The Eyes– Betrayal and Immunity


If no one does anything about it, Terry is going to become the next Tom Westman. Those of you who watched Palau will know what I mean. Tom sailed to victory, one of the first people to win who had, the entire game, openly been the physically dominant leader of Koror.

I’m really glad they showed us when the Immunity Idol was found. I really did not want to have to guess, and now we have a dramatic irony type of situation. Because we know for sure, and most of the players do not, and so when and if Terry becomes vulnerable we’ll know he has the Idol while someone else is plotting his demise. One thing that surprised me about the Idol was how it looked. It looked more like a Gothic keychain than an Idol, but I guess I expected it to look like the little wooden figure from Guatemala.

Speaking of Terry, how pathetic was it that La Mina (but especially Austin) couldn’t survive without him? They may be more unified than the fractured Casaya tribe, but they are hurting more in the physical survival aspect. La Mina is hurting physically, Casaya is hurting politically. Which one is worse? In this game, definitely the political.

And yet, somehow, Casaya is on a winning streak! I never, from the second episode on, never saw this coming in a million years. However, I do think it’s about to end. From the looks of the promos, Casaya is going to continue to crumble, which obviously is nothing new, but they are also going to get flooded. I think the combination of continuous political deterioration as well as the morale lowering of having your camp destroyed will be enough to cause them to lose the next challenge, and I’m predicting a Casaya Tribal Council this week.

But, before I can guess at what will happen at TC, I want to talk a little about the big question from last week’s episode, which is, namely, did La Mina make the right boot decision?

I’m going to say no. Sally may have been great in that challenge, but ultimately, I’m going to have to go with Dan on this one. Ruth Marie was a perfect fifth wheel for their alliance because I have no reason to doubt she would have been loyal to them, especially Dan. Sally? As soon as there is a switch or a merge, she will jump ship. Guaranteed. Whether you like the physical aspects of someone or not, you always need to look at the political and social first in Survivor, and Ruth Marie had something invested in her tribe members. Sally has nothing at all invested in them. She’s using them to advance three more days, but as soon as the opportunity arises, she will leave for the other tribe, leaving them with only an alliance of four. And, since, with the exception of Dan, they will all be targets as soon as the merge hits and they will be voted off. So, from my perspective, without a doubt they made the right decision. I have a feeling Sally will outlast all four of them, with the possible exception of Terry, but that’s only because I think Casaya is going to Tribal Council this week, but if I’m wrong and La Mina goes, then bye bye Sally.

So, unless something drastic happens to change things, a La Mina vote would be very cut and dry. Casaya, however, would not be. I have no idea what would happen in a Casaya vote. The preparation period would definitely be chaotic.

Courtney has been driving a lot of people crazy, so she’s definitely a contender, but the previews really emphasized Courtney, which means she would probably not go anywhere.

If the tribe is smart, they will vote out Shane. He is a total basket case, and the cause of 99.9% of the drama around the Casaya camp.

I really, truly hope it is not Cirie. She’s definitely vulnerable after the Melinda vote, but I do think she would be safe. It’s been a while since then, and the tribe has been spiraling out of control for a while. Plus, you can tell she is very smart and knows what she is doing.

Cirie is officially my favorite cast member this season. I like her more and more every episode. From the beginning, I could tell that she has a good understanding of how this game is supposed to be played. Ever since Melinda got voted out, she has done the right thing by just sitting back and watching the Nutball Alliance rip itself apart from the inside. So, while I really hope Cirie does not get voted off and know there is a chance she will, I’m going to bet she will be safe and someone else will be the snuffer’s latest victim.

As I already said, if they’re smart, they’ll get rid of Shane. If they don’t and they vote someone else off, then unless the circumstances are extreme, then they would deserve to be eliminated for making such a stupid mistake for the second time. (Except for Cirie, I want her to win the million bucks!)

So, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that, at long last, Shane will be voted out of SURVIVOR: PANAMA—EXILE ISLAND tonight.

“See” you next week!