The Overlord’s Corner 2.0


Ah, another week, another trip to the Corner, and another strip. I hope you’re all enjoying the syndicated strips here at The Nexus. The response has been positive so far, and all your comments are most welcome.

As I’m sure you can all imagine, it’s pretty hectic around here with the upcoming Holiday short at hand so I’m gonna keep this pretty short.

144 Anima Presents:
Infringements Part 1 by Daron Kappauff

This week’s strip is the first of a 5-part series. Barring any unforeseen crashes, we’ll be running the 5-parts back-to-back. If you want to comment on this strip you can do so through email or on The Nexus message boards.

The Nexus

As most of you know, I don’t normally get behind and promote a book unless I think it’s something that will appeal to everyone. Also it has to be a pretty damn good book, i.e. GOTHAM CENTRAL.

Well as it turns out, there is a fairly new book out there that is deserving of this kind of attention. It’s a smart and well paced book featuring a criminal prosecutor who is fed up with dangerous criminals getting off and walking free because of a technicality and whatnot. In turn, this prosecutor procures some equipment from a police evidence room and hits the streets, taking justice into her own hands. She finds rather quickly though that the life of a superhero is not all about glory, and that there are can be some VERY serious consequences.

Now, though this sounds a bit familiar (at least I’m sure it does to those of you familiar with Daredevil), and though they have a similar driving force to do what they do, the comparison ends there.

Oh, by the way, the title I’m talking about is Manhunter:

For those of you who haven’t tried the book, I honestly can’t recommend this title enough. Manhunter is one of those few titles that comes along that just captures you with the first issue and doesn’t let go.

In the coming weeks, the Nexus will be doing a bit more to promote this very deserving book. There aren’t many titles that we really get behind and recommend that everyone should read, but Manhunter is definitely one of them.

Well, that about wraps it up for me today. If you have any questions about Manhunter you’d like to have answered, or if you have a comment on this week’s strip please feel free to email me. As well, if you have a comment on Manhunter you’d like me to post and respond to next week, send those my way as well.

From the entire staff here at The Nexus we hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas (or whatever holiday you’ll be celebrating in the coming days), and make sure to check in with us through the weekend as we continue to bring you updates as normal…that’s right The Nexus is open 24/7/365.

Daron Kappauff