In Hindsight – Heroes Episode 1-4


Last week, with the MLB playoffs on and no Vanished, my wife decided to watch Heroes with me. Needless to say, she’s no longer watching Vanished.

Anyways, this was yet another great episode, starting with Claire folding herself back up after being cut open and stuff and ending with Hiro looking like something out of Vampire Hunter D. Or Final Fantasy. Forgive me, I’m not up on my anime. Let’s take a look here, there and everywhere.

Odessa, TX (I think)
It would seem that this is where the heroes will eventually end up, as they’re supposed to “save the cheerleader”. I don’t know that there’s much to say here other than this was a weird twist on the after school special that deals with rape. It’s a bit extreme, sure, but well, Claire heals fast.

As for her dad, I’m still not sure what to make of him. I know that he senses that Claire is somehow important, but is the capture of Parkman related to this? Or is that something that’s “just part of the job”, whatever the “job” is?

Las Vegas, NV
Obviously, the casino scenes were filmed on the Las Vegas set because it’s a fricking huge set and why waste money when it’s right there? So the question is – was the shot of the Montecito signs deliberate or accidental? Because if we were meant to catch that, why didn’t we even catch a glimpse of Danny, Mike and Ed? And why wasn’t Sam all over the Japanese tourists? Unless she’s still shacking up with Woody from Crossing Jordan (which of course was also created by Tim Kring). Regardless, I’ll let Matt Basilo deal with this bit of continuity.

Niki’s powers are defined a bit more. It would appear that she has MPD in the vein of Marvel’s Typhoid Mary, where one personality is good and somewhat weak, while the other is dark and strong. Does her dark personna have enhanced strength? Hard to say right now, but it’s definitely aggressive, aware of what “good Niki” does and can produce a tattoo. I’m assuming that’s so we – the viewer – can tell if she’s “good” or “evil” Niki. Hey, it’s better than a goatee.

So obviously, Niki’s being used as a tool by Linderman to blackmail Nathan, who was just there to get Linderman to contribute to his “war chest”. Well, either way, I think he’s gonna get that money, and be indebted to Linderman a bit more than he’d thought he’d be.

Speaking of Linderman, I can’t be certain, but his aide looked a lot like “W” from Good Eats. Weird.

New York, NY
So in New York, Isaac may be the guy who draws the future (after shooting up), but it seems like Peter is the key to gathering the Heroes together. I guess his powers are like Synch, where he gains the powers of those in close proximity to him. Which is cool, but I remember what happened to Synch in “Generation X” (the comic, not the gawd-awful telemovie). Now the question is, how will he be able to convince Suresh that he’s not crazy? And does Simone play a bigger role than “love interest”?

That’s it for this week.

Sir Linksalot: Heroes

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).