24 – Recap – 3:00AM – 4:00AM


Well after last week’s fantastic episode can 24 keep it up? What will the consequences be for Jack’s raid on the Chinese Consulate? Will Michelle cry in a corner now that she knows Tony is shagging another girl?

Hopefully we will find out the answer to all these questions at 24 returns at 9PM Eastern and InsidePulse continues its life coverage.

Things are about to start.

Previously on:

Rob: Do you ever notice that Edgar never gets his own previously on?


The doctors continue to do surgery on Lee. Jack tells them he only needs him cognicent for a couple of minutes.

Curtis calls Jack out of the room.

Audrey is crying, Jack goes over to talk to her. He apologizes. She says, “How could you?” over and over. He hugs her, she pulls away as she says she can’t be near him. He reaches out and touches her shoulder.

Romo, Rob, Murtz: HAHAHA

He walks away as she is still crying.

Rob: Reach out again.

Audrey tells him to leave.

Bill tells Jack to call the White House. Jack tells Bill about what happened with Paul. Bill tells him he did the right thing. Jack tells him he is not ok.

Jack calls Novak and he gives him the update of Lee’s health.

Novak tells him about the consular being shot. Jack says his men never fired a weapon. Jack is told to tell him to tell his team members to get an alibi of where they were during the raid.

Chloe sits awkwardly at a computer, she is hunched.

Chloe tells Bill that there is something wrong with the network, someone has hacked in. Bill tells Chloe that they don’t have time for her personality disorder.


Marwan calls a brown guy who is at the launch site.

Novak talks to Palmer about how Logan will find out about the raid on the Chinese consulate.

Palmer says they have to reconstruct a scenario where it takes blame off the Americans. He suggests calling CTU about Chinese extremists and get info to implicate them.

A Chinese guy is looking over the security footage. One of the CTU guy’s masks comes off. It’s a white guy but its not clear who it is. They reconstruct the image. It is just some random guy. The leader orders the picture be sent to China to be Id.


Jack calls over Curtis. There is a white guy there, it’s the guy from the picture. Jack tells them to get an alibi for tonight. The guy on the picture is getting worried about what could happen to them.

Romo: I love how they bring in some random dude to blame.

Marwan is in some warehouse and talks about their plan.

He calls some white guy in Iowa who is running the show there. He says they can run the launch sequence once he is ready reprograms things on his end.




Bill tells Jack that when Lee get awake they will have to move fast. Jack is talking to Chloe and she starts to ask about how his and Audrey’s relationship must be over. Jack “Chloe, please”

Audrey asks if Lee is alive. Jack tells her that he is.

Curtis does a run down about the Iowa situation. They are trying to figure out where in Iowa they are.


At the Consulate some guy comes to the head with the id of the guy in the video, its Howard Burke. He picks up the phone to call CTU.

Michelle picks up. Chung Dao the head of security says he wants to come over to discuss what is happening. He wants to come over now. She says this is busy. He says the murder of the consulate could be considered an act of war.

He implies that CTU was the one involved in the raid. He threatens to go above her head to someone higher up if she doesn’t help. She tells him she is busy.

He calls the Secretary of State.

Jack tells Audrey they some data from DOD. Jack tells her to get some rest. She refuses and says she can’t.

Bill tells Jack about the security heads call.


Jack tells him he needs to check on Lee’s condition.

Novak tells Palmer about 5 groups of Chinese extremists who may be useful as possible patsies. Novak says he will leak it to the media. Logan comes in and is pissed at Palmer about the covert operation against the Chinese Consulate.

Logan is really angry and Palmer tells him to calm down. He tells him that it’s a dirty business.

Murtz: Hit him, hit him.

Rob: Go work on the morning address




Bill is getting CTU on its toes about getting the missile.

Michelle tells Tony and Bill about how the secretary of state just allowed the Chinese security head over to CTU.


Almeida and Michelle talk about how to handle the visit.

Rob: Time for a quick boardroom tryst.

Michelle and Tony talk about how Audrey and Jack are falling apart in just a matter of hours.

Tony turns to Michelle and says, “I hate being without you.” She says she never wanted it to be this way but there is a call. The security guy is there.

Murtz: That guy is already there?

Rob: Apparently everything happens within 15 mins of the CTU.

Curtis welcomes him, Jack comes out in a suit.

Jack and Bill are in the boardroom. The Chinese guy knows about Jack and assumes he would be the right guy to lead a covert action. He busts out the picture of Jack’s CTU guy. Jack tells him about the group called PSC whom they believe did it.

Jack looks out the window and he sees Burton just outside. Jack sets his phone off and says they have information about Marwan so he leaves. He calls Chloe to tell her to get Burton away on the helicopter immediately. Jack takes Burton away up, he didn’t think a camera could see the split second his mask was off.

Curtis tells him that Lee Jong is ready to be questioned. Jack starts to question Lee about Marwan. Lee says he knows where Marwan might be, Jack is annoyed with the might. He thinks Marwan has probably been moving around. He says there are 3 locations, the last being a factory on 6th street, the other two he mentioned CTU has already found.

Jack tells Chloe to make sure Curtis is on it.


Break time.

Rob: Not enough Harris Barnes, although that Tony scene was the best.

In honour of that scene the boys break out in song.

Rob, Romo, Murtz: How do I live without you?


Curtis goes to talk to Audrey and tells her the Chinese consular guy, she is now Jack’s alibi. She is not sure she is comfortable with lying.

Rob: She is gonna f$%k it up.

Audrey looks at the timeline send to her by Edgar which she is supposed to lie about.


Audrey asks what is going on. Jack tells her that she has to stick to whatever story Bill has come up with. Audrey is pissed that she has basically broken all the rules for what. Jack tells her yeah it is working, going through the list of ways he has saved America today.

Audrey enters the boardroom and talks to the Chinese guy, Chang. He goes over the hours her and Jack were up to. Audrey is lying good, the guy is not really buying the fact that Jack was looking over files.

He talks about how Paul passed away at the same time. He does not believe that she would leave her husband on his death bed to work on data processing.

Jack gets a call Palmer. He is en-route to get Marwan. Palmer asks about the security chief who is at CTU.


Palmer tells Novak to tell Logan that Chang has to leave CTU now. Novak will try to get the President to do that.

Novak enters the Prez’s office. He tells him that they need to order out Chang. Logan is more worried about being at war with the Chinese then the 10 million American who are in danger.

Logan is pissed that Palmer and Novak have basically taken control. Novak offers to ask Palmer to leave. Logan backs down and tells Novak to call Bill to tell him to escort Chang out of CTU.

Rob: Logan is the biggest disease on the American government, what a loser.


break time


CTU vans start to move into a dark alley

Murtz: I want some twist, maybe bring back Jack’s daughter.

Jack tells Curtis to order all teams a go.

Bill is escorting Chang from the building. Almeida interrupts and tells him Jack’s team is about to go after Marwan.


Edgar walks by and Chang stops him. Edgar does not want to talk. Chang asks about Audrey being with Jack. He stalls, Chloe interrupts him.

Chang calls his co-hort who now knows Bauer was involved.


Marwan is inside and tells him to start the sequence; it’s a 4 min countdown. Marwan gets ready to leave.

Murtz: I think Marwan is going to be captured.

Marwan and his henchman move out. Shots ring out, the henchman goes down. Marwan flees.

Curtis moves in. Jack tries to flank him.

Jack is behind Mawan. Curtis and Jack have him at gunpoint. Marwan says he is too late. Jack shoots him, its not fatal but he goes down. Jack is about to shoot him in the head but Curtis tell him that he still needs him

Curtis is on the computer he sees a missile. Jack calls Tony and tells him they have a live feed of the warhead which is on a missile.

Romo: I wonder if they will bomb Canada.

It is counting down, 57 second.

Tony is trying to trace the transmission.

Chloe says it looks like a forest area.

Rob: Haha

Murtz: Best line ever.

Chlose can’t find the location..

11 seconds..left.

Marwan has a smirk on his face.

1 second”¦and the missile if off.
