The Amazing Race 9 – Recap – Episode 9-4


Here’s the Leaderboard (Roadblocks performed in parentheses after Racer name):

I realize that they haven’t said whether the 6 Roadblocks maximum is still there, but until they say something either way, I’ll assume that it’s still in place.

Let’s look at the first half of the leg:

Bottleneck – Zipline
This task was designed to gather all the teams together and have them depart in intervals, leaving teams to use their driving and mapping skills to get to the bus depot.

Choose Your Departure – Charter Bus
Pretty straightforward, really. Teams didn’t change position much from the start of the leg, so first in, first out.

Bottleneck – Airport
I wonder why teams didn’t try to phone ahead for tickets? Anyways, teams all managed to get on the same flight, rendering the Zipline and charter bus tasks redundant. So teams were all equal heading to Moscow.

Roadblock – Nestea Plunge
Not too much to this, but apparently fatigue affected some teams’ ability to think, as there was no reason for Wanda and Yolanda to perform the task – unless the 6 Roadblock rule is still in effect. If this is the case, then Michelle will need to step it up for her team, as Lake is the only person who has performed two Roadblocks to this point.

Detour – Scrub or Scour
It seems that Scour was the faster option, if only because teams had trouble locating the trolley depot. Still, teams looking through the nesting dolls seems to have an easier go of it than those washing, but since the leg hasn’t ended yet, this can only end with the teams bunching up once more.

And now, it’s time for LIVE coverage of:
The Amazing Race 9, Episode 4, It’s Not Over Till the Phil Sings

Last week, teams travelled over 7300 miles from Brotas, Brazil to Moscow, Russia on the third leg of a race around the world. We had a bunchup that didn’t actually bunch teams up, a race to get decent charter times, and THEN we got our bunchup – the first airport bottleneck this season. So in essence teams started all square when they got to Moscow. After a Roadblock where people who couldn’t swim decided to perform a swimming task, teams were forced to either search through nesting dolls for a clue or wash a trolley. In the end, Eric and Jeremy were the first team to the mat, but found out that they needed to keep Racing, as the leg was not yet over.

And now, we continue with the superleg. Who will be eliminated… next?

Opening Credits

We’re still in Moscow, Russia, which is NOT a Pit Stop in a race around the world. In fact, they’re still racing. So Eric and Jeremy arrive first, they get the bad news, and the clue tells them to fly 1000 miles Frankfurt, Germany, and then travel 100 miles by train to Stuggart and find the Mercedes-Benz factory.

Lake and Michelle were happy to be second, and unhappy to continue racing. The Frat Boys wish that the girls were there to hold hands, instead of each other.

Rolanda are third and have the “Yay/Crap” reaction as the other teams.

Fran and Barry finally finish their Detour. The Hippies tell Phil that they’ll see him in Germany. They see Fran and Barry and give them a hug. B.J. gives us our episode title.

Meanwhile, the teams are still Scrubbing, but Wanda and Desiree and Double D finish first.

At the airport, the Frat Boys are looking for flights and get on the last flight out, but Michelle and Lake JUST miss it.

The Nerds and Razorbacks finish the task. The four ladies arrive and head to the airport. Danielle and Dani vow to staple their packs to their asses.

Razorbacks are eighth. Nerds are last. They head to the airport.

Michelle and Lake get a flight, and will be about 90 minutes behind the Frat Boys. Rolanda, the Hippies and Fran and Barry are trying to get flights. Double D and Wanda/Desiree arrive, and the last two teams arrive as well. However, the Aeroflot computer is broken and teams are panicking.

In Frankfurt, Eric and Jeremy just catch the train to Stuggart.

The counter reopens in Moscow and the Hippies get on the flight with Lake and Michelle, but none of the other teams do.

Razorbacks search for flights, but the first flight out is at 7am.

Teams are now in panic mode, and we’ll see how this turns out after the

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At the airports, the Razorbacks decide to stay at the airport, while the others go to a hotel.

The Frat Boys find their clue, which tells them to take a Test Drive on the Wall of Death, starting at 8:30am. They go to a hotel. Hippies and Lake/Michelle catch up.

Next day, the remaining teams get on the 7:00am plane to Frankfurt. Meanwhile, the three lead teams (at 8:30am) take their Test Drives at a leisurely 170 km/h. That’s about 110 mph.

They get the car and their next clue, which tells them to travel to Ellbach Field in the Bavarian countryside. They hit the autobahn.

The second train is arriving in Stuggart. Desiree learns “fast” in German (‘snell’).

The Nerds are the fourth team to take the Test Drive, followed by Rolanda. La Boricuas are sixth. Razorbacks and Double D arrive, and Fran/Barry are last. Nerds and Rolanda finish up, and have trouble finding the next destination on the map.

Desiree makes fun of Wanda’s “Spanglish”.

The Nerds misdirect Rolanda. La Boricuas and Double D head the wrong way.

Ellbach Field. Frat Boys arrive and find a

Roadblock – Team members must find a Travelocity Roaming Gnome. Jeremy takes it. He finds a gnome quickly, and they’re told to travel to Gruenwald and Bavaria Flm.

Hippies and Lake/Michell arrive at the Roadblock. B.J. and Lake take it. Lake finds a Gnome first. B.J. is close behind.

Fran and Barry have made up a lot of time, and arrive at the Roadblock, and Barry takes it.

Boricuas and Double D have traveled in a circle. Desiree now has no idea what to do. The producers do though:

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Back, and the four women FINALLY find a place to turn around.

The Frat Boys arrive at Bavaria Film and find a
Detour – Break It or Slap it
Break It – Teams must break bottles on each other until they find a label saying “prost”. They can only break one bottle per cuckoo.
Slap It – Teams must learn a sequence of steps from a traditional German Folk Dance

Rolanda arrive at the Roadblock and Ray takes it. As they leave, the Razorbacks arrive and Joseph takes it. The Nerds arrive and Dave takes it, as Joseph finds a Gnome. Dave finds one shortly.

Meanwhile, Eric and Jeremy flirt with the fraulein in between cuckoos.

Hippies and Michelle and Lake arrive, and both teams opt to Break It. Eric and Jeremy find a clue and get a kiss from the fraulein. They’re told to travel 10 miles to Munich and find the Siegestor on Leopoldstrauser, this leg’s Pit Stop. The last team to arrive may be eliminated.

Lake and Michelle find prost, with the Hippies shortly after.

Fran and Barry arrive at the Detour, and opt to Slap It.

Eric and Jeremy are the first team to arrive, and they’ve won a trip to Africa. Phil calls them the biggest Casanova’s in the history of the Race.

The Hippies (running backwards) are team number two as Lake and Michelle argue. Nevertheless, they’re team number three.

At Bavaria Film, Fran and Barry finish the Slapping. Monica and Joseph arrive and choose to Break it. Nerds and Rolanda arrive and both decide to Break It. Nerds get lucky and find a clue right away. Meanwhile, Double D and Wanda and Desiree arrive at the Roadblock. Dani and Desiree take it. Dani finds a Gnome. Desiree can’t find the last one.

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Back, and Desiree finally finds a clue. Meanwhile, Fran and Barry are team number four. Monica and Joseph decide to switch tasks. Rolanda keeps going as Arkansas finish the dancing. Rolanda switch tasks and get to slappin’.

Nerds are team number five. Monica and Joseph are team number six. Yolanda and Ray are team number seven.

And now, our final two. Double D arrive at the Detour and opt to Slap. Wanda and Desiree arrive and choose to slap as well. Double D finish and head out as Wanda and Desiree head in. So the only real question is… is it a non-elimination leg?

Wanda and Desiree finish the Detour, and we get some manufactured tension as to who will be last. But apparently it’s not that manufactured, as Wanda and Desiree catch up and we get a footrace to the Pit Stop. It’s no contest though, as Danielle and Dani are team number eight.

Wanda and Desiree are the last team to arrive, and they’ve been Philiminated.

Next episode, Teams struggle to find a clue in piece of laundry, and Lori breaks down at the Roadblock.

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).