A Case of the Mondays


Not much in the bag this week as far as television is concerned.

Funny story, though. The other night some guy tried selling me Life Insurance. Well, I’m 24 years old, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and am in good health. Yes, accidents can very easily happen, and your health can take a turn for the worse in an instant. But for a guy who had been unemployed forever, and only recently got a job and is trying to build a nice savings, paying for Life Insurance is not a big priority.

So, I explained to the gentleman that I really am not making much money, and paying $40-50 a month is a big lump for me. So he proceeds to explain why this is actually such a great deal and how I wouldn’t possibly want to say no to this. So he gives me an impressive little scenario, basically showing me that I’d be stupid to turn this down.

So, yes, in the 1% chance that I die, this is a lovely deal. But for the astronomically overwhelming likelihood that I, ya’ know, continue living, this is quite a hefty investment. So anyway, that was a solid hour of my time, and I do not look forward to calling them later today to solidly tell them I’m not at all interested.


Well, count me surprised, as I wasn’t expecting Edgar to bite the dust. Of course, when they made such a huge point to show us that he was going to search for the chick who had just been murdered, it became obvious it would be him.

I’ve actually been really enjoying the non-heroic deaths we’ve seen lately. Not everybody can be a George Mason, where you’re a douche, but then go down in a blaze of glory. Sometimes genuinely nice people just die, out of no where, for no rhyme or reason. We saw that in the beginning of the season with Michelle (and to a lesser extent Palmer), and we’ve now seen it with Edgar. I also like how they didn’t have him or Chloe break down and profess their love for each other. It was just a quiet, sweet moment they shared. We so rarely see Chloe show emotion (especially for people), so it was very refreshing.

My aunt and uncle believe that they’re going to manage to resuscitate Edgar, but I don’t see it happening. I love the character, but I feel like that would really cheapen the impact of him dying, and characters dying in the future.

There is a major gripe I’ve been having this season, one which I’ve continuously forgotten to mention each week. I find it highly baffling that the assassination of Palmer is getting virtually no news coverage whatsoever. I mean, look how much coverage a treaty signing got, just hours after a recent president was assassinated. Would anybody care about the signing under normal circumstances? Wouldn’t Palmer’s assassination trump pretty much any other story for weeks to come?

I actually enjoyed the Kim stuff, as it made sense that she would have a lot of issues considering all she had gone through. I also thought the revelation that Chase had left her was done in a very clever way. I could see this therapist getting annoying (in a bad way) very soon, though. Also, what was with Jack not bringing up the fact that numerous people had been killed because they knew he was alive? I know Chloe eventually mentioned it, but it just seemed strange that he was struggling so much to explain to her why he had to keep this secret, yet didn’t bring that up. It’s a pretty strong case.

I really hope they don’t pursue some sort of relationship between the first lady and agent Pierce. That’s a little too soap opera-ish for my taste. I do continue to enjoy President Logan, though, especially how quickly he’s convinced into doing things by Mike, then the Vice President, then his wife. I’m sure a lot of people feel that they’ve gotten a bit too cartoonish with his ineptness, but I’m still enjoying the show.


Wow, quite an episode, wasn’t it? I find it odd that Shane would say that they made a mistake by voting Bobby off instead of Bruce, when he originally wanted to do the same thing. That guy is truly insane. Scratch that. Aside from Cirie, that whole tribe is insane.

I can’t quite decide where I stand with this whole Terry voting off Dan thing. I was disappointed, of course, but I also understood why he did it. However, between this and what happened with Ruth Marie, it seems to me like Terry’s word doesn’t mean all that much. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The guy is definitely playing to win and is willing to make some really tough decisions to do it, but it seems like he’s willing to turn on you the second you’re no longer of use to him.

Also, Murtz and Eliza brought up an extremely good point: Terry just voted off the one guy who would never vote against him. Terry is going to have a bigger target on his back than anybody else once that merge comes, and you can only use that immunity idol once. That loyal ally would have been very valuable there.

All of that said, I thought Dan was impeccably classy when it came time for him to be voted off. Bravo.

One final note: Part of me feels like it would have been a more interesting twist if the opposing tribe found out AFTER they chose that the person who goes to Exile Island can’t be voted off. I’m curious how the whole Exile Island thing will work once the tribes merge.


So let me get this straight, in just a couple weeks I’ll have Elisha Cuthbert, Kristin Kreuk, and Rachel Bilson on my television screen in the same week??? Nice…

What’s that expression about entering with a roar and leaving with a whimper? Well, that basically sums up the whole Ryan/Marissa thing. Although I guess calling it a roar is pretty generous. Although I am pretty shocked they didn’t have Ryan cheat on her. Guess they don’t want him to be the bad guy.

Not much in the way of Seth and Summer, although I found Seth’s “gross get off me I’m studying” when Dr. Roberts walked in on them making out hilarious. Also, it’s about time Summer found out about her dad and Julie. And bravo to the writers for actually remembering that her dad dated Taylor’s mom.

Oh, and that preview at the beginning of the episode, with the successive slaps and hits, was quite funny.


Wow, Simpsons was actually on the funny side this week. Not only that, but it was actually very linear, with a beginning that related with the rest of the story. I also found the whole flashback within a flashback within a flashback within a flashback (etc, etc) pretty funny. The story was a bit out there, but it was slightly reminiscent of the Simpsons of old.

All of that said, that beginning portion of Peter playing Wheel of Fortune owns all. Asking for Z, 4, three Q’s, and the Batman symbol was great. Then getting the answer out of nowhere was predictable, but hilarious. The bit with Death at the end was pretty funny as well, with Peter noting that Quagmire’s wife was suicidal anyway. Great episode. Welcome back!

I’m going to cut it off at this week. Sorry if it seems like I phoned this edition in. Next week I’m going to talk about some Lost theories, especially since it’s a repeat AGAIN.

Hope everybody has a great week. Case closed!

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.