Credit: and Alan Wojcik
The crowd was smaller than last week. Jeremy Borash told the fans this Saturday morning Victory Road weekend tickets would go on sale at TNA Wrestling’s website.
TNA Impact matches to air October 8th:
The show began with a video recapping the Naturals win over Daniels/Storm, AJ Styles’ victory and Vince Russo’s mini-tournament to crown a number one contender for NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett.
Match One: Winner advances in the Victory Road mini-tournament, Jeff Hardy defeated Abyss. This was a definite mismatch in ring styles but it worked. Hardy’s plancha to the floor backfired as Abyss caught him and rammed him into the ringpost. Hardy recovered in enough time to stop Abyss from using the chain and turned it around on Abyss. Hardy got hit with the Torture Rack drop but fought out of a second one but missed the Swanton. Abyss went for a chokeslam but countered into a rolling cradle to get the win.
Scott D’amore got into the face of Larry Zybzsko about Team Canada wanting to be the number one contender’s to the NWA World Tag Team champions. Zybzsko told D’amore that Team Canada would have to earn the shot like all the other teams. A vignette about the returning NYC’s played. As the next match which involved the NWA World Tag Team champions Christopher Daniels and James Storm was introduced, D’amore came to the ring and held up the introductions long enough for Team Canada (with a new member named Wolfie Silverstein who is here due to Johnny Devine being out injured) to attack the champions. Chris Harris and Elix Skipper ran out to save their respective partners but it took 3 Live Kru to run off Team Canada.
Match Two: AJ Styles defeated Roderick Strong. A ROH match for the TNA fans. Strong showed why TNA should sign him to a contract. Styles and Strong went at it full steam. Strong countered out of the Styles Clash so Styles hit the Scorpion Death Drop.
A vignette to hype Williams/Styles at Victory Road and a Roddy Piper teaser played before and after the commercial break.
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper made his debut at the Impact Zone to make an announcement of some sort concerning the Victory Road PPV. Piper bragged about all the people he has been in the ring with and how great TNA’s free speech is. Piper talked about his legendary Piper’s Pit segment and on November 7th there will be a special guest in his presence. Of course Piper wouldn’t tell who the guest will be.
Backstage AMW and XXX decide to organize and fight together against Team Canada.
After the commercial Shane Douglas talked to NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett about “the Outsiders” Jarrett wants to bring to Victory Road. Jarrett said they needed to trust him and not Russo. Jarrett proclaimed TNA his world, Planet Jarrett. A short vignette played to hype Raven/Brown match that happened right afterward.
Match Three: Winner advances to face Jeff Hardy next week for the Victory Road title shot, “Alpha Male” Monty Brown defeated Raven. Raven came out wearing a straight jacket and a new skirt. Early on Brown seemed to frustrate Raven so he went to the floor for a folding chair that Rudy Charles kept taking away from both men. The fight went into the crowd through chairs and finally back to the ring where both men had their chance to win the match. Brown took three kneelifts to the face but kept coming after Raven by attacking the ribs and kidney region. Raven hit a superkick and went for the chair but Charles got caught in between both men and got injured. Raven hit his drop toe hold on the chair but Brown kicked out of the pin and hit the Pounce to move on. As the show ended Jarrett and Hardy came out! onto the rampway to stare down Brown.
Borash told the fans there will be a 20 man X Division gauntlet match at Victory Road. Tim Welch came out to take over ring announcing duties. As the ring crew setup for Xplosion they did the contract signing for this Saturday’s match in downtown Orlando involving Dusty Rhodes and Russ Rollins as they will take on Jeff Jarrett and Johnny B. Badd. Jimmy Hart and Johnny B. Badd came to the ring as the fans chanted “We Want Sable.” Badd claimed last week he took Rollin’s dignity and would take his woman and life at the event. “Triple R” Russ Rollins came out to the ring next and said he was ready for the match. Hart called Rollins and the rest of “the Monsters in the Morning show” a bunch of losers. This prompted Rollins grabbed Hart but Jeff Jarrett ran out and helped Badd powerbomb Rollins through th! e table as Dusty Rhodes was on his way to the ring.
TNA Xplosion matches to air in syndication:
The same opener that played for Impact played to open Xplosion.
Match One: 3 Live Kru defeated Ryan O’Reilly, Scott Passer and Jorge Casano who fell victim to the triple team leg lariat. After the match a 3LK vignette played.
Mike Tenay and Don West spoke about the controversy between Vince Russo, Dusty Rhodes and the championship committee which led to a video on last week’s meeting behind closed doors. Tenay then did an in ring interview with Larry Zybzsko. Zybzsko addressed the Victory Road PPV, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk and Vince Russo who Zybzsko and Tenay said isn’t in attendance. Rhodes came to the ring to confront Zybzsko. Kid Kash came out to the ring to confront Dusty Rhodes about Rhodes’ comments on Terry Funk. Kash and Rhodes went at it, Dallas joined in the fight until Ron Killings came out to defend Rhodes. After the commercial West and Tenay talked about the Jeff Hammond “Six Points of Impact” that didn’t air in the building for the fans.
Match Two: Frankie Kazarian and Michael Shane (w/Traci Brooks) defated Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts. This was a rematch from the last TNA PPV and the subsequent Impact. Clark went for the 630 splash but Shane cut him off which led to a Superkick as Kazarian swept out Clark’s feet to get the win.
A Sonjay Dutt vignette played and when the show came back from commercial a Jeff Jarrett vignette played followed by Monty Brown who spoke to Shane Douglas about next week’s big match with Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy mini music video played once again.
Match Three: Sonny Siaki, Amazing Red and Chris Sabin defeated Alex Shelley, Vordell Walker and Masao Inoue.
Shane Douglas interviewed Team Canada and AMW/XXX before and after the commercial break. On next week’s Impact Daniels and Storm will take on Team Canada for the titles. Somehow the rightful number one contender’s the Naturals have fallen off to the side.
Match Four: America’s Most Wanted and XXX defeated Team Canada. Team Canada was on the defensive early on until a slip up allowed them to work over Daniels for several minutes before he tagged out to Chris Harris who countered out of the Canadian Destroyer. D’amore hit Harris in the back with the hockey stick/flagpole as Harris went for the catatonic but Storm traded places and hit Silverstein with the superkick for the win. After the taping ended AJ Styles ran out and attacked Petey Williams while AMW and XXX fought with the rest of Team Canada around the ringside area for several minutes.