24 – Recap – 11:00PM to 12:00AM


Hello again everyone. 24 returns and hopefully it clear up if the President actually died last week. While to some that may be the most important story line to me how Tony Almeida acts towards the cheating, lying Michelle and her lover Bill is what I am looking forward to seeing.

Check back at 9PM Eastern.

Refresh for updates.

Things are about to begin. Matt Romanada is here with Murtz Jaffer, Rob Purchase and special guest Mat Lecompte.

Another way too long previously on.

Murtz: I love Mitch Anderson.

Rob: Oh yeah.


At CTU over the speakers Air Force One is declaring an emergency. Michelle is scrambling to dispatch search and rescue screens.

Rob: Look at those multiple Almeida shots, I love it.

It seems that Air Force One is still alive but is going down.

Murtz: Come on Mitch take another shot.

Romo: yeah why isn’t he taking another shot.

AFO disappears off radar. Chloe says Air Force One is down.

Jack runs into CTU. He gets updated on whats going on. Jack is gonna try to contact Secret Service guys on the plane. One of the SS guys responds, he says they are done he doesn’t know if the President is dead. He says there may be some survivors.

Murtz: The son is dead, the president is alive.

The VP is talking to one of the aides.

Murtz: The VP is in on the hit. WRITE IT DOWN!

The aide says even if the Prez is alive they have to swear the VP into office.

Bill gives CTU a briefing about what happened. The status of the president is not known. Michelle starts to give instructions.

Romo: Almeida is giving them the death look.


Jack goes over to talk to Michelle but Audrey comes in and says that there is a higher issue than finding Marwan. They need to recover the nuclear football, it contains the codes and locations of America’s nuclear arsenal. The Secretary of Defence wants Jack to head up finding the football.

Audrey is feeling guilty about what happened to Paul. Jack tells her to block it out, she says she can’t do that.

Rob: I hope Edgar explodes.

11:09 Mojave Desert

There are some campers getting out of their tent because they heard an explosion.

The campers see flames and move towards it. They sport the downed plane. They see luggage and debris. The guy looks at the wreckage and notices that the plane is Air Force One.


break time.

Rob: Oh man I wanted them to see the President’s mangled corpse.


Bill and Almeida discuss what is going on with the VP and the cabinet. Tony is not liking taking orders from him. Bill says he notices some hostility, he asks if it is because of him and Michelle.

Mat: That chick left Almeida for that old guy?

Bill tells Tony that nothing really took off the ground between the two of them off work because she still has feeling for him.

Rescue people send a video feed to CTU and it’s a mess inside the wreckage.

Rob: Mangled corpse, mangled corpse.

The rescuers find the son, he is dead. They find the president, he is alive,

Romo: Damn!

Rob: That is god damn horseshit.

The VP seems pleased that the President is alive. Bill tells him that he is not in the shape to lead the country. He tells him that she should invoke the 25th Amendment.

The aide tells the VP he has already notified the cabinet about the VP taking control. This is the same aide who screwed over Palmer in the past.

Murtz: This guy is in on it.


The campers find the football. They are trying to get cell reception. The guy thinks he knows what the briefcase is.

Romo: Bullshit that he knows what this is.

He wants to call the right people.

Jack calls Audrey.

Romo: She looks bad in those glasses.

Jack wants her to know that he does care. But he doesn’t have a choice.

Rob: I f#$#ing hate Audrey.

Tony gets a call and tells Jack that he has a call from the guy who found the football he patches it through to Jack. The guy’s name is Jason.

Rob: this is where Anderson is gonna come.

Jack tells him that he is 20 minutes away from it.

Jason tells Jack that there are headlights headed towards him. About 5 miles away. Tony tells Jack that no one is headed that way.

Jack tells Jason that someone involved in the terrorist attack may be coming to him. Jack tells him to remove the transponder and get away with the football.

Jack instructs the guy on how to find the transponder by using a compass.

Murtz: Anderson is gonna take one of them hostage in exchange for the case.

Rob: I hope its Marwan.

Jason has found where the transponder is. Jason is scratching the area. The vehicle is getting close. Jason and his gf make a run for it


The truck stops. Marwan and some other guy there. Marwan asks why they have stopped. The other guy says that the transponder signal has died. Marwan instructs him to find all cell phones in the area.

Murtz: Marwan is a champion.

Jack tells Jason to go towards an abandoned power station and not to use his flashlight.
The guy finds Jason’s cell signal and Marwan asks what is near there? They see the power station is close to the signal. Marwan says that whoever has the football is headed there.


break time.

Rob: What is going on with Anderson?

Rob: Almeida Son! He is gonna bang Michelle by the end of the show.

Murtz: It’s a matter of where not when.

Rob: It will be under Edga’s desk while he is eating some Chicken.


The two campers get to the power station.

Murtz: I want Marwan to get the football so bad. How can you not root for the terrorists?

They break some glass and enter the building. The girl asks if they are in any danger.

The guy sees two jeeps driving up. He decides he has to call Jack. Jason tells him that two jeeps are there.

Jason and his girl move into the interior of the building.

Almeida patches into the schematics of the facility to Jack. Jack tells Jason where to go in the building.


Marwan enters the building.

Rob: Harris Barnes son.

Murtz: I am such a Harris Barnes fan.

Some henchman shoot and Jason and his girl. The goons chase them. Marwan tells them to flush them out.

The campers are running through dark damp hallways. Marwan hears the helicopter.


Jack and CTU roll out of the copter. They move into the building.

Jason calls Jack and then shots go off.

Jack starts to shoot into the building at the guy shooting at him.

Jack tells Audrey he needs the code for the football. One of the agents has been killed.

The campers keep moving and the henchman are chasing.

*76114 is the code. So if you ever are in control of the nuclear football that is the code.

Jack tells Jason to type that code in. It opens the case. Jack tells him to take the playbook out of the case. The two need to separate one with the playbook and one with the case because they are useless apart. Jason does not want to leave his wife.

Rob: Who is gonna die?

Murtz: The guy.

Rob: Yeah the guy.

Mat: Jack is gonna take the wife.

The campers kiss and then separate. She runs off.


break time

Rob: as I said before I am not gay but the only man I would have sex with is Almeida.

Mat: The only guy I would have sex with is Shaq. He would be giving.


Jack is outside and up to some sketchy stuff. He puts some bullets in an empty can. He takes his lighter and lights the impromptu grenade.

Murtz: MacGuyver grenade.

It made the sound of gunfire but Jack has moved. He shoots the guy


Jason is running around.

Murtz: I want Marwan to get the shot.

Jason sees Marwan but hides. One of the henchman captures Jason, he calls over Marwan. They take the case. Marwan opens the case. He asks Jason where the control panel is. Jason says he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Marwan shoots him in the shoulder. Marwan asks again and he repeats his answer. Marwan shoots him in the knee cap.

The wife sees everything, she calls Bauer and tells him that Marwan has Jason.

The wife comes around the corner and tells him to stop. She tells Marwan she has what he wants. He demands he let her husband go. Marwan points the gun at Jason’s head. The wife relents and Marwan promises not to kill her. She tells him its behind the pillar.


The case is locked. She gives the code to Marwan. Marwan hears a noise. Marwan goes to walk away and then tells the henchman to kill them.

Mat: He is gonna get smoked by MacGyver.

Jack comes out and shoots the henchman. She tells Jack they have the football. Jack tells her not to worry she has been good.

Rob: Yeah right.


break time


Murtz: Big ending, big ending.

Jack chases the jeeps. He calls for air support and tells them to take the jeeps.

The helicopter hits one of the jeeps and it rolls over.

Jack shoots at people inside the jeep. He tells them he cannot see the football in the vehicle.

Jack has found the briefcase amd tells air support to go after the other vehicle.


Jack tells Almeida that Marwan got away but they got the football. Jack tells him that everything seems to be there. He realizes there are some pagers missing.

The VP is hanging around with other suits.

The aide is talking to some other guy saying the VP will be ready. A call comes in and it turns out the 25th Amendment has been passed. The aide wants the VP to go on TV and make an address to the nation after the signing takes place.

The VP moves towards the press conference.

Jack gets a call and Audrey tells him that the section missed has the warhead locations and the activation codes.

The VP swears on the bible.

The aide gets a call. He tells the VP that the football has been compromised.

The VP makes a weird face.


Final Comments

Romo: This episode was too quick and there were not enough breaks. I am kind of annoyed by the amount of different plots going on in this season. Deep down I am more interested to find out if Almeida screws Michelle than if Marwan blows up a major US city.

Murtz: It has been a week of ups and downs for the Murtzinator. One thing that has remained constant has been my pulse rate, amplified by this episode. While the President will probably soon die (probably at the hand of the Vice-President) we all know that the rightful ruler of the free world will be wearing a Boston Red Sox hat tomorrow night, Mariano Son!

Mat: Tonight Kiefer employed his finest, his best, MacGyver capabilities, smoking the terrorists in perfect timing as to save the lovers worthless little lives. He should have killed them too.

Rob: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The road has been paved for Almeida to get the loving he deserves, however the actions of the mysterious camping couple make me cheer for the terrorists. Marwan son!