Battlestar Galactica – Recap – Episode 2-12


Special Guest Star: Michelle Forbes as Admiral Helena Cain
Quote: “Some people get exactly what they deserve” – Cain, not realizing exactly how apropos her comment would be.

Instead of picking up where we left off last episode, we’re instead treated to the image of Apollo in swim trunks floating in the water. Oh, wait, it’s just a hallucination, as he’s gone EVA and we flash back “48 hours earlier”.

48 hours earlier, Starbuck and Apollo discuss Adama’s order to kill Cain. The end result is that Apollo agrees to back her up in this mission.

In the Pegasus’ brig, Helo and Tyrol are greeted by some of the Pegasus’ crewmen. Some trash talking, and Tyrol invites them to come inside. Which wasn’t a bad idea, except that the crewmen were accompanied by some armed Marines. Yep, real bad idea.

Opening Credits

So now Tyrol and Helo are tied up and getting hit in the gut with soap in a towel, because apparently getting hit in the gut leaves no visible traces of abuse. But since I’ve been hit in the gut with a lacrosse ball, I’d beg to differ. But Colonel Fisk does a run-in and saves their asses. Not that he really cares about the two of them – he only seems to care about protocol at this point.

Cain and Starbuck share a drink, and Cain lets her know that everyone faces a moment that everyone has to face a hard decision where they have to do something without hesitation, and that Kara won’t flinch when that time comes for her. Meanwhile, Lee arrives on Galactica with a courier run, and he talks with Adama about how the higher-ups resolve things.

As Starbuck suits up, Pegasus Marines (led by Fisk) do so as well, ready to transfer to Galactica. Tigh gets the bad news, as Adama fondles his breasts. He then talks to Sharon, the mother of Helo’s child, to find out why the Cylons hate the humans so much. Which is kind of funny, as when I lived in Texas, I got asked “why do Canadians hate Americans so much” a lot. Sharon, the mother of Helo’s child, answers in much the same way I did – “I’m not sure how to answer that. I mean hate might not be the right word.” And then she quotes his speech from Galactica’s decommissioning ceremony where he wonders if humans really deserved to survive, noting “maybe you don’t.”

The battle. The resurrection ship is ready for a FTL jump, but Apollo takes care of that in the Blackbird, and is subsequently hit, presumably taking us back to the cold opening. Starbuck and the fighters launch.

On the Galactica, Fisk enters the bridge with a couple of Marines, who seal the door. Meanwhile, Apollo discovers a leak in his suit, and that his oxygen supply is nearly gone, as Galactica and Pegasus give the Cylon ships a pounding. In the Pegasus brig, Baltar and Six (and brig Six) get token air time so that we don’t forget that a) Baltar is a traitor, and b) that Tricia Helfer is hot. The end result is that Baltar ditches the Six in his mind for the Six sitting in the brig with him.

And now we’re back to the scene from the beginning of the show, as Apollo is floating while Dee keeps trying to reach him. And as the resurrection ship gets blowed up real good, Apollo starts sinking into the water. And then a bright light appears in front of him. Cain’s bridge gets the good news about the ship, Brig Six says “They’ve done it” with a smile, and Apollo gets shocked back to the land of the living via defibrillator. And now that all that is done, Fisk seems apprehensive about what he’s about to do next.

Brig Six, of course, still wants to die, and Baltar has a look on his face that says “oh yeah, I forgot about that”. Starbuck is back on Pegasus, and is ready to carry out her next mission. So now, we get some byplay between Cain and Adama to rack up the tension. We get some code phrases from the old man to Starbuck, and now Cain has words for Fisk. So the end result of all this plotting is… nothing.

Back in the brig, Baltar convinces Six that she doesn’t want to die. What she really wants is justice. And I guess what Baltar really wants is to tap that for real. But, revanche before l’amour, and Six gets to shoot Cain first. But just to swerve us for a second, we’re treated to a shot of a catatonic Apollo, before getting to Cain’s funeral.

After the funeral, Sharon, the mother of Helo’s child and Helo have the kind of tearful reunion that can only happen when one of the two are incarcerated. But this does help Tyrol clue in – finally – that this Sharon is not HIS Sharon. And Roslin promotes Adama to Admiral, since noone else has the authority to do so, and because he’s now in charge of Pegasus as well. And then they kiss. Awwwww. I think I’m gonna puke now.

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).