CH Punk’s Temper Tantrum Over Dean Ambrose & The Brand Split

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Dean Ambrose the face of WWE Smackdown Live

It’s obvious that The Brand Split has failed again. In six weeks WWE has decided that SmackDown is the B-show that doesn’t matter. Vince somehow noticed that a universe is bigger than a world. Bill Watts has known this since the 70’s.

I’d watch SD if I thought something exciting would happen, but it’s just the “Let’s Punish Ambrose and Make Him Irrelevant” brand. It’s not talent’s fault if they don’t get over because Vince and Creative micro-manage the entire storyline and feud. Ambrose’s ideas are actually listened to more than 98% of guy’s there, and they still neuter him over petty shit.

If you don’t know Ambrose was on Steve Austin’s podcast. Ambrose looked real bad, but I blame Austin for that. Steve is reaching his “out-of-touch” years, and refuses to understand that current talent isn’t allowed to get themselves over. Every aspect of a wrestler’s life is chosen by WWE now, and older talent has never worked in this structure. To Austin, you supposed to put on a good show any way you can. That doesn’t work for WWE anymore.

Ambrose also made the mistake of telling us that Brock didn’t want to do anything special during their Mania match. It was a disappointing match, where Ambrose was squashed and looked weak. The comments made Brock look like his in it for a paycheck. Brock’s entire gimmick is that he’s in WWE for the money. It’s no mystery that he lives that gimmick in real life, but WWE is angry that Dean brought it up, so they’re making him boring for now.

Stone Cold could not get over in today’s WWE. He’d just be some generic heel, similar to Miz, or heel Ziggler. There’s nothing in the WWE that made pro-wrestling cool to watch. People are embarrassed to watch it again because Vince McMahon doesn’t like pro-wrestling. He never cared.

Don’t worry, my next column won’t be as bitchy. We’ll see what the future holds.


CH Punk comes from Beverly Hills, California; but considers himself a citizen of the World. Punk also turned heel at age 5, after receiving a LJN Iron Sheik figure for Christmas. On that day he vowed he would stuff his Sheik figure up Hulk Hogan's nose, to ruin Hulkamania. By 1995 Hogan had already ruined it without CH's help.