Remote Destination – The Unit 9/19


Don’t get me wrong; I really enjoyed this show last season. I mean I’m a fan of Mamet and I really kind of dug Jonas and the camaraderie within The Unit. But by the end of the season, particularly the revenge soaked (and hokey) finale, it seemed a bit extra.

The premiere was tolerable, at best. Dealing with the threat of Small Pox was topical. But the whole “Tiffy and Mack moving away” was annoying. I get it, the women were close and the kids were even closer. But the stuff was way too sweet.

I completely understand that the writers need a way to keep Mack and Tiffy on the show, but c’mon I nearly got a cavity watching it.

I did enjoy Mack adjusting to his downgrade in status. I appreciated that quite a bit. I also dug the dialogue, especially the mission speak. Mamet’s great, but I’m not saying anything new there.

If only there had been more action with the actual unit. I’m sure that at this point everyone knows that Jonas doesn’t play around. But giving him what amounted to a solo mission served little purpose. Plus there was little reference to his getting shot in the season finale.

That said his ticket out of the country was pretty cool.

Basically this show is going to need to get compelling if it’s going to remain on my viewing schedule

Sir Linksalot: The Unit