Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers: Daily Recap 08.03.2015

News, Spoilers


Here’s a recap of everything important that went down in the Big Brother House from 8:00 AM BBT on August 2nd, all the way through 8:00 AM August 3rd.

WARNING: Spoilers below (duh).

Houseguests get up for the day, and are told the POV ceremony will begin shortly.

James confides in John that he doesn’t know if he should leave the noms the same.

James has not used the Power of Veto. Either Clay or Shelli will be evicted this week.

Shelli cries to Clay. She says that two months is such a long time to be separated.

Shelli tells Vanessa she’s doesn’t want to, but will campaign against Clay. Vanessa says he’s going to convince Steve to save her and bring him into an alliance.

Vanessa, in an attempt to use reverse psychology, tells Liz and Austin that Clay thinks he has all the votes to stay. Austin: “No way. Not happening.”

Who do you think will leave the BB house this week? Vote now:

[poll id=206]

Be sure to check back for more live feed recaps here on Inside Pulse.