Remote Destination


So, I finally saw the last episode of Boy Meets World. Dude, I so didn’t expect for it to touch me like it did. It was a nutty feeling. I really did get a sense of closure. It’s crazy enough watching people grow up right before your eyes, but it’s even nuttier to catch it in like super speed by watching it on ABC Family every day.

That last scene with Mr. Feeney was almost too much to handle.

(One day I’m going to have to actually catch a series finale when it airs the first time, and not years later.)

What I Watched Last Week

Arrested Development – Television shouldn’t be allowed to be this funny. What a hilarious season finale. I really hope that we don’t lose both David Cross and Franklin, because I love them so much. I’m honestly in awe of this program. It’s funnier than anything on right now.

The Office– This is a pretty funny show. I’m a sucker for aloof white bosses who presume racial stereotypes are true. I think what I dig most about the show is the awkwardness. It’s kind of stilted, which makes it unique. It’s not gut busting funny, it’s more of a kind of uneasiness funny. But c’mon, when, outside of HBO, is single digit episodes considered a “season?”

Law & Order – I finally got a chance to see the Black cop catch a bullet (last week’s episode). In all honestly, I’m way out of the loop when it comes to L&O. The last time I watched regularly, Jill Hennesey was still a cast member (I departed around the same time she did), so watching the lack of familiar faces was a bit odd. But I figured I’d have to watch this one to understand Trial By Jury

Law & Order: Trial By Jury – Now this is a show that I’m feeling. The DA’s are interesting, the cops are familiar (from HBO and Showtime), plus there’s not all that baggage from the other shows on the franchise. I mean, except for this week.

Deadwood – Mr. W caught a mean beatdown. It wasn’t pretty at all. And he just took it, like it wasn’t anything new to him. He’s got some issues. So does Jane, as she looked a bit worse for the wear this week. Sol is getting to be more interesting, but he’s still pretty two-dimensional.

It was nice to see Al’s relationship with the girl addressed, if only to remind us of when Al was the “bad guy” on the show.

The Shield – This season is shaping up nicely. I’m worried about how Aceveda’s storyline is going to end up. I’ve got a feeling he’s going to take his “role play” too far. I do like how racial politics are playing into what’s going on this season, with the seizures. I appreciate how Julian, Aceveda and Claudette view Monica’s actions as “a white woman dictating how to protect people of color.” It’s a natural storyline and I like how it’s escalating.

I also appreciate how Julian is always torn. First he was torn about his sexuality, now he’s torn about his role in the community. I’m also finally digging Anthony Anderson as a heavy. I couldn’t really take him seriously as a villain, until he beat up Shane and Army, and killed Angie. With that scene I finally respected him as a heavy.

The use of the car cameras has been excellent. From Dutch getting his Duran Duran on, to Shane sweating bullets, their usage has been one of the things that I didn’t see coming. (cont’d later in the column)

The Simpsons – I love Professor Frink. I dig the “glimpse of the future” episodes. But mostly I’m just glad that Homer finally realized his dream of living “under the sea.”

Scrubs – Is this show the only haven for the cast of Ed? First Tom Cavanaugh pops up, now Josh Randall appears. I’m not going to lie; I was giddy when saw the commercial for the episode. And the actual episode didn’t disappoint.

Band of Brothers – I managed to catch the last two episodes of this miniseries. It was some of the best television I’ve seen in awhile. It was touching, endearing, tragic, heartwarming and heart tugging all at once. It was the perfect end for such a powerful story.

I’ll even admit; I got choked up a few times in those final two hours. That was some great television.

Greatest Show Ever”¦this week – 24

Ok, so the old “new President is dead, and his successor is a laugh riot! He’s such a chump, it’s comedy. I was riveted to the TV when he was on. I kept wondering, “how’s he going to manage to put his tail between his legs this time” and he never once disappointed. He was so entertaining in fact; I don’t remember what else happened in the past two weeks.

Oh yeah, Jack went rogue, for the umpteenth time. Michelle and Tony are about this close to getting back together. Chloe is still way too blunt, and Edgar’s testicles appear to have finally dropped. Jack really needs to drop the dame. But the new President is the star of the show.

The Shield cont’d

I will admit it; if I was a cop, I would pocket money seized from busts. I think that’s why I’m not much of a fan of the direction that Vic is taking this season. I don’t want to see a tamer Vic Mackey. I want to see a dirty @ss Vic Mackey. That is the drama lies.

My roommate and I got into it, because I kept calling Vic a pansy and said I’d rather have Shane as a partner. Yes, Vic is smarter, but right now he’s also much more boring. Shane is in the streets getting dirty, while Vic is trying to clean up his act.

Part of the allure of Vic was the fact that, not only did he push the boundaries, but he broke the law. Violating someone’s civil rights is one thing, but actually stealing money and trafficking drugs is another. If I want to watch a show about cop who uses questionable tactics to get an arrest, I’ll watch one of the Law & Orders. I want to watch a show about a guy who has questionable ethics. And that’s why, at this very moment, I’m siding with Shane over Vic. Yes, Shane is a scuzzball, but he’s not worried about rules and regulations, like Vic is. Vic is just barely better than Dutch at this point.

Entourage is Back? Really?

Apparently Entourage is returning for a second season in a couple months. I’m surprised. I guess the show was much more successful that I imagined, thought or realized. I’ve never seen such a quick turnaround for a HBO program.

I guess I’m really surprised, because I didn’t think the show was that spectacular. It had its moments; but for me, for the most part it was trying too hard.

Eh, what’re you gonna do? I just hope that Carnivale comes back.

Wacky Family Ties

Last week I proposed the following scenario;

Good News; it’s time for a family gathering. Bad News; your drunk uncle is there and causing a scene. Good News; it’s not a funeral. Maybe it’s a wedding. Maybe it’s a reunion. Maybe it’s a police line up. I don’t know, the point is your family is getting together. Bad News; long lost family members are crawling out of the woodwork, including someone who bears a close resemblance to you.

So would you rather have an Identical Cousin or a Long Lost (and possibly Evil) Twin (or in the case of Aaron Cameron, a Triplet)?

Colin was the first to chime in;

I think the former is the choix du jour. Identical cousins are something I’m not unfamiliar with; my aunt and her cousin look quite alike. But I had a “Bizarro Colin” at York U a few years ago. I built this great rep – well, a rep anyway – and people liked me. The year after I left there was a new (and decidedly not improved) Colin that was about. He was a creepy mormon, and I got the feeling he was tarnishing my name by being “the Colin” and others not liking him. So no evil twins for me.

Joe Reid had a difference of opinion;

So, I’ve either got an Identical Cousin or an Evil Twin, huh? There’s debate to be had on both sides of the issue. For one thing, identical cousins genetically should not exist. Which means either someone’s momma was fooling around with her brother-in-law (and thus an ideal opportunity for blackmail), or you’re both legit, which means you could charge top dollar for geneticists to find out why you two look so much alike.

Still, I’ll take the evil twin for one major reason: In any TV show or movie with an evil twin, the twin at first isn’t evil to his doppelganger. No, the evil twin first takes care of the good twin’s enemies. Your boss hassling you at work? Suddenly, a “you” with a scar on “your” cheek shows up and gives him the business end of a staple gun. You’ll get a good six months before ol’ Evil gets tired of smiting your enemies and eventually turns on you. And what a fine six months they will be!

As for my answer, as much as I love Patty Duke, I dig Tomax and Xamot more. With identical cousins, you aren’t guaranteed that cool “twin telepathy.” Granted you aren’t guaranteed it with twins either, but I think your odds are better. I also dig the “creep out” aspect. Of course I’m thinking more of the twins from The Strays and Dead Ringers. I’m going with identical twin. Plus think about all that wacky “nature vs nurture” stuff that could be cleared up by having a long lost twin.

Good News/Bad News/Question of the Week

Good News; you’re a robust adventurer. Bad News; your penchant for adventure takes into some pretty dangerous locales. Maybe it’s out space. Perhaps it’s unmapped parts of the globe. Or maybe it’s even other dimensions. The point is; you’ve got a nose for adventure. Good News; you’re about to set out on another trip. Bad News; you’re about to be lost.

So would you rather be Lost In Space or in The Land of the Lost?


Coogan enjoys both Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives and thinks they should break up. Oh, you’ve got to read the column.

Coogan also asked you five questions last week, I hope you answered them.

Carlos offers a scathing opinion of SNL.

Gloomchen fills you in, in case you missed this week’s The Shield. It’s honestly almost as good as watching the show itself.

Oh and don’t forget to say Happy Birthday Matthew Michael!


Joe Reid has some really bad news; Ben Affleck is directing a movie. What’s worse is that the guy is still an Oscar® winner. Isn’t there some way the Academy can take it back? After that stinker of a holiday flick he made last year, I’m avoiding Alias just to keep away from anything remotely associated with Affleck. Except of course Project Greenlight which makes him look like an a$%.

But back to Joe, picks on poor Yahoo Serious and questions Mel Gibson’s motives. He’s also got an enlightening Blog going on, which is where I get all my news from. If it wasn’t for Joe I’d have never known that I got passed over for Pope”¦again!

Aaron apparently works in The Office. He also managed to take a jab and Method & Red. Keep those coming Cam because they’ll be out of fashion four months ago soon.

Greatest Video Ever”¦this week
Nu Shooz – I Can’t Wait

Whoa, this video is a trip. It takes such disparate images as magnets, tools, dogs with sunglasses, knickknacks, dentures and the deconstruction of objects and manages to create a masterpiece. Or maybe I was just sleepy. Either way the video is as trippy as the song is simple.