You Complete Bar Steward! – 10.31.05

You Complete Bar Steward! 10.31.05

The last of the old-school editions of ‘You Complete Bar Steward!’, were taking a look at the “Long Island Iced Tea”, and a “Rusty Nail”.

Slammer of the Fortnight – Rusty Nail
Difficulty Rating: 1/5
Taste/s: Sweet-ish, Old

25ml Blended Scottish Whiskey
25ml Drambuie

1 x 50ml Shot Glass


Easy. Pour both shots over ice into a old fasioned glass. It’s not really a ‘Slammer’, more of a gentlemens drink, which is to be sipped whilest talking about the state of the weather, the price of fish these days, and how back in your day people were treated with respect.

A Hamburger walks into a bar…
… and the bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food in here.”

Cocktail of the Fortnight – Long Island Iced Tea

Difficulty Rating: 2/5
Taste/s: Slightly Fruity, Thirst-Quenching
Colour/s: Faded Brown

Light Rum
Lime Juice
Dash Coca-Cola

4 x 50ml Measures’
Cocktail Shaker

Served In: Highball Glass

1. Pour a shot of each ingredient into a Cocktail Shaker.
2. Add a dash of Lime Juice, then shake.
3. Add a Dash of Cola into the Highball Glass, pour in contents from Cocktail Shaker, add another Dash of Cola, then serve with a twist of lime & lemon.

A guy walks into a bar…
… sits down and hears a small voice say, “You look nice today.” A few minutes later he again hears a small voice, “That’s a nice shirt.”
The guy asks the bartender, “Who is that?” The bartender says, “Those are the peanuts. They’re complimentary!”
Awesome joke…

Last Orders…

That’s another fortnight edition that’s come to a close… thanks for checking it out.

If you have any questions, queries, comments or general feedback, just drop me an email. Also, if you’ve tried a cocktail or drink that you liked (say, for example, when you were out on the razz one night) but can’t remember exactly what’s in it, give me a shout and I’ll try to find out what it’s called and what the correct ingredients are.

Until next time…


Danny Wallace.

Disclaimer: Any drinks you see on here are solely intended for your drinking pleasure. Danny Wallace, InsidePulse and any associated companies are in no way responsible for your actions once these drinks are consumed. If you, like I’m sure Ian Burnside found out, consume a fair amount of Guiness, and your shit turns black, don’t blame us.