The Amazing Race 9 – Recap – Episode 9-10



So after I noted that there weren’t too many bunch ups, we got not one, but TWO bunch ups last week. But hey, two of my predicted top three are still around, and that’s better than I’ve generally done in the past – I think I’m about 1 for 6 in predicting winners since TAR 3.

Fran and Barry are gone. Kind of a shame, since they were a likeable team, but there are some strong teams ahead of them, and it came down to whether they could overcome the conditioning and natural athleticism of Ray and Yolanda. They couldn’t, and they’re gone.

But now the focus is on whether Ray and Yolanda can overcome the fact that their relationship is deteriorating. We saw Ron and Kelly manage to keep it together for a third place finish, but do these two have it in them to make it to the finish line?

Meanwhile, the Bong Squad is still alive and kicking, as the Hippies ended up with MORE money on this leg than the other teams were given, PLUS they have the advantage of carrying no bags with them. Why is it that teams feel that they have to keep so much clothing anyways?

Whatever. It’s time for LIVE coverage of:
The Amazing Race 9, Episode 10, Man, They Should Have Used Fake Names

Last time, teams traveled from Nizwan, Oman to Freemantle, Australia. They rode on bicycles built for two, searched for the biggest damn crayfish I’ve ever seen, and brushed sand. They then went to prison and performed a Roadblock that Michael Scofield probably could’ve completed by staring. Eric and Jeremy beat out Monica and Joseph in a footrace to finish first, and Fran and Barry were eliminated. All signs point to a nonelimination leg with a Yield or a Fast Forward involved, so will someone be Philiminated… next?

Opening Credits

We are in Perth in the country of Australia, and here at the Freemantle Sailing Club is the ninth Pit Stop in a race around the world. Teams arrived here for a mandatory rest period. The teams have no idea what’s in store for them.

, who were the first team to arrive at 11:47am, will be the first team to depart at 11:47pm. They’re told to travel 15 miles across town to the to of the Swan Bells tower to find their next clue. I smell a bunchup coming.

, 11:48pm. They think it’s no holds barred. MoJo and Frats borrow a cellphone to order taxis.

, 11:56pm. They have $70 for this leg of the Race. They meet up with the other two teams, and their taxis come. The Hippies order their own taxi, and it comes quickly.

, 12:23am. They get a taxi right away.

MoJo get to the tower, and find out it opens at 8am. All the teams arrive at the tower. Eric flirts with Monica. The Hippies try to work that to their advantage.

7:30am. Ray and Tyler order taxis. Jeremy (a.k.a. Doug Brubaker) orders a taxi, and then Eric cancels Ray and Tyler’s taxi. Sneaky!

8am. Teams grab clues and are told to travel 1700 miles to Darwin, Australia and find a crocodile farm. They must then wade into a pool of crocs to get their next clue.

Hippies try to steal MoJo’s cab, but Joseph has none of it. They’re off to the airport. Ray finds out that his taxi was cancelled, and he and the Hippies blame MoJo. They and Rolanda find taxi, but karma bites the Frats in the ass (their exact words, too) and they still haven’t gotten a taxi heading into the

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Eric and Jeremy head to a hotel and find a taxi.

MoJo says that the Hippies piss them off. Hippies want to Yield them for real now. Rolanda discuss the crocs.

MoJo book a Quantas flight, and try to convince the agent not to book anyone else.

MoJo tell the Hippies and Rolanda that the Frats actually cancelled their taxis.

All teams get on the same flight to Darwin.

7:30pm. Teams get their cars and head out. MoJo arrive at the park and find out that it opens at 9am. What is this, Family Edition?

Tyler and Eric joke around about Eric’s “plan” to get rid of Joseph.

9am. Teams get into waders and get instructions on what not to do (if they want to keep all their limbs).

Hippies grab a clue and are told to drive 50 miles to Batchelor and search an airfield for their next clue. Oh, and Caution: Yield Ahead.

MoJo get their clue, and the Frats aren’t far behind. Rolanda are in last.

Hippies decide to Yield MoJo. MoJo pass them. Joseph sees “skydiving” and freaks out a bit.

Hippies reach the Yield first and Yield MoJo. They open the clue and find a

Roadblock – Who’s ready to take the fall for the team.
Team member must tandem Skydive. B.J. takes it.

The other two teams arrive. Eric and Ray take it.

Monica cries. We head to an

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Monica’s still complaining. And sulking.

Jeremy (to Eric): Have fun. Hope your chute opens dude!

B.J.’s the first to jump. Jeremy flirts with Yolanda.

B.J. finishes, and the clue tells them to travel 20 miles to Litchfield Wildlife Park and find the Magnetic Termite Mounds to find their next clue.

The Yield is done and Monica takes the Roadblock.

Eric completes the task. Ray finishes the task.

Hippies arrive at the mounds and find the cluebox. They find a

Detour – Dry or Wet
Dry – Travel 6 miles to an intersection, and travel another six miles offroad to the “Lost City”, grab a digeredoo, find an Aborigine with a matching digeredoo, and each team member must play a note.
Wet – Travel 6 miles to a park and swim a treacherous one mile route.

Hippies opt for Wet.

Monica finishes the task and they head out.

Frats reach the mounds and opt for Wet. Rolanda go for Dry.

Hippies reach the Park and start swimming. Frats are right behind.

MoJo ask for directions to the Mound. They’re about 40 minutes behind. Monica gives us a worried look heading into the

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MoJo call the Hippies sleazeballs. Hippies and Frats are having a rough time with the course. MoJo reach the Detour and opt for Dry.

Rolanda arrive at the Lost City grab a digeredoo. They’re searching for the Aborigine now.

Hippies and Frats find spiders. Yolanda and Ray find their Aborigine and try to play the instrument. Ray completes the task. Yolanda completes the task as well, and their clue tells them to travel to the Pit Stop at Lake Bennett. The last team to arrive may be eliminated. They pass by MoJo on the way back.

Frats catch up to the Hippies.

MoJo reach the Lost City, and are quickly to their Aborigine. They complete the task quickly and get their clue.

Hippies and Frats complete the Detour and head to the Pit Stop. They’re having trouble finding the Lake on their maps. Yolanda and Ray have no trouble and it should be no surprise, then, that team number one are…
. They’ve each won a one-year lease on a Mercedes M-Class.

Frats and Hippies stop for directions, and MoJo reach their location. It’s a three-way race to not be last.

Tyler: “The last one of these three teams will be last”. Smart.

It looks like it’s a footrace to the Pit Stop. Team park and running ensues.

Team number two are:

B.J. slips, and team number three are:

are the last team to arrive, but it’s a non-elimination leg. Phil robs them and takes what clothes they’re not wearing. Including B.J.’s shoes. That could be a problem.

Monica says that she and Joseph are playing by the rules and aren’t spreading rumours. B.J. basically says that they’re trying to have fun and win this thing.

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Next episode, teams travel to Thailand and prepare feasts for monkeys, and MoJo “break” down.

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).