it was reported that Silva had suffered a bout of lumbago – a pain in the lower back that impacts approximately 40% of people at one point in their lives.

“I couldn’t move or feel my legs and feet,” said Silva. “I was scared. I had never experienced anything like that before.”

Silva was discharged the following morning and was cleared to train again ten days later.