A Case of the…. Heroes


Heroes is one of those shows I’m usually in the mood to write about.

First things first: I was totally spot-on right about Eden being a double agent of sorts, as it was revealed near the conclusion of the episode that she’s in cahoots with Claire’s father (Apparently his name is “H.R.G.” – Horn Rimmed Glasses – Kevin). I also really liked Claire’s father’s reaction to the “Save the cheerleader” prophecy. It seems that even he does not know how significant a role his daughter will play.

I’ve commented in the past how I’ve enjoyed the fact that this cast is so ensemble, and that it doesn’t need to feature every character. Consider the fact that, in the past couple weeks, Mohinder has played a very minimal role (usually only appearing in one or two scenes), and this past week, a very central character, Nathan, didn’t appear at all. Along with that, Peter (who has been partially portrayed as the main protaganist) only appeared in a few scenes himself.

With that in mind, this episode was mostly centered around Niki and her husband, as we begin to understand more about her abilities. What is interesting is the fact that her powers don’t seem heroic at all. In fact, they’re being presented as, well, evil. She’s killing people, setting up her husband, and stealing. Sure, the people she’s killing aren’t exactly Boy Scouts, but still. It’ll be interesting to see where this is all leading. I also enjoyed the fact that there was once again weaving of the characters, as Niki killed the people Hiro and Ando had been playing cards with.

I liked Hiro’s excitement towards being told that he has a sword in the future. I also enjoy how he’s coming to the realization that he should be using his abilities to help people, not trying to get rich.

Still an amazing show.

Sir Linksalot: Heroes

Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into various popular television shows. Be sure to visit his blog at [a case of the blog] and follow him on Twitter.