Big Brother – Recap – August 29


Just three more Tuesdays left with the houseguests including the night they crown the champion.
Previously, Erika wins HOH. Erika showmances Boogie. George bounces up and down houseguests in the food competition. Janelle showmances Will. Will showmances a camera. Janelle and George are nominated.

Day 54, and Janelle is grateful that Erika said what she did at the nomination ceremony. Erika says she is an awesome competitor. George says he’s used to the hot seat. Will says he’s thrilled Chilltown is not nominated and would rather keep Janelle than George. George says “There’s a lot of chill left in this town.” The three laugh about CT not being nominated. Will goes and tells Janelle to tell Erika that it’s o.k. Janelle tells Erika that if she wins POV and HOH, she won’t go after Erika but instead will go after Chilltown. Janelle says in the Diary Room, “I think she believe’s me.”
Will and Danielle are talking. Will says in DR “I don’t trust her. She doesn’t trust me.” Danielle feels Janelle is aligned with Chilltown and Erika won’t nominate them, “Something’s not right here.”

Next we see Will happily jumping on the trampoline they won in the food competition. George says “Someone’s going to get hurt on that thing.” Meanwhile Danielle and Erika talk. Erika says if George or Janelle win POV, Will should go up. Danielle says she’s salivating at the thought of getting rid of Will adding “Danielle from season 3 is back. People who scumbag need to be scumbagged.”

Back from commercial, we see Will having a dream about Neil Patrick Harris. It’s time for Christmas in August, another thing they won in the food competition and who’s bringing the presents and waking up the houseguests? Neil Patrick Harris, the star of “How I Met Your Mother.” (Another scripted show I couldn’t be bothered with). Everyone is thrilled to see him. Will is beside himself. Thing is, Neil’s such a reality TV and Big Brother fan, that he’s just as excited to be in the house. They get Neil to try some of the slop. Will says it’s been about 60 days since they’ve seen someone else other than themselves. George said that with Neil in the house “Doc had a really great Christmas present.”

George gets into a Santa suit and they go outside and unwrap. There’s a lot of new clothes. Neil remarks “If I have to see Mike Boogie in that “Dolce” shirt one more time. …” He also noted that Janelle “is much more beautiful in person.” Then Will, Boogie, and Neil take a spin on their trampoline. Finally it’s time for Neil to leave. Danielle notes that it was nice to have him in the house. Will notes that after getting a trampoline and Neil, “What’s next, I’m going to win the show?”

George talks with Will and Boogie in the exercise room, accounting a story of how many years ago, he was hit by lightning. They are amazed, not only at the story but why he waited 60 days to tell it. Boogie said George can’t win because “Lightning doesn’t strike twice.” Next we see CT in the HOH room. Will says it’s a critical week for CT and they need to have Janelle taken off. Erika and Boogie are alone and note that Danielle has to go this week or next.

Next it’s time for the veto competition and that morphed face thing we’ve seen on previous seasons. Boogie reads the rules. Basically there are five pairs and the one to identify the pairs in the fastest time wins. Boogie is first and works slowly. Basically he does not want to win the veto. Erika wants to win it and goes rather smoothly. We don’t really see all the correct pairs because it goes fast. Will says he’s trying to win it but he’s showing why he’s never won an individual competition. He just plain sucks at them. George comes out and says “This is not going to be good for me.” He gets a lot wrong and the time elapses. Janelle says she’s tried to stay focused. She gets the five pairs right really quickly. Danielle says she feels she is still safe but wants to win it. She’d like to save Janelle to put up Will.
The results, George completed it in 24 minutes and 23 seconds (no wonder a lot of the live-feed watchers were complaining about nearly two hours of flames). Erika did it in 1:51. Will in 3:19. Then they come to Janelle, 1:00. Chilltown is shocked. Danielle’s time is 1:23. Boogie’s is 7:42. Janelle wins her fourth veto. Danielle says she and Erika still have their deal and she hopes Erika doesn’t break it. Erika says it is a real dilemma.

Janelle says she’s going to try to talk Erika into putting up Danielle. Boogie says Janelle is “A whirlwind tour of competition madness.” But he and Will dance in the storage room to celebrate. They then tell Erika she has to put up Danielle. Erika is worried because she is an emotional person. Will tells her that her decision is the difference between her being in the final five and the final three or two or one. Erika still worries it might not be the right time to put up Danielle. Erika says even though there is this pressure from Chilltown, she has to do what’s best for her.

Erika tells Janelle that all three need to go and that if they get rid of Danielle, they can go after Chilltown next. Janelle says “I’m looking forward to working with you.” Erika then calls Boogie up. He says everyone agrees Danielle has to go. Erika worries about them, saying she doesn’t want to face the same “bro’s before hos” fate Diane faced in BB5. She still wonders if this is the right time.

Back from commercial, Erika is still worrying and pondering. She eventually tells Danielle, “I can’t beat you at the end of this game. I hope as a competitor you can understand that.” Danielle is mad. In the pool she tells George that she’s aligned with Chilltown. She goes to Danielle sitting on the couch and tells her, “You won’t get my vote because I gave you my heart.” She starts yelling that she’d be fine if Will or Boogie put her up but, “by you, it hurts.”

Erika sees Danielle is hysterical and calls Mike and Will to the HOH room. Danielle later goes up and starts ringing the doorbell. She is doing this ad nauseum (live feeders know this went on for about 90 minutes). She’s ringing the bell and pounding on the door but those inside keep very quiet. Eventually she goes downstairs.

At the veto ceremony, Janelle says it sucks to use the veto because it means someone else has to be put up. She uses the veto on herself and Erika puts up Danielle. Crying, she says, “I hope you respect me as a player. I really adore you and respect you as a player.” Danielle says after that she is making a strategic error and “Shame on me for trusting her.” Erika said it was really hard. Finally, Will and Boogie do another pretend phone conversation in the Diary Room and laugh about the whole thing.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?
Who will win Head of Household?
Who will the new HOH nominate?
Who will win the Power of Veto?
Will the Veto be used?
Who will the HOH nominate if the veto is used?
Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?
Who will win Head of Household?
And will they be able to squeeze in a food competition in the hour and rig it so that George wins a cheeseburger or something?
Should be an amazing hour.