[WWE] JBL Gets Married Over The Weekend


This is the blurb in the New York Times:

“The bride, 35, will continue to use her name professionally. She is an executive director of CIBC World Markets, part of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and works in New York, where she analyzes the stocks of financial institutions. She appears regularly on ‘Cavuto on Business,’ a Fox News program. She graduated with honors from Brown. She is a daughter of Barbara Gentry of Key West and Richard P. Whitney of Annapolis, Md., and a stepdaughter of Chisholm Gentry. The bride’s mother retired as an executive recruiter in Washington. Her stepfather, also retired, was a freelance writer. The bridegroom, 38, is the World Wrestling Entertainment champion, competing under the stage name John Bradshaw Layfield. He is also known as JBL, a character patterned after the wealthy oilman J. R. Ewing on the television show ‘Dallas.’ He is also the host of ‘The John Bradshaw Layfield Show,’ a syndicated radio show that covers current events. The bridegroom’s previous marriage ended in divorce.”

Credit: NY Times

I like Comics, Wrestling, Super Mario Bros & Dead Space. Oh ya, and Scott Pilgrim.