The NeelDown iMPACT Zone


The NeelDown iMPACT Zone – 12.31.2005 and 1.01.2006

– I never let the troops down which is why I took the time out of my busy holiday season to present you with the iMPACT Zone for both the Christmas and New Years/New Years Eve specials.

12.31.2005 tapings

From the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida

Hosts are Mike Tenay and Don West

– Opening Contest

Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown v. Kenny King & Sharkboy
The heels dominate on the outside to start until Sharky hits Jarrett with the VICIOUS SHARK BITE ON THE ASS, then hits him with a pair of missile dropkicks. However, Monty POUNCES King and Jarrett Strokes Sharky for the double pin. For the record, JJ has new tights, black ones with the blue JJ symbol. You would think he would have at least changed since the record setting IC champ days.
Winners: Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown
1/4*, being generous of course for giving Sharky time on the New Year’s Eve special and for giving him a couple of moves of offense.

– Meanwhile Jacky Gayda ants her money or she will make Jarrett’s life a living hell. With all the Samoa Joe noise lately, I don’t think she’s the only one.

– 2005 highlights include the Spike debut and various finishers.

A1 v. Rhyno
Rhyno gets his usual stuff to start and dumps A1, then hits a crossbody. Surely enough, there at ringside somebody has an “A1” sign. Some how I don’t buy that one. A1 gets a neckbreaker back in for two, before getting destroyed and hit with the GORE.
Winner: Rhyno
-***, for continuing to give no credibility to the non-Petey Williams faction of Team Canada and for giving Rhyno another squash to waste time.

– D’Amore hits Rhyno with the Canadian flag which of course he no-sells but Abyss comes out and chokeslams + Black Hole Slams him.

– Replay of the best f*cking promo ever, the funeral of Team 3D. And no matter how many times I see the replay, it never loses its thunder. Best promo of 2005 without a doubt.

Roderick Strong v. Samoa Joe
The Prince of Punk is on the set again. When exactly is he going to debut, again? Joe tosses Strong around for a while, but Strong gets a big kick and backbreaker then fires off with chops but Joe comes back and hits the Muscle Buster and chokes him out for the win.
3/4*, good for the little time it was given, which of course wasn’t much.

– Highlights of Christian Cage. Lambert must be having a field day with this.

AJ Styles v. James Storm
Storm works on a headlock to start but Styles hits a textbook causing Storm to take a breather. Styles gets a headscissors back inside and scoop slam followed by dropping the knee. Storm reverses a move out of the corner and hits the Eye of the Storm. Storm follows with a knee lift and attempts the superkick but Styles catches it and hits the Pele Kick, with special emphasis from West that it is so unpredictable. Styles gets the slingshot inverted DDT for two. Storm gets a jawbreaker and sets Styles up top but gets fought off. Styles gets a crossbody from the top instead. Gail Kim springs in with a huricanranna on Styles but gets caught, allowing Storm to nail him with the beer bottle for the win.
Winner: James Storm
***1/4, just a good solid wrestling match although the goofy ending with the bottle again I wasn’t so impressed with.

– Former arch-rival Chris Daniels is out to take Style’s side. This sets up Larry Z coming out and making Daniels and Styles versus AMW for the tag titles at the 12am New Year’s special. Could this be a prelude to the X division tag titles that Jarrett and Tenay were toying with? AMW attack until Christian makes the save and says that the faces will win the titles and the big announcement will be the next big roster signing. Gee, that couldn’t be the one they have been showing hints of for weeks in and out, could it?

End of show.

The NeelDown: This New Year’s Eve special was full of squashes followed by a solid main event, but nothing worth catching the replay for unless you need a healthier alternative to Nyquil.

The TNA New Year 2006 Special

– Opening Contest

The major announcement on the big roster signing is… Sting. I never saw it coming, did you?

– Christian calls out JJ who attacks, finishers are countered, then things turn ugly. AMW, Team 3D, Monty Brown and probably more interfere.

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels v. America’s Most Wanted – Tag Team Championship Match
Harris beats Daniels down to start until Daniels gets some hip tosses and a nice kick. Styles and Harris brawl and Styles gets a dropkick. Daniels and Styles get a double clothseline dumping AMW. Settled back inside Daniels and Styles get a double suplex and Daniels gets a split leg moonsault on Storm for two. Storm with a cheap shot from the apron and he gets tagged in. Storm works on Daniels on the outside and rolls him in to Harris who gets a long delayed suplex for two. Storm comes in and they keep Daniels isolated in their corner. That GameTap does look promising actually, although I’m not going to waste browser space with that free two month trial. Daniels catches Storm with a modified F5 and makes the hot tag to Styles who cleans house. Storm drops Style’s neck over the top rope, but on the outside Daniels holds AMW together and Styles takes them both out with the flip dive. Back inside Harris gets his finisher but it only gets two. Harris bumps the ref with a forearm, the moonsault misses, Storm hits him with the superkick, Styles grabs him and hits the Styles Clash. SHANNON MOORE invades and gives AMW the pin to retain the titles.
Winners: AMW
***1/2, everyone knows how I feel about the annual f*cking interference endings. Seeing Moore beat down Styles and Daniels just gave me a sick feeling in my stomach too.

End of show.

Happy 2006 everybody.