Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers: Daily Recap 07.29.2015

News, Spoilers


Another boring day in the Big Brother house, but nevertheless, here’s a recap of everything important that went down in the Big Brother House from 8:00 AM BBT on July 29th, all the way through 8:00 AM July 30th.

WARNING: Spoilers below (duh).

Vanessa tells Shelli there’s no going back, and that Jason has to go now that they’ve stabbed him, he’ll never forgive them.

Vanessa tells Austin and Liz there better not be any funny votes tomorrow, and that they better stick to their word. Austin says he’s worried about tomorrow’s HOH being endurance, and that Jackie and James could pull it off.

Austin tells Liz that getting Audrey out was a mistake, because it made him the target.

Becky tells Vanessa, Shelli, and Clay that if she won HOH, she’d put up Steve and Austin and backdoor James.

Be sure to check back for more live feed recaps here on Inside Pulse.