Romo\'s World: 24 – 3:00pm – 4:00pm


The fan favourites are back for another live recap of 24. Coverage will start at 9PM Eastern.

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Hey Hey Hey. Murtz Jaffer and Matt Romanada are joined by a special guest, Russ Montgomery.

Murtz: I am expecting a big episode tonight.

Romo: I agree.

Russ: I wonder, why doesn’t Kiefer go back to Young Guns part 3? Knowing the bullet from Pat Garritt’s shot only hit him in the chest.

Murtz: As long as I get a lot of Almeida I will be happy. ALMEIDA SON!!

Previously on: Navi promises his wife and son will be dead by the end of the day. Heller sets up sting. Jack and Tony capture Powell who gets killed by sniper. Edgar alerts them to Marianne being the leak.

Murtz: Heller looks like a mutated golf ball

Russ: He was in Payback

Romo: I wonder if Marianne is dead?


Curtis goes to talk to Driscoll. He yells at her that he knew Marianne was trouble. Driscoll tells him that Division will be dealing with the whole Marianne leak. Curtis wants to talk about leaving out some of the details for Marianne.

Driscoll tells him to go ahead and adjust Marianne’s files.

Murtz: That was wicked

Russ: What a tangled web we weave

Heller talks to the President about Marianne. Heller tells him that the meltdown will happen within the hour.

Murtz: Where is he (the president) flying? He has been on the plane for like 4 hours.

Jack calls Driscoll and tells her that Powell is dead and his cell phone has calls to Marianne.


Navi knocks on a door. A woman answers. He says he is looking for Dina. She tells him that Dina is not there. Navi forces his way in. Some white dude comes out of the bedroom. He threatens Navi. Navi pulls a gun on him.

Murtz: SHOOT Him, DO IT, DO IT! Yeah where is your macho attitude now.

Navi doesn’t shoot him, The woman begs him not to tell her husband. Navi tells her that she disgusts him.

Behrooz helps his mother, they are in a hotel it seems. A call comes she tells him not to answer.

Murtz: One of them will turn back, probably Behrooz.

CTU traces the call made to the cellphone Behrooz was holding. Driscoll gives Jack the location.

Almeida tells Jack that he is gonna go. Jack tells him he needs him.

Murtz: ALMEIDA SON! It’s not even a decision. Get in the car

Russ: It’s so he can be memorable


Behrooz wants to get help for his mom but she refuses to let him go. N

Dina looks like she is gonna pass out from the pain.

Behrooz wants to go see Hasim, Dina’s brother to get pain medication.

Back at CTU. Driscoll tells Heller they have a meltdown.

San Gabriel island has a meltdown. One of the reactors exploded.

Romo: Wouldn’t they be dealing with the nuclear agency not CTU?

Heller tells the guys at the plant to evacuate. The guy at the plant tells him that they have been exposed

Russ: That is why he looks to bad

Murtz: He still looks better then Heller

Russ: Nuclear exposure may make Heller look better.




Curtis and Heller discuss the evacuation procedures.

Fox News reports the meltdown at San Gabriel Island

Murtz: I think the key to the show will be when Behrooz pulls the Anakin and goes to the dark side

Edgar calls his mom who lives near the reactor. She has not evacuated yet. Edgar is upset and is going to try and make some calls to help her.


Audrey comes in.

Murtz: She is SO Hot!

Russ: Yeah I agree.

Audrey talks to her dad about how he is holding up. Heller says that they do not have the manpower to handle this crisis.

Jack and CTU show up. The CTU guy says Tony is not authorized to be in the field. Jack tells him Tony is coming with him.


They move in to go after Dina. Behrooz is not in the room.

They open the door. Dina tries to shoot herself but a CTU guy stopped her. Jack pins Dina and pushes in her wound to get her to talk. One of the CTU guys tries to stop Jack Almeida stops him.


Jack calls Erin and sends her fingerprints of Dina.

Jack talks to the CTU agent to give Tony a break.

Tony tells Jack that Dina has a bullet wound.

Behrooz sees the meltdown while at the hospital. Hasim comes out to talk to Behrooz. He tells him that he needs pain medication.

Hasim calls someone.

Murtz: He is with NAVI!

Hasim did call Navi but he is not involved. He tells Navi something is going on. Navi tells Hasim that Behrooz may be taking drugs. He tells him not to let Behrooz go.

Murtz: He is taking drugs! That is the best line of the year.




Edgar talks to Audrey

Murtz: Oh the glasses

Russ: The glasses are hot

Murtz: Glasses son! Glasses

Russ: she needs pigtails.

Murtz: I like the hair up and then pulled down. School teacher fantasy

Edgar asks Audrey to help his mother.


Tony is ordering guys around.

Jack tells Almeida the info about Dina.

Driscoll tells Jack that Homeland Security about calls they have monitored about why Dina may have been shot.

She plays back the call Behrooz made to Dina.

Jack goes into talk to Dina.

Romo: He is vicious when interrogating

Murtz: Look at Almeida!

Russ: Does Kiefer just talk about bad movies he made to break them?

Jack starts to prepare for the interrogation.


He asks her how long she has been planning that. He tells her that 100,000s will die.

She says every way has casualties and that there are no innocents.

Murtz: this is a wicked scene

Jack tells Dina he knows she protected Behrooz from his father. He tells her he knows what it is like to know what it is like to have child threatened.

He tells her that he will save Behrooz

Murtz: this is a rare time he has used good cop

Murtz: Look at Almeida he is carrying this interrogation.

Romo: By doing nothing?

Murtz: exactly.

Jack tells Dina he can get her and Behrooz a pardon if she helps him get the override control before another meltdown occurs.

She asks to see the document

Murtz: Have some morals woman!


Commercial time. Murtz gets excited about a Survivor ad.

Romo: Is it sad that 3 grown men are spending Valentines recapping 24?


The President talks to Jack about the pardon. Jack tells him that there isn’t a choice. They don’t have time. 5 reactors are going to go critical in 2 hours. The President agrees.

Russ: There goes the re-election

The President tells his aide to make sure the agreement is non-binding.

Audrey tells Edgar that they can’t get his mother. Edgar tells her that if his mother were rich or a politician they would save her.

Murtz: I want him to turn just cause of that.

Edgar calls his mom and tells her that he can’t get anyone to help her. Edga’s mom tells him that she knows what to do.

Romo: She is gonna off herself!!

Edga’s mom tells him that she wants to end things on her terms. She doesn’t want to go through radiation sickness.

Russ: That’s what I would do.

Edga’s mom tells him that she loves him and that he is special.

Murtz: Wow this is wicked TV

Edgar starts to cry.

Edgar is leaving and Driscoll sees him. He tells her about his mother and doesn’t care about what she needs. She tells him that she needs him to do his job. She threatens to put him in jail. She then says what would his mother want.

Edgar agrees that she would want him to help the others.


Murtz: I think they are gonna send a helicopter to save his mom

Jack talks to Dina about where Behrooz is. She calls Behrooz at hospital.

She tells him that things have changed. She tells him that government agents have found her but things will be all right. She tells him she made a deal and he will not get in trouble.

Romo: Oh he is going!


Dina tells Behrooz to go with the men who are coming to pick him up.

He agrees. They will meet in the emergency room.

Murtz: Almeida, share the cool.

Russ: I hope next episode he has a leather jacket.

Behrooz tells Hasim he has to go. Hasim stops him from leaving. Behrooz tells Hasim that his father is a terrorist. Behrooz finds out that his father is coming to the hospital.

Berhrooz runs.

Russ: Father dead. I am calling that.

Murtz: I think the kid goes with the father.

Behrooz runs into his dad in a hallway. Hasim is behind him.

Navi shoots Hasim. Behrooz and Navi flee down the stairs.

Navi “You broke my heart Behrooz.”

He pulls a gun on him. Behrooz tells his dad that mother will tell the police everything.



Murtz: WOW! Almeida Son!

Murtz: You broke my heart Behrooz. If that isn’t Valentines Day I don’t know what is.


Navi is dragging Behrooz down more stairs. Behrooz yells for help.

Jack is outside the hospital. They know something is wrong.

Jack finds a security guy and he tells him that a pharmacist has been shot.

Jack tells CTU that Navi is here and orders a lock down of the building.

Murtz: The ending is going to be so good

Navi and Behrooz reach the parking lot. Behrooz tells his dad that he hates him. He tells him to go to hell.


CTU close in on garage. Jack is going down the stairs.

Jack shoots at car

Murtz: I think he shot Behrooz.

Navi gets out of car and has Behrooz between them. Navi drags Behrooz while Jack follows.

Navi and Behoorz are in the stairwell. Jack has backed off. Navi is in the basement of the building.

Tony wants to negotiate. Dina tells him that he won’t negotiate. Dina says that if they won’t save her son she will not help them.


Murtz: the ending was weak.

Russ: How do you think Navi will get out of the basement?

Murtz: I think he will negotiate and then eventually kill himself.

Final Comments

Murtz: Behrooz should have Anakined and Almeida Rules!

Russ: I am just happy to have a roof over my head tonight and be in a room with two sexy guys.

Romo: I am disappointed Jack didn’t torture Dina. I like when Jack hurts people.

Well that is it for this week. I will come back and edit things later. Hope you enjoyed the comments.