Survivor Panama: Exile Island – LIVE Coverage 8 PM EST – Episode 12-10:


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Previously On Survivor Panama: Exile Island

Shane informs Terry that he basically is screwed. Terry and Sally struggle for safety.

Some Survivors get to watch videos of their families.

During the Immunity Challenge, everyone but Terry, sally and Aras decide not to try, and instead eat burgers.

Terry wins Immunity again.

The possibility of Terry having the idol worries Aras.

Sally gets voted off.


Day 25

Shane and Danielle talk about how they are the only tribe to ever stick together to the end.

Terry says he need to use the immunity idol and immunities to get to the final 3.

Courtney and Danielle fight over something, and Terry is happy.

Bruce says his stomach really hurts, that he is constipated and is having trouble even standing. He says he hasn’t gone to the bathroom since before the Panamanian Village.

Aras reads the Tree Mail, there are boxes there with each of their names on them. Each box has a doll that they need to make into their likeness.

Reward Challenge:

They will be answering questions about each other privately. Jeff tallies the results. Each person has to guess whose name comes off most often. If they get the question correctly, they get to chop a rope, each rope releases a torch, and after three chos their doll goes up in flames.

They win a spa trip.

Who does the least for the tribe?
Danielle is the correct answer.
Cirie, Aras, Shane and Terry get it correct.
Aras and Cirie hit Terry.
Terry his Aras.
Shane hits Terry.

Who never shuts up?
Cirie and Shane have it right.
They both hit Bruce.

Who mistaken believes they are running this game?
Courtney and Aras get it right.
Aras takes out Bruce.
Courtney hits Shane.

Who would you trust with your life?
Aras gets it right.

Aras hits Courtney.

Who would you not trust to watch your back?
Courtney hits Danielle.
Aras hits Cirie.

Who is the biggest Poser?
Aras hits Danielle.

Who is the moodiest?
Courtney hits Shane.
Shane gets pissed that she hit him twice.
Aras hit Danielle.

Who most easily succumbs to intimidation?
Shane hits Courtney.

Who is the most annoying person out here?
Aras hits Courtney.
Shane hits Aras.
Cirie hits Shane.
Shane gets pissy at Cirie since she told him she promised Aras.

Cirie has two ropes, Aras has one.

Who would never survive on their own?
Cirie wins the challenge!

She sends Terry to Exile Island.

She gets to bring two people with her. She chooses Aras who she promised. Then she chooses Daniele. Shane is pissed, says that Cirie is sorry. Syas she made the wrong call.

Commercial Break

Cirie, Danielle and Aras head to the spa, in a helicopter. They are happy. Cirie says that she choose Aras and Danielle because they are fun, but she could be in trouble now.

The eat and do other spa stuff.

Day 25
Shane is all pissed over the challenge. Worries about his place in the tribe. Courtney is upset about the stuff that was said about her. Shane tells her that she personalizing it. Which is stupid.

Shane says she destroyed herself today. He thinks she at an all time low.

Bruce needs to lay down due to his painful constipation. He needs to drop a deuce!

Shane tells him that they need him. He actually seems concerned.

More spa stuff. Massages etc. Danielle didn’t like it rough (umm… the massage.)

Aras, and Danielle say that Courtney has a crush on Shane.

Night 25

Bruce still in pain. Courtney sings for him to help relieve the pain. He says it’s an emergency. They called the medics, but Bruce doesn’t want to quit.

The Survivor Medical Team arrives!!

They examine him, ask him his history. The Doctor says the pain is too much for him to stay out there. They get the stretcher. He thinks there is a shot it could be his appendix. Shane needs to help, but he’s naked.

Also, they are playing some annoying “someone just died” music. Courtney and Shane look on as he sails away. Shane hopes he comes back.

Commercial Break

Exile Island
Day 26

Terry rules all. He says Casaya has it out for him. He says the reward challenge taught his some of the fissures in Casaya.

Day 26

Courtney worries about Bruce, says that it was a horrible day.

Shane and Courtney make a sort of weird deal, but says he would kill her if she betrays him. Then yells at her when she gets freaked out. He then calls her a lunatic. Freak.

The reward challenge people return. No one greets them. Cirie says the tension was great. They learn about Bruce.

Shane tells Aras that he is upset about yesterday, and he is going to plan accordingly. He says he is disappointed with Cirie, says “That bitch” (Danielle) did nothing and she gets taken to the challenge. Cirie and Danielle get annoyed. Shane says everyone is in trouble and that he is turning the whole thing around.

Cirie goes to Shane and tells him her thing with Aras is not the same sort of thing that she has with him. Shane makes Cirie swear on her kids. He says that they now have an official alliance. He says his whole freak out was designed by him and worked exactly according to plan.

Commercial Break

Courtney cleans Bruce’s Zen garden, writes “luv Bruce”. Danielle says he was like a father figure. More Bruce love.

Here comes a boat. With Terry and Jeff. They come out to great him.

Jeff tells them about Bruce. His entire digestive system was blocked. Jeff says he will be OK, but he will not return to the game as a player. Jeff says they are hoping he can join the jury, but they are waiting for approval from the doctors.

They all looked stunned.
Terry calls Bruce the Master Sensei, says he is a warrior.

End Credit.

No final Bruce words, just some clips of him doing martial arts.