'Big Brother 6' Spoiler : Double Eviction Complete Details, Including 2nd HoH, Noms, & PoV


We finally have all of the details for what went on during the last 48 hours in the Big Brother House. Here’s the quick and dirty.

First HoH: Janelle
Nominated: Maggie & Jennifer
PoV Winner: Janelle
PoV was used to save: Maggie
Replacement Nominee: Ivette
Evicted: Jennifer, 5-1 vote

Second HoH: Beau
Nominated: Howie & Rachel
PoV Winner: James
PoV was not used.

Beau won another question-and-answer HoH Competition, using a point system for correct answers, elimination for wrong answers. Rachel and Howie were out early in the game, with the last three standing being Maggie, James and Beau. A tie-breaker was used between James and Beau. Both had two points, while Maggie didn’t have any. Beau came out the victor after buzzing in first and correctly answering how many metal puzzle pieces were in the Living Room wall sculpture.

Details of Beau’s Nominations can be found here.

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