Snow Patrol – Eyes Open Review

Website: Snow Patrol

The Inside Pulse:
Snow Patrol, band #3,495 to come from England and vaguely sound like Coldplay. What reason is there to care? Well, there’s a line in “Hands Open” that almost legitimizes these guys – “Put Sufjan Stevens on/we’ll play your favorite song” – They referenced the pitchform performer of the year! They’ve got indie cred! They’ve got at least one CD in their collection that I totally respect! Oh, and their album isn’t that bad, either, even if getting out of Coldplay’s shadow is a completely futile experiment and should probably be left to people who play like Sufjan instead of those who simply mention people like him in their hits.

Snow Patrol does the same sort of nice soft-rock that Coldplay does, and they do it well. They can’t pull off the quasi-epic falsetto kind of thing, so instead they focus on chorus hooks and rolling thunder-style guitars, and I think they’re better for it.

There really aren’t any holes in the plot, here. It’s a definite improvement over Final Straw, has plenty of radio-ready singles, and your girlfriend will like it. The only thing that would really be considered a weakness is that there’s nothing about them that makes them necessary. There’s no ground here that Coldplay hasn’t tread, and if you’re not a fan of that ground, you won’t enjoy this.

Coldplay mixed with U2 mixed with Bon Jovi. They’re better than this mix, but nothing else really comes to mind.

Reason To Buy:
You dig where modern rock is right now and you’d like to revel in some good brit pop for a while.