Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II – Recap – Episode 5


Last week, Danny and Jodi fought, which led to Danny facing Alton in the gauntlet after the “veterans” won the challenge. Danny got his butt kicked and was sent home. So here are how the teams look going into tonight’s episode….

The Veterans


Robin (Real World: San Diego)
Montana (Real World: Boston)
Beth S. (Real World: Los Angeles)
Aneesa (Real World: Chicago)
Katie (Road Rules: The Quest)
Julie (Real World: New Orleans)
Jisela (Road Rules: The Quest)
RUTHIE (Real World: Hawaii) (Team Captain)


DERRICK (Road Rules: Xtreme) (Team Captain)
Timmy (Road Rules: USA Tour II)
Adam (Road Rules: The Quest)
Mark (Road Rules: USA Tour I)
Ace (Real World: Paris)
David (Real World: Seattle)
Syrus (Real World: Boston)
Brad (Real World: San Diego)

The Rookies


Jamie (Real World: New Orleans)
ALTON (Real World: Las Vegas) (Team Captain)
Adam (Real World: Paris)
Randy (Real World: San Diego)
Landon (Real World: Philadelphia)
MJ (Real World: Philadelphia)
Jeremy (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Danny (Road Rules: Xtreme)


Jo (Real World: San Francisco)
Cameran (Real World: San Diego)
Susie (Road Rules: Down Under)
Cara (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Ibis (Road Rules: Xtreme)
Jillian (Road Rules: Xtreme)
Jodi (Road Rules: Xtreme)
KINA (Road Rules: Xtreme) (Team Captain)

Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II – (Episode 5)

Cue the music..cue the entrances..cue the cool water scenes where
everyone comes up through the water to the sur face and they are dry as a
bone! Those were the veterans and now the rookies are already on the beach
and they fight it out…

We open up to a party at a local bar. Yay! Jodi explains to us that she dated Mark and doesn’t think he is the same person now or something. He said he loved her and all of that. Mark explains that they dated three weeks and wasn’t serious with her. She just needs to get over it. Jodi is upset and gets pulled outside by Susie and Aneesa. Jodi sees Mark and Robin together and it upsets her. Susie tries to tell here that she is a great person, etc. Now we go to the bathroom, which has microphones and we hear conversations but don’t see what is going on. Susie tells Jodi not to worry about Mark. He’s old..move on!

Beth pulls Robin outside and tells her that Jodi told her about Mark. Robin already knew this, though. Beth says she is not trying to stir things up, but Robin already knows. Apparently, she didn’t know that Mark said that he loved Jodi, which Jodi told Beth. And Robin doesn’t believe her. She doesn’t believe that Mark said that.

Now we go to the bus and Jodi tells Mark to go “f*** himself”! She is upset about Mark saying that he loved her and all of that. Now Mark talks to Robin and says he doesn’t care about Jodi. As long as Robin is cool..he is cool. He only cares about Robin. Robin tells Mark that Jodi is crying, because he said that he loved Jodi. Robin and Mark lived together and blah, blah, blah. Robin doesn’t want to look at Jodi. Mark says forget the past and deal with the future and the present. Mark gets pissed off and punches the ceiling of the bus. He wants to get off the bus. He yells at the driver and then grabs the camera and says “I need to get out of this f**kin’ bus”! Landon tries to calm Mark down. Most everyone else is amused by all of this. Mark says this show turned into the ‘Jerry Springer Show’ in a matter of seconds. Finally, Mark gets of the bus.

Jamie now talks with Mark and a few others back at the house. He tries to shed light on the situation. Jamie says both Robin and Beth are young girls. Mark is about 20 years older than them. Okay..more like 7 or 8 years, but still that’s almost a decade! He says that Robin reacted to how Jodi felt about Mark and the depth of her emotion. He says let things cool down. Which I would agree with. Sorta stupid, but that is what you get when you date people far away from your own age!

Back to the show, it’s time for a new challenge. The clue says “are you sponge worthy?”! That comes from ‘Seinfeld’ and has sexual meaning to this challenge will probably be sexual.

Cara says the “rookies” are not going to lose another challenge. Kina says she prepares herself for every gauntlet. She calls it the “most difficult situation she has ever been in”. She then talks with Ruthie about things and Ruthie says she is a survivor. It’s all about the fight. And the gauntlet is a fight between teammates every time. If you go home!

Commercial time!

We are in the water for the start of this challenge. The challenge is called “Sponge Worthy”. They will be using sponges to soak up water from the ocean and deposit the water into buckets on the beach. There will be three groups of people: soakers, transferers, and collectors. You can’t use your hands to squeeze out the water from the sponges that are attached to the bodies of the soakers and the transferers.

The “rookies” want the same number of soakers and transferers so that there is equal chance to get water to the collectors. Also, they will put the sponges on the stomachs of the soakers’ bodies and the back of the transferers’ bodies. That way they can squeeze the water onto the transferers sponges. Sounds okay.

The “veterans” want a large number of soakers to get water. Julie says they have a crappy strategy as no one is giving any ideas. We shall see.

Time to start this thing! And yeah..there is lots of hugging and other positions as water gets transferred between the groups of people. “Rookies” take the slight lead with 20% of their buckets being full.

Jeremy calls this a very sexual challenge as everyone is humping each other and stuff. Landon uses his head to squeeze out the sponges, which just happen to be close to the girls’ butts and stuff. Cara says the whole thing is “perverted”. Meanwhile, MJ says he thinks he just had a baby with Ibis, while they where transferring water. HAHAHA! “Rookies” still in the lead.

The “veterans” appear to have a crappy strategy as Jisela says there is no transferer there to get her water from her. Cara sasys the “rookies” strategy is fantastic and it’s the most successful thing ever! I wouldn’t go that far, but they are up 85% to 75%! Ruthie says the “veterans” could work a little harder to win this thing. Syrus uses his head to squeeze out water from guys, who have their sponges on the front, close to their private parts. He hopes it’s all water and not pee! HA! Finally..the “Rookies” have their buckets full and they win this challenge!

Kina is happy she doesn’t have to go to the gauntlet. She gets a Nintendo DS as a prize! Awesome! The score is tied again. And Ruthie has to face someone in the gauntlet. Beth thinks it will be her, since everyone thinks she is sneaky and stuff.

Commercial time!

The “veterans” don’t have to think long as Jisela decides to volunteer herself. She will go to the gauntlet to save the trouble of deciding, but she will fight with Ruthie. TJ comes in to spin the wheel and it lands on “Captain’s Choice”. Ruthie wants this gauntlet to be “Reverse Tug of War”!

Gauntlet time! Alton wonders why anyone would volunteer themselves at this point in the game. It’s too early! TJ explains the rules. Jisela and Ruthie will be hooked together..facing away from each other. They must grab a flag by pulling the weight of other person towards it. Ace says that Jisela could easily win this thing, and that wouldn’t be good since Ruthie is a great competitor. Adam wants Jisela to win to weaken the “veterans” team. But this one is not even close. At the sound of the bell, Ruthie runs and easily knocks Jisela on her butt. She then just drags her along and grabs the flag! Ruthie wins!

Jodi says Jisela didn’t even look like she tried. And Kina says the same thing. And it looked like it was “too easy” for Ruthie to win. MJ says he doesn’t understand it. And TJ calls out Jisela. He says the women are disgracing the gauntlet. Both women quit. Jisela swears she didn’t quit, but she is laughing. She did quit. Montana says it’s hard to compete against people that are your friends, which may explain why the gauntlets have not been so “cut-throat”.

Aneesa is upset that Jisela is leaving. They have a strong friendship. Ace is glad that she is gone. The next “women gauntlet” will be a fight! Aneesa feels like “her girlfriend just left her”!

Time for another party! And Robin and Jodi make up. Everything is fine between them now.! Robin feels sorry for anyone getting into the way of her and Mark. Mark can’t explain his relationship with Robin. He will love her forever, but not sure it will be boyfriend/girlfriend again. She will always hold a special part of his heart. Robin says they will always gravitate to each other, but doesn’t want a boyfriend right now.

Jodi says that she is ready to move on and find that “special someone”. Alton says she will figure herself out and she will do just fine!

And we are out until next week!

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!