24 – Recap – 12 am – 1 am


Well it’s the start of a new day on 24, even though technically it’s still called Day 5. The “Logan Turn” still has yet to be fully explained but Jack, Audrey and Heller will no doubt work hard to bring President Logan down but with six hours still to go in the day how things turn out for Jack are still up in the air. Heck where are the Chinese? Shouldn’t they turn up right about now?

Check back at 9 p.m. Eastern time for Live Coverage of ’24’ with Rob Purchase and I. Refresh for updates.

A news station reports on the terrorist attack and martial law being imposed, while Logan watches. He gets a call and its Henderson who tells Logan that Bauer is still alive.

Henderson assures that CTU will find Bauer and as long as Logan tells him he will get to Bauer first and intercept.

Logan calls Karen at CTU.

Perv is briefing Karen about Audrey. Karen gets the call from Logan.

He asks whats going on. He tells her to prioritize Bauer and demands she let him know the moment she does.

Perv insists Audrey knows where Jack is and Chloe helped Audrey.

Romo: Perv wants to get his hands on Chloe.

Rob: He has been eyeing up the piece of meat since he entered the place.

Jack arrives at Bill’s place with Wayne.

Rob: BILL! YES!!

Jack tells Bill about how he has been set up by Logan and his involvement in Palme’s death. He asks Bill to take care of Wayne.

Jack is headed to Van Nuys Airport.

Audrey calls Jack to tell him that Heller has arrived.

Audrey watches the plane slow to a stop. The Door opens..

Rob: This is awesome. The presidential music for Goitre-Face. Did they get John Williams to score this episode?

Heller embraces his daughter in a hug. She asks if Helle’s detail can be loyal to him.

Jack speeds onto the tarmac in the police car shocking Heller.

Audrey goes over to Jack. Heller is wondering what the hell Jack, the fugitive is doing there. Heller says Jack is acting like a criminal.

Jack insists on showing Heller something and it will only take a minute.

Romo: This is a sex video of me and your daughter.

Jack plays Heller the audio tape of Heller and Henderson talking about Palmer. It mentions Cummings.

Jack explains what has been going on.

Heller says he is not surprised. He said he was terrified when Heller took the oath. Jack says Heller is the only one he can trust.

Heller agrees to help Jack.

He then says one more thing”¦He punches him in the neck and takes him down. His cronies take Jack.

Heller says the collateral damage of the truth will kill the Presidency. He wants to force Logan to step down quietly rather than make a media spectacle of it. He takes Jack and Audrey into custody.

Rob: Sweet! He isn’t f*cking around this year.



Romo: That was pretty awesome.

Rob: What was that (Helle’s attack on Jack)?

Romo: I don’t know or care, it was awesome.

Rob: That was spectacular.

Romo: I didn’t know he had it in him. I’m so impressed.


Karen and Perv are in a briefing.

New girl and Chloe discuss how CTU is looking for Audrey.

Chloe tries to make a call to a pay phone.

Perv is tracing the call”¦but no one is answering. Perv has found the phone, it’s the airport at Van Nuys. Karen orders troops out there.

She calls the President.

Armed guys head out.

Rob: I cant believe Chloe just f*cked up.

Chloe yells at new girl for setting her up and Perv comes over to take Chloe.

Karen updates Logan on Bauer. He says he will send the military and for her to order her team back.

Logan makes a call to Henderson and updates him.

Jack and Audrey are tied up. Jack says Logan will not make a deal with her father.

Karen asks Novick why the President is taking over.

Rob: Look who is back. Novick is on the case.

Novick goes over to the VP and asks why CTU has been pulled off picking up Bauer. He says the whole thing makes no sense why CTU was pulled off. The VP says whatever the reasons is the Presidents call.

Novick leaves the room. He calls DOD and asks for Jim Warren.

An army Hummer enroute gets a call from Novick. It’s General Jim Warren. Novick asks about the search for Bauer. The general says they never got the order.

Rob: Novick you smart son of a bitch. Confrontation time.

Novick walks in on the Prez and says he should get some rest. He says he was just talking to General Warren. He talks about Karen and how CTU was pulled off the case. Novick says he is mystified.

Romo: I love how he says mystified.

Logan says the order didn’t go through Warren. He says he doesn’t answer to Novick.

Romo: Yeah you do!

Logan says he is using a covert task force because Bauer presents special circumstances. He mentions the Chinese government.

Rob: Logan is going to leak the information to the Chinese.

Logan says he is tired of being second guessed. He says “You came in here suggesting I take some rest. That is the one suggestion of yours I will take.”

Rob: You just pissed Novick off. He is going to Palmer your ass.

Novick leaves the room.




Perv starts to interrogate Chloe. She says he has no idea what he is dealing with. But she can’t explain. He says she thinks the rules don’t apply to her because she is smarter than the rest of us.

She confronts him and bumps into him, taking something. He gets mad at her. He says she is going to Jail”¦for a long time.

She stole his pass card.

She gets out and takes a laptop.

Rob: Yeah she just stole that computer.

New girl Sherri confronts Chloe who asks why she is out. She doesn’t believe Chloe’s lie. Chloe tries to reason with Sherri”¦and finally tells her that it’s President Logan who was involved in Palme’s presidency. She says she knows Sherri was lying about the sexual harassment charges on Perv.

Rob: Checkmate bitch.

Romo: She knows Sherri was lying because Perv is a gay perv not a straight perv.

Martha comes over to talk to Logan and asks him to come to bed. He says he will. He gets a call from Heller. Heller is driving and asks to speak to him in person. He tells him he needs to see him tonight and he will be there shortly. Heller says you know what this is about.

Rob: He is on fire tonight.

Logan tells Martha Heller is questioning his decision about martial law.

Logan picks up his cell and calls Henderson. He says that Jack got to Heller but does not believe Heller has the evidence with him.

A helicopter takes off”¦with someone in it??




Martha finds Aaron”¦and asks why Heller is here. He doesn’t know. She presses”¦but he says he can’t tell her. He tells her not to ask him anything more.

Romo: Use your sexual wiles!!

She gets close to him and whispers in his ear that he can trust her. He agrees to meet her outside the stable.

Rob: Yes!

Heller has arrived and Logan enters to meet him. The stare at each other.

Heller says he knows what he did, he knows what he is doing and he is there to put an end to it.

Rob: YEAH!!

Heller lays out the evidence of the recording. Heller says you know exactly what you said. Its Burnt into my memory. Logan says how dare you stand there and judge me. Heller, Your chair is not a throne.

Romo: Good one!!

Logan says some BS about energy and oil and heating homes. Heller wants the charges from Bauer taken off and Audrey to be left alone. He tells Logan to resign and make some excuse. He says if he does that the recording will be left in lock and key.

He says he wants to be there when Logan hands VP Gardiner his resignation.

Rob: Fantastic.

The funky mission impossible music starts as Chloe runs around”¦she arrives at Bills place.

Rob: This is awesome CTU is staging out of Bill’s basement. Its like Pump Up the Volume 24 style.

Romo: That may have been the best line ever.

Rob: A little Christian Slater love.

Martha goes to meet Aaron, she calls his phone and finds it lying in the grass.

Jack and Audrey work to free themselves.

Rob: I cant believe Heller not only told off the President but tied up his daughter.

Jack is working on the knots and burns the rope by putting it against a hot pipe.

A cronie looks in on them. Jack jumps out and takes him down. He runs through the airport hanger.



Rob: This episode has been amazing so far.

Romo: The music has been awesome.

Rob: I swear to God they brought in Johnny L. Williams to spice things up.


A Heller cronie calls for his buddy. No response. Jack pulls a gun on him and tells him not to move.

Romo: Jack should fly the plane into the President.

Rob: That would be amazing.

Jack demands the recording. A helicopter arrives overhead. It starts shooting at Jack, must be Henderson’s guys.

Jack and the cronie start working together to get out of this.

The heli lands and people get out and start shooting. Jack starts killing many but Helle’s guy goes down. Jack lights up fuel truck and takes out other baddies.

Jack goes to look for Audrey but Henderson has her.

Jack asks why he is protecting Logan. He says he is protecting the integrity of the government. Jack says the government has no integrity with Logan in charge.

Jack says he gives his word to give the recording once Audrey is released.

Henderson moves towards Jack with Audrey in front of him. Audrey is bleeding. He cut her an artery and tells Jack she has 3 minutes to live and demands the recording. She tells Jack not to do it.

Jack throws something to Henderson.

Romo: Another Theo stoller move?

Henderson shoots at Jack and runs off. Jack goes to Audrey.

Romo: Please die, please die!!

Rob: Dr. Bauer is making another housecall.

Jack tries to stop the bleeding.

Rob: At least she will be incapicated for the last few episodes.

Romo: And her dad is complicated in her death.

Logan and Heller are together. VP Gardiner walks in”¦.but before Logan says anything Henderson calls and says he has the recording.

Logan tells Alan that he is asking for Helle’s resignation. Heller is shocked and tells Gardiner about Logan’s involvement. Logan demands the evidence. Heller asks who made the call. He demands the resignation. Logan demands the security to take Heller out of his home.

Romo: Gardiner just looks baffled.


Romo: You know Bill and Chloe are going to sleep together.

Rob: He is a big game hunter.

The scenes from next week are wild with Audrey holding Henderson and gunpoint and Logan saying the “situation with Martha has been handled.”

Final Comments:

Rob: A fantastic episode. The last five minutes cannot possibly detract from the MVP performance of Goitre-Face. Plus, we had Bill Buchanan’s basement, the general maiming of Audrey and Mike Novick stepping up to the plate. The only thing that would have made it better was if Logan solved his Martha situation this week, but I guess we will just have to wait.

Romo: I agree, it was an awesome episode and Heller was the MVP. It’s a shame Audrey didn’t die sending Heller into a fit of rage and giving another excuse for Jack to be bitter and angry at the world. I’m interested to see what is done with VP Gardiner and if Logan drops a hint to the Chinese about Jack. Lastly next week will hopefully have Novick take over the country in a bloodless coup.