Riding Coattails: It's All About Control


You know you’re obsessed with a show (or anything else) when you start dreaming about it. This morning, at approximately 6:00 AM, I awoke from an argument with April in which I told her that no one in the house respected her and that if she expected any sympathy for going from 108 to 102 pounds on the PB&J diet, she surely wasn’t going to get it from me. In my dream, I also fended off advances from Howie and declined to see Beau-Beau’s packaged goods. I also lost to Kaysar and Janelle in separate chess matches and was evicted and asked to go pick up ten cartons of cigarettes for the troops.

Was this dream the sign of a sickness? Is Big Brother causing me to lose my mind? I’m not sure.

What I do know is that anyone who can go half a day without eating, drinking, peeing, or sitting down surely deserves HoH, so Jennifer’s victory was well-earned. I anticipated that the competition would rage for several hours, but I never guessed that it would go on as long as it did, nor did I expect that it would take up the whole show. Well, practically the whole show alternating with flashbacks. Still, given the unusual nature of the episode, I have a few lingering questions:

1. What the hell was Beau drinking?
When he took his hand off the button and opened the box containing martini supplies, I gasped with excitement, as I am a huge fan of martinis (gin, please). However, since the box contained no ice, I couldn’t see how one could make a proper cocktail. Plus, Beau appeared to be drinking a red liquid–what was that all about? Did the set designers get confused and slip in a bottle of sloe gin rather than the real thing? And what was up with the glassware? Half the fun of martinis is sipping them from elegant stemware. I don’t mean to be a snob, but those were not martinis. Still, whatever they were, they contained enough alcohol to make Beau sufficiently entertaining for viewers and pretty much unbearable for the other people in the box.

2. Why was everyone so bitter when Janelle won the Netflix package with the plasma screen TV?
Maybe I was smoking crack, but I don’t think she was allowed to enjoy her prize until after leaving the house. Plus, since so many see her as a threat, her days are numbered. Ivette in particular was fuming at Janelle’s win, but I thought, “Sweetie, keep your eye on the big prize.” I know Ivette also wanted to get HoH to make her loved ones proud, but she certainly didn’t hold back in her jealous rant over Janelle’s winnings. I don’t think Ivette will win the game, either, entertaining as she is, but if she would shut her mouth and chill out, she could win enough cash to buy plasma screens for herself, her girlfriend, and anyone else she cares about.

3. Did the scene in which everyone was checking out Beau’s johnson have to go on for as long as it did?
Maybe I wouldn’t have minded so much had I not been watching the show with my mom and sister in the room.

4. Does anyone else out there really believe that James suddenly saw the light during the HoH challenge and stepped down because he realized that his motivation to win was fueled entirely by revenge?
I’ve never thought that James was any better or worse, morally speaking, than most of the other people in the house. He’s been made out to be the villain and, by winning so many veto competitions, has proven that he’s a tough competitor. But as he stood there, sniffing Sarah’s scarf and thinking about how much he loved her, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he dropped out. I’m a romantic and would have liked nothing better than to see James persevere for his woman. On the other hand, I stated in a previous column that I sometimes felt as though James was more interested in winning the game than staying together with Sarah. She thinks he’s the one, but it’s not clear that he feels the same way.

5. How could Kaysar have been so easily fooled by Jennifer?
True, he didn’t know that her tears toward the end of the competition were manufactured for dramatic effect, but why did he believe Jennifer when she promised him that she’d put up two people from her own group in order to “backdoor” James? People haven’t been very good about keeping their promises thus far in this game, so either Kaysar was hallucinating from his full bladder and empty stomach or he was truly convinced that she wouldn’t do him wrong. I was delighted to see Kaysar walk back into the house this week, but I have to say that his performance in the HoH competition, while an impressive second, wasn’t quite enough to give him the security he needs to stay in the game. I don’t think he’s in any immediate danger, since everyone is so obsessed with kicking James out, but I was surprised by how gullible he was being.

I can’t wait to see the fireworks that are sure to erupt on Tuesday’s show, as nominees Rachel and Janelle stormed off after the eviction nomination ceremony and Kaysar looked as though he wanted to mash Jennifer into a pulp, spread her on bread with some peanut butter, and feed her to April. Sweet little Jennifer, who has been fairly quiet until now, took the house guests by surprise with her aggressive move at the end of the show. I had a feeling that she had a few cards stashed up her sleeve and was riding out the first few rounds of evictions before flashing her hand at the others. It’s open season now, and I think she put herself in harm’s way. The consequences should be interesting to watch.