24 – Recap – 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.


A special two-hour ’24’ gets underway at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Rob Purchase is joining me but Murtz Jaffer bailed as he was forced to work late covering the Oscar ceremonies, poor bastard.

Hopefully these two hours get things really going for the sprint to the finish of the last hours of season five. An appearance by the lovely Elisha Cuthbert would be a nice addition.

Check back in at 8 p.m. Eastern for two hours of live coverage.

Rob Purchase just arrived and said rumours have it that someone big dies tonight and it looks like Curtis is the man in danger.

Rob: If there is a God, it’s Audrey.

Romo: Or Edgar.

Rob: No way! We need him! Comic relief, Comic relief!!

Things are getting started with some annoying Previously on crap.

Romo: Rob if you had the choice to sleep with Audrey or Chloe, whom do you choose?

Rob: That’s easy….because you know Chloe is an animal in the sack.

Romo: I agree 100%


Bill comes in to check in on…. Almeida who has been concious for 10 minutes.

Rob: It’d better not be Tony who dies.

Romo and Rob: ALMEIDA SON!!

Tony is awake and has a bad cut on his face. Tony asks about his wife. Bill lies and say she is gonna be fine.

Bill tells Tony that Jack is alive, Tony wants to talk to Jack. Bill tells him to rest. Tony demands to talk to Jack.

Rob: It would be awesome if he just ripped out the tubes and walked away.


Martha and the Secret service stand around while the clean up goes on for the attack on the motorcade.

Aaron tells Martha a helicopter is on its way.

Rob: This is gonna be the best reunion ever.

Martha cries that Charles just let the attack happen. She tells Aaron that he gave the terrorists the Subarov’s.

Vladimir and his Russian cronies get the canisters ready for MAXIMUM CASUALTIES!!

He is going to use one of the canistesrs to create a diversion.

Rudy’s gfs pimp is cutting up coke with his key card. The bad guy calls and is coming over to get the keycard for a sum of money,

Logan is pissed at himself for being a loser.

Novak reminds him about the likely gas attack.

Curtis tells Bill he is heading to the morgue to get the terrorists body.

Jack calls and finds out that Bill is back in charge, he is not fazed one bit that there has been a coup.

Rob: I love it.

Chloe gives Jack, Henderson’s location by his remote connection. Jack insists in going after him alone.

Henderson is in his Mercedes, he makes a call to Buenos Aires. He asks for access to his safety deposit box.

Curtis tells Bill he found a schematic of a building they think may be the target. the time of the attack is 18:00.

They just need to find the building.

Tony get a visit from the doctor. He keeps asking about Michelle, the doctor lies and says he hasnt heard anything.

Romo: Tony is making a run for it.

Rob: Lazarus up from the dead.

Tony gets out of bed, and takes off the bandage from his face its a bad burn. but he is a tough SOB.

Rob: Badass!

Tony is sneaking around, he gets into a computer and types in Michelle’s name. He sees DECEASED!!!

Bill tries to take him away. He sees the pictures of her body. He starts to cry and has to be restrained.

Rob: oh, Tony….. now he is pissed.



Rob: I am really worried about Tony dying.

Romo: Yeah he might just off himself. Especially when he finds out the person who killed Michelle is already dead.


An army copter arrives with Martha and Aaron. Logan is awaiting a tongue-lashing.

He goes to hug Martha. She is pissed that he didn’t stand up to them, the terrorists. He tells the Subarovs he is glad they alright.

Romo: Subarov is pissed.

Subarov tells Logan they both know who is responsible then this. Logan gives Subarov the dl about the gas attack. He is asking for info and intelligence from the Russians. He says the behaviour of Martha has been troubling, from the time she entered the car.

Rob: You are f*cked Logan.

Logan tells Subarov that his wife has been under docto’s care.

Rudy gets a visit from Bill. Rudy wants a favour, he needs to make a phone call. He says he needs to call his sister. Bill says its fine and gets the cronies to give him a phone.

Rob: Rudy is going to redeemn himself.

Rudy calls his sister. He tells her he needs his keycard back. He tells her he will call the police if he doesn’t get the card back today.

She goes and asks for the card from her bf. He says he is getting $20K for the keycard.

Logan walks into see his wife. Evelyn stops him and says his Martha wants to be left alone.

Romo: What a pussy. He just cock blocked by a f*cking aide.

Martha asks for Agent Pierce.

Edgar calls over Chloe, it seems he has a match for the blueprint.

It’s a hospital. Bill gets on the horn to warn people.

Meanwhile bad Russian dude is setting up the gas canister under a hospital bed.



Rob: What is the point of the two-hour thing?

Romo: Gimmick.


Jack calls CTU and Audrey tells him about the attack on Tyler Memorial Hospital.

Jack is making a move onto Henderson’s place. He is sneaking up the back and sees his wife inside the house. Henderson is not home.

Curtis is headed to the hospital and talks to the security chief of the hospital who says it could take 2 hours to evacuate. Curtis tells him that they don’t have that much time.

Jack sneaks up on Miriam, Henderson’s wife. She is shocked, she thought he was dead. Jack asks for her husband. She is confused and doesn’t seem to know whats going on. Jack demands to see his computer. He pulls a gun on her. She is genuinely baffled and does not seem to believe Jack.

She looks at the computer.

Jack makes her move to the living room. He orders her on the couch. She tells him that he doesn’t need the gun. He lowers it and puts it away. He goes over to the computer and calls Chloe to get access to Henderson’s hard drive.

Aaron shows up to talk to Martha. She thanks him for saving her life.

Romo: She wants to f*ck him.

Rob: She is wearing nothing under that blanket.

She tells him there are not many men like him. She touches his hand. Novak comes in and asks Aaron to excuse them

Rob: He (Novak) wants a piece of the action too.

Novak tells her that Logan wants to talk to her, she still refuses.

Aaron tells Novak that nothing happened. Novak says make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Rob: That was awesome.

Curtis arrives at the hospital and gets briefed from security dude. He says they cant move 27 patients including several ICU newborns.

Romo: Wont somebody please think about the children?

Rob: Where is Audrey when we need her?

The Russian guy at the hospital calls Vlad and tells him authorities have arrived. Vlad tells him about an unguarded access area. He tells Victor he needs him to succeed, even if he doesn’t get out. Victor: “I won’t fail you.”




Audrey gets a name from Russian intel. Vladimir Bierko. They think he is the one running the attacks.

Miriam tries to convince Jack that her hubby is innocent. She isn’t listening to Jack. She tries to make him feel guilty for accusing her hubby.

Chloe finds a shadow drive, they have a phone log. He asks her for a password. She denies knowing the password. She says she can’t help him

Rob: Torture her.

Jack tells Chloe she will have to hack into it.

Curtis is shown a camera shot of an “orderly” in the sub-basement.

Rob: I am still going with Curtis as the likely victim.

Curtis and his team move to intercept the “orderly”

They get the suspects face and its confirmed as Victor Gregoran.

Victor starts to set up the canister. He is putting it near a vent and now messing around with wires.

There is a countdown, 10 minues”¦

Curtis and CTU move in on the location. They move in and Curtis shoots Victor. CTU guy tells him to come see something. They show him the canister. They approach with caution and gas masks on.

Curtis calls in the chem. response team.



Romo: It’s time for Tony to make a comeback.

Rob: He is still recovering from Buchanan lying to his face. What a bastard.


Curtis calls Bill and gives him an update. Bill orders an evacuation of downtown LA.

Chloe says she cant crack Henderson’s code in less then half a day.

Henderson is walking up to the house. He yells for Miriam. Jack knocks him down and starts to yell at him Bauer-style. He orders him to cuff himself.

Rob: You know you are bad-ass when!

He demands how to find the nerve gas. He just keeps asking. He puts the gun to his head.

Romo: Put the gun to his wife’s head.

Jack takes his briefcase and demands Henderson unlock it.

It’s a shit load of cash.

Jack tells Miriam to ask her hubby about the money. Henderson defends himself.

Jack points the gun at his knee. Henderson demands he do it.

Jack shoots the wife’s knee.

Romo: OHHHH! He did it.

Rob: I am speechless.

Henderson is still refusing to say anything.

Jack demands an ambulance from Chloe. He is going to bring Henderson back.

The chem team and Curtis are trying to stop the detonator. 1 minute left.

Rob: There is a minute left in the episode, what a coincidence.

Curtis moves the canister to a secure location, he is running with it. They are running through the hospital.

Curtis gets outside, he puts the canister into the van. Into containment unit. The canister opens and releases gas but its in sage

Rudy’s gf and her bf are tied up and getting beating. And they are both shot”¦

Rob: I am still in shock.

Bad dude calls Vlad he has the key card, they can now access CTU



Global “Later tonight another hour of 24″

Rob: Stupid Global.

See Global is interrupting the 2 hour special with The Apprentice.


Bad dude leaves the dead bodies behind. He puts in rudy’s key card and is reprogramming it. He is going to fix the id but keep the privileges.

He puts his own face onto Rudy’s.

Bill tells Logan they neutralized the hospital attack. Bill tells Logan about the arrest of Henderson. Novak recognizes the name as the former CTU head.

Tony has been asking for Bill

Kim Bauer is here!!

Audrey tells her to put Kim in the field office. Bill asks why she is here?

Audrey makes a call to Jack. She tells him that Kim arrived. He says he wants to hear it from me. Audrey suggests she tell him. Blah Blah!

Rob: I hate this!

Jack agree that Audrey tell her. Henderson tells Jack that Kim hit bottom when he “died.” He says Miriam and her were there for Kim when he wasn’t. He says they loved that girl.

Kim says she both of her parents died here, she swore she would never come back to this place. Kim is with some guy named Barry.

Kim asks what is so important. Audrey asks Barry to leave. Audrey tells Kim that Jack is alive. She gives her the whole speech Jack asked her to give.

Kim is speechless. Audrey tells her that Jack is on his way in.

The V-P arrives, it seems he cancelled his engagements in Salt Lake.

The VP pretty much takes charge. Novak tries to thwart his opinion. The VP wants to revise CTU’s casualty estimates.

His low estimate is 400,000. The VP thinks no one is taking this seriously.

The VP recommends a declaration of Martial Law.

Romo: I knew that was coming.

Rob: The old Trudeau War Measures.

The VP says they wont call it Martial Law.

Novak is worried about a panic among the public. It seems the army is already on standby.

Logan seems to be agreeing with the VP.

Romo: The only VP in American history to actually have any power.

Jack arrives at CTU. He drags in Henderson. He says he is trying to protect this country. He says they will just be opening Pandora’s Box.

The CTU guards take him to holding.

Romo: Why arent the f*cking flags at half-mast?

Rob: Fucking Palmer son! No respect!

Bad Russian dude shows up at CTU and his card gets him entry.




Jack makes his entrance and asks for

Romo: Question who is more important: Kim or Tony?

Rob: That is not a question, Almeida for Life Son!

Jack goes up to see Kim. She is pacing back and forth.

He walks in the room. “Hey”

Rob: Slap him.

Kim says she doesn’t know what to say. She is made he didn’t tell her. Barry interrupts.

Romo: Jack is gonna f*ck up Barry.

Jack asks Barry to leave. Barry is just asking for a beating. He finally leaves after Kim asks him to.

Kim says Barry was there when no one else was.

Jack tells her that walking away from her was the most painful thing he could do.

Romo: Barry is bad! I am calling it.

Rob: OH yeah!

Kim says there is something wrong with people like Jack, they can’t hold onto anything. She says she is happy he is alive but she cant give him what he wants right now. Jack says he understands that.

Romo: If unconditional love, go to Tony.

Kim asks him to leave. Audrey interrupts. Kim says she has to go, her and Barry have a plane to catch. Jack pleads for her to stay.

Romo: She can do so much better than Barry.

Rob: Honestly, that just is not right.

Kim starts to cry.

Romo: Know I remember that she is a bad actress.

Russian dude makes his way through CTU. He gets access to the server/electrical room, where vent system is.

Bill goes to visit Tony. Tony wants to know what is going on. Tony demands to know who did it. Bill says the info he is asking for is classified.

Tony just wants to know who did it. He think he deserves to know.

Bill tells him that Michelle was part of a bigger plan to supply gas to terrorists.

Romo: Tony is gonna f*ck up Henderson!!

Bill doesn’t really tell him anymore. He tells Bill not to let him cut a deal. Tony takes his meds, he is in pain

Romo: See Kim, that is proper acting!!

Jack us looking in on Henderson who is strapped into some device. Jack goes into see Henderson.

Henderson is not buying Jack’s interrogation techniques. No torture yet. Henderson still refuses. Jack orders the guy to “Start it!”

Rob: Its about time we had a good old fashioned torture.

The guy injects Henderson with something. He is shaking and in pain.



Romo: Why hasn’t Jack gone over and given Tony some love already?

Rob: Yeah seriously Henderson can wait.


Martha is out for a smoke. Novak runs out to talk to her.

Romo: He is making a power play against the VP.

Novak tells Martha that Logan needs her. He says the decision was not easy, he tells her about the praying.

Martha demands to know precisely what it is Novak wants her to do. He lays down the news about the VP’s plan to put Martial Law into effect. Martha thinks that decision will make things worse.

Novak wants Martha to talk to Logan.

Russian dude in CTU is doing something with the computer system. He gets into the air circulation protocols and shuts down the ventilation system.

Random hot work notices the enviro systems are messed up. Edgar ignores her, Carrie. She is mad he snapped at her. He tells her to check it out then.

Bad dude pulls out a canister and gets it ready.

Rob: They are wasting these canisters man.

Martha walks over to Logan who is looking at the stars like a 5-year-old, his maturity level.

She puts her hand on his shoulder. Its touching”¦barf.

He asks for forgiveness. She says he acted like the Prez of the US.

Rob: Im a big boy now.

She says she still loves him. She says he has to get back to work. The country needs him.

Carrie goes into the electrical room to see whats going on

Rob: Good plan, straight out of a horror movie.

Carrie gets stabbed and goes down.




He puts a 15 min countdown on the canister.

Romo: Why do they put the countdown on the canister

Kim goes over to talk to Chloe, she asks if she knew he was alive. She admits. Chloe tells Kim that of the 4 people who knows him, 2 are dead and Tony is in critical condition.

Romo: Kim is gonna f*ck Tony!!

Bill goes to visit Rudy. He tells him that LAPD called and his sister has been shot. He is in shock.

Rob: Will he fess up about the card or not?

Rudy thinks the bf did that to her. Bill tells Rudy that the bf is dead too. Bill asks Rudy if either of them had ties to drug selling or organized crime? Bill tells Rudy the killings were clearly a done by a pro. He tells Bill about the keycard and how it was stolen. Bill makes a call to Chloe to check the gate logs to see if anyone use Lynn’s card.

Bill orders a lockdown of CTU.

Henderson is still not talking despite the drugging. Henderson is crashing. The alarm goes off. The lockdown is underway.




The security is going room to room to find the guy. Jack makes a move to the north end of the building.

Edgar finds him on the cameras.

Bad dude clotheslines a guy and demands he help him get out. He shoots the camera out. He has the guy at gunpoint.

He gets him to use his pass to enter a door. He shoots him when an alarm goes off, He takes his walkie-talkie.

Jack sees the dead guard. Jack says he is in the stairwell,

Romo: It’s a flank 2 maneouver

Jack knows the guy can hear what they are saying so he is faking they are looking somewhere else.

Jack comes up from behind and tells him to drop the gun. Jack shoots him when he makes a move for a gun. Jack finds a PDA with the schematic of the ventilation system.

CODE 6, they evacuate the building.

Chloe tells Edgar to get out of the building, he finds Carrie and she is dead. HE sees the canister. Its opening.

Rob: Edgar is gonna get gassed YEAH!! The bell tolls for thee!!

People are dying. Bill is trying to seal the doors or some rooms. They all make a room to the situation room

Rob: What about Tony?

Some women bangs on the door, Jack refuses to let her in. Tells her to go somewhere else.

The torture guy is sealing Henderson up with Almeida in the hospital area.

People are dropping like flies at CTU.

Chloe see Edgar, He looks at Chloe and calls her name. He starts to cough. And falls over

Rob: This is amazing.

He falls over.

Rob: He’s done!

Chloe looks distraught


Romo: I totally predicted Edgar.

Rob: I was gonna be mad if that bit player, Carries, was the spoiler.

Final Comments

Romo: Best two hours of TV ever! Tony returned and is ready to torture Henderson into talking next week/hour. Jack was a solid as usual. Kim Bauer came back and looked hot. Curtis didn’t die. Rudy was Rudy! Edga’s death as the 40-year-old virgin, who never got any, was a classic ‘24′ moment. But let’s go back to the man, the legend, Tony Almeida. His heroic recovery and ripping out of the tubes to find out about his wife was, well Tony. I can’t wait to see what he does in the next 12 hours.

Rob: One would think that the return of God aka Tony Almeida, could not possibly be overshadowed. However, in death Edgar Stiles he did something he could not possibly have done while alive. The only way it would have been better, is if he had been off looking for food instead of Carrie.

Romo: He will now join his mom in heaven.