Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II – Recap – Episode 7


Last week, everyone had fun with body paint. Alton became a robot and destroyed Adam, sending him home! And Derrick and Brad got drunk and yelled at each other. So here are how the teams look going into tonight’s episode….

The Veterans


Robin (Real World: San Diego)
Montana (Real World: Boston)
Beth S. (Real World: Los Angeles)
Aneesa (Real World: Chicago)
Katie (Road Rules: The Quest)
Julie (Real World: New Orleans)
Jisela (Road Rules: The Quest)
RUTHIE (Real World: Hawaii) (Team Captain)


DERRICK (Road Rules: Xtreme) (Team Captain)
Timmy (Road Rules: USA Tour II)
Adam (Road Rules: The Quest)
Mark (Road Rules: USA Tour I)
Ace (Real World: Paris)
David (Real World: Seattle)
Syrus (Real World: Boston)
Brad (Real World: San Diego)

The Rookies


Jamie (Real World: New Orleans)
ALTON (Real World: Las Vegas) (Team Captain)
Adam (Real World: Paris)
Randy (Real World: San Diego)
Landon (Real World: Philadelphia)
MJ (Real World: Philadelphia)
Jeremy (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Danny (Road Rules: Xtreme)


Jo (Real World: San Francisco)
Cameran (Real World: San Diego)
Susie (Road Rules: Down Under)
Cara (Road Rules: South Pacific)
Ibis (Road Rules: Xtreme)
Jillian (Road Rules: Xtreme)
Jodi (Road Rules: Xtreme)
KINA (Road Rules: Xtreme) (Team Captain)

Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II – (Episode 7)

Cue the music..cue the entrances..cue the cool water scenes where
everyone comes up through the water to the surface and they are dry as a
bone! Those were the veterans and now the rookies are already on the beach
and they fight it out…

We start inside the house and David and Beth are talking. Beth says that she is usually NOT in last place when she gets voted off the past challenges. She is a good competitor, people just don’t like her. Beth just wants to be the “nice” girl. David reminds her of the “clothes thrown into the pool” incident. We see clips of Tonya doing that on the last challenge. David says he will watch her closely to make sure she doesn’t try anything. He thinks she will do something, because she is Beth.

The teams get a clue. “Have you been pulling your own weight?” Have you? Susie asks Ruthie and Kina if they get nervous for the “girl” challenges or get pumped up? They say it’s a lot of pressure, but they can handle it.

We go back to Beth talking about how she is good at running or something. Montana says she has had a problem with Beth before. She says Beth is the same as she was 10 years ago. “No growth except for her thighs” says Montana! Burn!

Challenge time! This one is called “Rickshaw Races”. Rickshaws are like chariots that must be pulled by team members, while others sit in them. The teams have to get all of their team members around the track first. There will be 6 drivers..3 men and 3 women. It’s a “female gauntlet” day. Since the “veterans” have two more players than the “rookies”, they have to pick 2 people, a male and a female, to sit out. Those two people can’t be voted into the gauntlet this time around.

Strategy discussion! “Rookies” discuss who the fastest runners are on the team and that those people should be the drivers. “Veterans” go with the “weight factor”. They decide Syrus and Beth should sit out at first. Montana chimes in with the comment that Beth is a great runner, though. HA! She is right, Beth said she is good at running. Beth says she is the heaviest one, though. Beth says whatever. Beth says Montana is flipping out, because she might have to prove herself. Ruthie tries to be the captain and calm everyone down. She says that if they can’t even decide who sits can they win this challenge? Beth says Montana is trying to sit out “to not prove herself.” Ruthie thinks Beth is doing the same thing. And so does Montana. I say they both are dumb and both are trying to sit out so they won’t get put into the gauntlet. I say they are both done after this little scene. Ruthie is pissed!

Commercial time!

We come back and Robin says that Ruthie is a great player, but can’t be heard as a captain. Finally, the “leaders” of the team decide to sit out Syrus and Montana. Ruthie goes to Beth and tells her to forget about what just happened. Beth says she will run, but is pissed that Montana manipulated the situation.

We start things off with Kina as a driver for the “rookies” and David as a driver for the “veterans”. TJ sounds the horn and the challenge begins! David takes off ahead and gets a head start! Ibis says that is not a good way to start.

Robin is the next driver for the “veterans”. Kina finally finishes and Alton, the robot, takes off like a madman! Jeez! MJ comments that Robin is losing steam after the first 100 meters. Robin says she is pulling a lot of weight, but can hear a train coming and’s Alton! HAHA! He just blew past her like his ass was on fire! Derrick says he hit the “turbo” button.

“Rookies” take the lead as Jodi is the next driver. Ruthie says Robin hurt the team by walking part of her leg. She finishes and Robin takes over as the driver. Katie says Beth is doing a great job at this.

Jillian is next for the “rookies” as they stay ahead. Beth says the 300 pounds she is pulling is getting heavy. She is not giving up, though. She doesn’t want it to seem like she is weak. Beth said she did a fantastic job and the other girls SUCK at running! Julie is the next driver for the “veterans”. Jillian says being a driver is hard, because if she screws up..she could be going to the gauntlet. Julie seems to be gaining ground on Jillian.

Landon takes over as a driver for the “rookies” now and he burns from the start. Timmy is the next driver for the “veterans”. He seems to be keeping up. Landon still finishes before him, though.

MJ is the last driver for the “rookies”! He says as long as he doesn’t trip or do anything stupid..they will win this one. Mark is the last driver for the “veterans”! He says that if he hustles and if the “rookies” screw up..he can catch them. Lots of “if’s” there. And it’s not going to happen as MJ does everything right. He crosses the line first and the “rookies” win this challenge. Back tied up!

David says the girls played politics before the challenge and it distracted the team from winning. Montana says she didn’t want the exception..she just didn’t want Beth to get it!

TJ gives Kina a gift card from Best Buy. She is safe. She gloats about her prize. Ruthie goes into the gauntlet to face someone. Who will it be?

Time to decide! Aneesa asks if there are any girls that need to say something right now to the team. Mark wants to know if Ruthie wants to talk, since she is on the “chopping block”. Ruthie says Robin didn’t try hard enough. She is not happy with Beth either, though. Beth says that she was the heaviest girl and should have sat out, since they did the same with Syrus. She then says that she stepped up and “kicked ass” at it. She makes a burn at Montana by saying that the “weakest girl is sitting out this gauntlet”. That makes Montana speak, of course. Montana says Beth is desperate and she is digging her own grave. Julie says that the team should look to the future and figure out who should be there at the final mission. Ace says that he will vote someone into the gauntlet, who he knows Ruthie can beat, because Ruthie is a good player.

The votes are in and TJ arrives. They have decided to send Beth into the gauntlet! TJ spins the wheel and it lands on Challenger’s Choice. Beth gets to decide! Beth goes with “Reverse Tug Of War”. Ruthie comments that it is like 2,000 lbs going against 2 lbs! HA! Beth said the team made the mistake of voting her in. She is a strong player and two strong players are against each other. One of them has to go.

Commercial time!

Gauntlet time! You know the rules. They have to drag the other person and grab a flag. TJ then asks the question of whether Beth is going to quit like every other girl has. Beth says she knows the team doesn’t like her, so she might as well quit now. Aneesa hopes she does, since Ruthie is a great player. TJ says she can’t quit. Syrus says he is not good at math or physics. But he knows that Beth, “a whole lotta woman”, against Ruthie is a bad thing for the team. Beth is not going to quit!

The gauntlet starts and both players go for their flags. Neither girl goes anywhere. Both tug away. Mark says Ruthie is crawling and scratching. She could pull this off. That is why people like her. Beth is getting closer, though. Ruthie is fighting and oh god..we get a slow motion shot..which can only mean one thing. That, of course, is Beth grabbing the flag and killing the “veterans” team! They are shocked and silent! HA! Dumbasses!

Beth says a lot of people questioned her and TJ says that she proved a lot today. Ruthie says it sucks that she lost. Timmy says this a bad thing. It’s like the heart has been ripped out of the team. Ruthie is gone! Beth yells at the camera that she is god and no one can defeat her!

Montana comes up to Beth and shakes hands. They don’t want to fight. Montana congratulates Beth. But as soon as Montana leaves, Beth makes the “gag me” gesture. Typical.

Ruthie says her goodbyes to the team and everyone is sad to see her leave.

That leads to the witch laughing that she is the captain now! Beth says she is “sitting pretty now”. Derrick says Beth being the queen is a scary thought. She better not get on a power trip or the others will put her in her place.

Kina realizes that if Beth can beat Ruthie, then someone could easily beat her and become the new captain. Beth tells Derrick that she knows that he never thought that she would be the captain. He agrees, but said she did a good job. Beth says she is a “nice and a tough girl.” “if you f**k with me..I’m going to f**k you harder!” She says Montana is the next to go into the gauntlet and she can’t wait to send her home!

And we are out until next week!

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!