'Big Brother 6' Spoiler : Howie's Eviction Choices


At first, Howie had the perfect plan: put up two of the Cappy Crew, and bet on someone winning the Power of Veto. When the veto was won, take down one of the ‘decoys’, and put up James. Cappy’s Crew and the Sovereign 3 would vote together to evict James. As long as the PoV was won, James would go home. If the veto was not won, one of Cappy’s crew would go home. It was beautiful, and Rachel agreed.

But, somehow, Maggie and April convinced Howie to put up both Sarah and James for eviction. Maggie made a deal with Howie, that if he makes this move, then Cappy’s Crew will target Sarah next week, giving them a ‘week free’ of eviction.

At the end of the week, the numbers would stand with Ivette, Maggie, Beau, April, Jenn (and Eric, if he wins America’s Choice), against Janelle, Howie, Rachel (and Kaysar or Mike if they win America’s Choice). Sarah will more than likely go over to Maggie’s side.

Any way you slice it, this week’s nomination choices will create a gap in numbers between Howie’s side, and Maggie’s side. At least a week of watching Sarah and James panic might be entertaining.