The Amazing Race 9 – Recap – Episode 9-11


Lyrics: “Love Monkey #9”, Bootsauce.


More bunchups. What’s up with that?

I’m really not one for advocating the Yield of someone out of spite, but that’s what the Hippies did when they Yielded MoJo. It would’ve been smarter to Yield the Frats, but as we saw in the end, it really didn’t matter as the leg was non-elimination, as the leg with the second Yield as seemed to have been throughout the show.

Roadblock – Who’s ready to take the fall?
Nothing to this Roadblock – All it did was serve to space out the teams, so in theory, the disadvantage would be on the team jumping last. However, due to the Detour, that wasn’t the case.

Detour – Wet or Dry
Ordinarily, the tougher-sounding task is the faster one, but for whatever reason, the Dry task was MUCH faster, allowing MoJo to make up the 40-minute differential between them and the Bong Squad, and Yolanda and Ray to win the leg.

We’re live, live, live with The Amazing Race 9, Episode 11, I think This Monkey Likes Me

Last time, teams traveled within Australia from Perth to Lake Bennett. The Frats cancelled taxis on behalf of the Hippies and Rolanda, and Karma came back to smack them in the face. Team members dropped in on a Roadblock in Darwin, the Bong Squad swam a mile trying not to turn into Spider-Men, while Rolanda and MoJo digeredoo’d their way through the Detour. Yolanda and Ray finished first, while the other teams ended up in a three-way footrace, resulting in the Hippies getting non-Philiminated for a second time. We’ve got one two-hour finale left, so who will be Philiminated (and consequently fail to reach the Finish Line)… next?

Opening Credits

We are at Lake Bennett, Australia, the tenth Pit Stop in a race around the world. Teams arrived here for a mandatory rest period, and have no idea what’s in store for them. But we do. Monkeys!

, who were the first team to arrive 1:13pm, are the first to depart at 1:13am. They’re told to travel 7000 miles to Bankok, Thailand, and ride 90 miles by bus to Three Spire Pagoda. Yolanda gives B.J. her spare pants and sandals. I have nothing funny to say.

, 1:20am. Three teams have $302 for this leg, one team has none. “And no pants”.

, 1:21am. They also not that B.J. has no pants.

, 1:22am. “One team has no pants, and no shoes.” B.J. finds extra pants, plus the sandals and pants that Yolanda left them.

Rolanda gets e-tickets for an 11pm arrival. The rest of the teams arrive. Hippies decide to do some begging.

MoJo get some bookings from an agent.

Frats get reservations by phone.

Hippies are in downtown Darwin, and get a lot of money. They get back to the airport, to find out that the flight the other three teams are on is full. Flight #1 leaves without them.

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The Hippies have lucked out, and they’ve found a flight that will get them to Bangkok at 10:45pm. Not that it will matter at this point, since they’ll be bunched up.

The first flight arrives 45 minutes early. The three teams head to the bus terminal.

Frat Boys arrive at the bus terminal, and get tickets for the 12pm bus. Rolanda get tickets as well.

MoJo arrive at the bus terminal, but the ticket booths are closed, and reopens at 5am.

The Hippies arrive at 12am, and head to the bus terminal.

4:20am, and the Hippies get an early bus. MoJo get on the 5:20am bus.

Bus 1 arrives. Rolanda arrive at the Spires to find that it opens at 8m. Legit, it would seem.

Bus 2 arrives, and so do the Hippies.

8am. Teams open a clue, and there’s a Fast Forward as well as a Travelocity envelope. Teams must travel 2 miles by taxi, find a restaurant, and feast on stir fried crickets and grasshoppers – although they don’t know it yet. Both the Hippies and Rolanda opt for the Fast Forward.

Frat Boys open the clue to find a Roadblock – Team member must prepare a feast (as shown in the display table) and present it to the monkeys. Eric, the waiter, takes it.

Hippies arrive to find their feast. Rolanda arrives and note that Southerners will eat anything fried. Still, Yolanda doesn’t think that she can eat a whole bowl of insects, so they head back to the Shrine.

MoJo arrive, and Joseph takes the Roadblock. Rolanda arrives, and Yolanda takes it, since Ray is presumably maxed out.

Hippies don’t look like they’ve made much progress.

Monkeys are coming around and eating the Roadblock tables. Eric is the first to finish, and gets his clue. The Frats are told to travel 90miles by taxi and take a ferry to Ko Krat Island, and search the Buddha Garden for their next clue.

The Hippies are now eating cold crickets.

Joseph finishes the Roadblock, and MoJo are off. Yolanda finishes soon after. Ray thinks B.J. is gonna throw up.

Cut to B.J. throwing up, and the Hippies considering quitting.

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B.J., surprisingly, finishes his bowl first, and Tyler’s almost done.

Hippies are first to the Buddha Garden, and find the cluebox. It’s a Detour – Move it or Altar it
Move it – Transport 72 clay pots on wooden boards to a boat (physical).
Altar it – Assemble a shrine and gold leaf a Buddha (detail oriented).

Frats opt to Altar it.

MoJo and Rolanda reach the ferrys.

In the Buddha Garden, Rolanda find the Detour first and choose to Altar it. MoJo decide to Altar it as well.

Tyler finishes the task and the Hippies win the Fast Forward. They’re told to head to the Pit Stop at the Marble Temple in Bangkok.

Frats arrive at the Altar it task, and gold leaf the Buddha first. Rolanda arrive and start. MoJo see that the Frats and Rolanda are doing Altar it already and decide to switch tasks. Smart. Still, both Monica and Joseph are struggling under the weight.

Marble Temple. Team number one are:
. They don’t have a Golden Gnome, so they don’t win a trip.

MoJo deliver about half the pots.

The Frats claim to have held gold leaf parties. They finish the task and are told to travel via ferry back to the mainland, and travel 11 miles to the Pit Stop.

Rolanda are told that they’re not done yet.

Monica drops a lot of pots, and starts crying. Joseph tries to be supportive, but Monica thinks that they’ve lost the Race.

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MoJo need ten more pots. Frats are on the mainland and can’t find a taxi.

Rolanda complete the task and get on a ferry. MoJo finish and head out.

Frats finally get a taxi.

Rolanda get off the ferry and find a taxi.

MoJo arrive at the mainland and get a taxi.

We’ve got possibly artifical tension as teams race to the Pit Stop.

Team number two are: . They don’t win the Travelocity prize.

Team number three are: . They’re golden, and win a cruise around Sydney Harbour in their own yacht, and get to stay in a luxurious hotel.

are the last team to arrive, and they’ve been Philiminated. Monica cries. And then cries in her exit interview.

We get clips of the Final Three teams talking about how they’re gonna win the Race. Everyone seems very focused, and it looks like the kid gloves are off now.

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Next episode, on the 2-hour season finale of The Amazing Race, it’s the home stretch, and teams travel from the Far East to frigid North America. Every mistake could be their last. Be there at the Finish Line (in Alaska, maybe?), to see who wins the Amazing Race.

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).