TiVo Central – Grey's Anatomy – Episode 3-6


I don’t know if it was just me, but this episode just felt “weird”. That’s the best word to describe it. It was more medical than the last few episodes. Which is fine, since this is a “hospital show”, but in the past few episodes there was more focus on the character’s relationship problems. This episode didn’t really have that. Which is why it felt weird. There was no balance there.

Okay, so there were some interesting things that came from this episode. First, the thing I liked most was Derek’s sister’s advice to him. I didn’t like the whole thing where she was at his house as he got into the shower and here comes Meredith to “catch” him. It felt too forced. Like its sole purpose was to be put into the previews to make us think that Derek had another woman. That wouldn’t have made any sense, but hey, we have to have drama between Derek and Meredith. Also, Meredith was EXTREMELY annoying in this episode. I usually like her, but her whining got annoying as it served no purpose.

Oh, yeah, like I said I LOVED the advice from Derek’s sister. Derek should take some time to be alone. Get his head clear. I’ve seen so many times where a person jumps from one relationship to the next and has no time to be alone and see what they really want. It’s like they are scared to be alone, so they just jump from one bad relationship to the next. Sometimes you need to step back so you can move forward. That’s the best thing for Meredith and Derek right now.

I’m not a Cristina fan and this episode is a good example of why. She is too agressive at times. She wants to get to the top so bad. Now that she is with Burke, she thinks she is above the law. Yes, I understand she did what she did in this episode because she loves Burke and wants to protect him. But what she really did was put herself into the frying pan and I hope Bailey fries her next week! She is still an intern. And now what she had done is made Bailey see that maybe something is wrong with Burke. So eventhough Cristina was trying to help, it didn’t work. The secret will come out. They always do.

Even my favorite, George, was annoying in this episode. What was with that “ham and eggs” thing. He really needs to stop chasing Callie. She finally told him that. I know it’s easier said and done, but try and look elsewhere. Just try George. If nothing is out there, then okay. Come back to Callie. But as she said, if you are not ready to “catch her”, then stop chasing her. Yes, the chase is fun. But it has to be something worth chasing. And to me, Callie is not worth chasing.

The Izzie thing was whatever. It was interesting. But the best part of this episode were the patients. They were interesting. But really this episode was just “weird”. Every episode of this show can’t be great, and this is one of them. This was average at best.

Sir Linksalot: Television News

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!