The following is from
Aaron has asked me to issue the following statements on his behalf as he hasn’t extended access to a computer at the moment. A commentary from Aaron addressing the issue of his release in his own words will be coming next week. Firstly, Aaron wishes to thank all his fans for all the support he has received following the news of his WWE release. While disappointed he is still on good terms with the company, and John Laurinaitis has promised once he is medically cleared to wrestle WWE will give him another look.
Thanks also need to be sent out to the Vince McMahon, Carlito, Jim Cornette, Lance Storm, John Laurinaitis, and especially Tom Prichard for signing him and Tommy Dreamer for help getting him on the road, with his surgery and rehab.
With regards to his injury and the rumours online his career is in jeopardy from it, that is incorrect. His rehab going really well and Aaron should be cleared to return to the ring and begin taking bumps in around a month. His neck is feeling great and the only nagging problem he has is regaining full strength in his left arm.
Things are looking good on the booking front as well as he has already had discussions with CMLL, Triple Mania, All Japan, Zero-1 Max, Hustle and the New Japan Dojo in Santa Monica. Carlito (Colon)is also currently talking to his father about bringing him to Puerto Rico. Plus, Aaron is working as a trainer for UPW’s Ultimate University.
So fans of the Hardkore Kid, don’t be down. This is just a set back that Aaron is going to bounce back from stronger and better than ever.
Posted by James Ryder (webmaster) on 4/15/05