It's a Survivor Thursday!


Does one week go by quickly or what? If you haven’t seen been by since last Thursday, I’m sure you’re a bit shellshocked at the changes that have taken place. But one thing that hasn’t changed is Inside Pulse’s commitment to giving you QUALITY Survivor coverage, as our quintet of Survivor alumni (plus a Murtz) give you their thoughts on the latest episode.

First we have the guy from my former place of residence, H-Town (Houston, if you didn’t know… go Texans!) – Daniel Lue.

Second is the lovely Kim Mullen, who doesn’t have a lot to say aside from Flicka losing the chickas… er, chickens.

Next up is our dynamic duo, Eliza Orlins and Murtz Jaffer, doing the give and take that you all know and love!

Fourth is the intense (and rich) Sandra Diaz-Twine. Did I mention she’s rich?

And in the anchor position is the one lawyer I want defending me, BobDawg Mason. Take a seat, the man has got a couple of words (give or take about 7200) for ya.

As for me, I didn’t really think anything was out of the ordinary as far as the game went. The castaways noted “hey, we’re divided by ethnicity here” and moved on. I mean, in your tribe, there’s still gonna be divisions. Cao Boi is a lot older than the rest of his tribe. Flicka will probably need to prove herself after the whole chicken thing. And Nate might be a Dead Man Walking after his alliance-mate, Sekou, got turfed.

Finally, keep an eye out for the Crystal Ball. Last week the Ball got the tribe right, but chose the wrong person. Will it make the correct prediction this week? Or should we just resort to drawing names out of a hat, and letting you know the results via Blackberry?

Head over to the Reality Dish Forums to let us know what you think!

Sir Linksalot: Survivor: Cook Islands

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).