A Case of the Mondays


I hope everybody had a nice holiday weekend. For me, it was nice getting to see some old high school friends who I hadn’t seen in a while. Anyway, let’s get right into things.


Repeating what I’ve said the past couple weeks, we now know for sure that there’s something going on with the island curing people. First there was Locke with his paralysis, then (arguably) Hurley with his mental illness, then Jin with his inability to conceive, and now Rose with her cancer.

What I find interesting, though, is that while all these people are being cured, you have somebody like Sawyer, who since getting to the island has experienced a new ailment (his vision problems). Why has Sawyer suffered degeneration, while others have been healed of irreversible disorders?

This has brought me a new theory: The Others constantly refer to there being “good” people, as they have made lists of the “good” people. I believe that the so called “good” people are the ones being cured, while the supposed “bad” (or not “good”) people are the ones experiencing deterioration. No, I don’t think that The Others are responsible, I believe the island likely is. Further, when people like Locke and Hurley go through relapse (with Locke losing the ability to walk, and Hurley experiencing his mental breakdown), they’re doing something that the island deems not good. In turn, the relapse ceases when the person no longer strays from being good.

Somebody on the IP Staff message board had an interesting theory: That Michael is actually going to stray his friends into a trap, possibly because he’s been brainwashed by The Others, or that he’s making a trade of sorts to get try to get Walt back. I think that idea has a great deal of potential, as I’m sure he’s absolutely desperate to get back his son. Along with that, the idea that The Others are barely armed seems unlikely.

Anyway, it was good to see Michael back, but I must admit I was disappointed to see the moment between Jack and Kate interrupted. I miss those two together.

Oh, as a side note: I understand why Rose and a couple others are resistant to the idea of leaving the island, but it does seem strange that there’s nobody there that is trying to get themselves rescued.

I guess we’ll have to wait another gazillion weeks for a new episode, though.


Good to see Audrey’s dad back on the show. It seems strange that they waited so long to call him to use his influence to their advantage.

The stuff with the President was interesting. I expected them to go over the edge with the “Evil President” role, but was intrigued to see that they didn’t, as it turned out that Logan wasn’t responsible for Palmer’s assassination.

As for the excuse, I must say that I find the whole “I put millions of lives in danger to make our country safer!” angle weak, and they’ve used it numerous times. However, I do find Mrs. Logan’s sudden power lust for the President enjoyably amusing.


I have to respectfully disagree with Murtz, who said in his latest column that Terry should have given Nick his immunity idol at the beginning of the merge. Even if he had, and they had voted out Shane as a result, they’d still be in a 5 to 4 minority, so giving it up would have been a huge risk, especially since Terry has won every immunity challenge anyway.

With that in mind, I almost have to say that last week’s preview was highly misleading, as I definitely didn’t see Terry acting like the cocky ass they made him out to be. I also found Danielle’s comments HUGELY ironic, and I was thrilled that Jeff actually called her out on that. I mean, really, the Casaya tribe openly has these meetings to decide who will be voted out, and they openly tell Terry that him being in the final six is not in the cards, and she wants to say that she doesn’t think they’re as obnoxious and obvious about their confidence and cockiness? Please.

And you know what else annoys me? That Casaya pretty much KNOWS that Terry has the hidden immunity idol, and he’s won every immunity challenge so far, and they’ve been belly aching about how they need to vote him out…..yet every single one of them, except Aras, decides not to participate. Honestly, that was moronic. I hate Aras, but he’s clearly the only one in that crew with half a brain.

By the way, an odd twist of fate how the La Mina tribe wanted to vote off Sally as soon as possible, yet she ended up lasting the longest after Terry. Along with that, she stayed completely loyal to her tribe, which the La Mina guys never thought she’d do. Oh, and she got cuter and cuter every day that passed.


I’m in a bit of a rush, so this will be short.

The Marissa stuff was pretty interesting, actually. Showed that, deep down, she’s a good person even when she’s messed up. Also, it was nice to show that, again deep down, Julie cares about Marissa’s well being more than anything else.

It was kinda strange to see Summer and Taylor acting all best friendy, while Marissa did her own thing. Along with that, the Summer/Seth stuff was sad, I like those two together. But hey, Rachel, if things don’t work out, call me!

I still have to say, though, that I don’t buy Seth’s “the only reason I’m lying is for Summer” thing in regards to the Brown thing. I mean, he’s still lying to his parents and everybody else, after all.


Okay, okay, I admit it….the manatees as writers thing was pretty funny.

Anyway, I still side with Family Guy, though.

Well, that’s it for this week. I will try to get a Smallville review up for the past three weeks episodes sometime this week. If I don’t, expect my thoughts in next week’s column. Until next time, Case Closed.

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.