Forever Heel: Story-lines, Gimmicks, and Pure wrestling.

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Wrestle Kingdom has ended, and while New Japan is neat I’m left with the feeling of being out of the loop. This is like when I was a kid, and my friends were always liking music that I never heard of. The younger IWC guys seem to want just pure wrestling, and no bunnies? For God sake, it’s a bunny. I loved watching Adam Rose attack that bunny.

I cover the opinions of mostly Facebook guys, and seedy back alley wrestling message boards. These guys demand pure wrestling, and no gimmicks. This is horrible for me. I watch wrestling because of the storylines and gimmicks. Pure wrestling sounds like more of a MMA thing?

I have a few New Japan tapes (with sub-titles), and there’s plenty of story-lines and gimmicks in New Japan. NWO Japan actually outlasted all American versions. Nothing says gimmick like a rogue heel faction that would have no idea what to do if they won, and the company really was renamed NWO Japan. These “pure wrestling” fans believe Japan is bastion of pure wrestling. They must have miss guys like Mr Pogo, and General Monster?

I’ve actually never seen a pro-wrestling federation without storylines, and gimmicks. Stew Hart was a great pure wrestler, but he knew fans didn’t pay to watch him put Lord Bleers in a series of headlocks for 30 minutes. Stew knew that pure wrestling was respectable, but the fans wanted to watch him wrestle a bear. Guys like Boris Malenko used to get his false front teeth knocked out every night by various faces. He was a great wrestler, but knew it wouldn’t be enough for a face just to pin him. Boris needed to lose teeth dammit.

There has also been a lot of complaints about dusty finishes, and a lot of fans don’t know what “buried” means. I have never heard of a major fed, or major Indy fed that has had every match end clean. The guy that loses isn’t getting buried. Rock lost a million times, and he was constantly pushed and we always believed he could win every match. Nobody is ever so far buried that they can’t come back. Even Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn came back. It wasn’t a major comeback, but that was because creative had nothing for them.

So when you’re watching Prince Devitt Vs Kenta, you need to ask yourself, “How are they going to fit The Bunny in this?”

Heel of the week: Seth Rollins

Top heels that looked dumb with short hair:
5) Undertaker
4) Triple H
3) Raven
1) Edge

CH Punk comes from Beverly Hills, California; but considers himself a citizen of the World. Punk also turned heel at age 5, after receiving a LJN Iron Sheik figure for Christmas. On that day he vowed he would stuff his Sheik figure up Hulk Hogan's nose, to ruin Hulkamania. By 1995 Hogan had already ruined it without CH's help.