In Hindsight – The Amazing Race, Episode 10-8


Episode 10-8, “He Can’t Swim But He Can Eat Cow Lips!”

Here’s the Leaderboard:

The teams traveled from Mauritius to Antananarivo, Madagascar. Everyone took the same flight, and it apparently got them there before the end of the day, so we could see the teams start the next leg at 4am, which gives us an outside chance of not seeing the teams bunched up at the airport. Hey, I’ll take what I can get.

An uneventful twist to the Race, which for some reason took be back to the much-maligned Family Edition. Had the Intersection happened earlier in the Race there was potential for more drama, but with six teams left, the pairings were rather apparent. The strong teams teamed up, leaving us with the conclusion that the two weak teams would be competing for last.

“Fast” Forward – Cow Lips
I guess they needed another gross/exotic food challenge at some point this Race. What was interesting was that for (I think) the fourth time in Race history the group claiming the Fast Forward didn’t finish first. But this was the first time that I can recall where the Fast Forward wasn’t particularly fast. If it weren’t for some gas issues, odds were that the Chos would be in second and the Models/Rob/Kimberly would be firmly in the middle.

I found it interesting that Mary insisted on going for the Fast Forward. Kentucky had already burned theirs, so I’d think that would make Alabama ineligible for the task. Regardless, there was no way the single moms would be able to finish that task.

Detour – Long Sleep or Short Letter
I don’t think that there was much choice here. Short letter looked to be a much longer task due to the stitching required. The Blondes had the advantage of being with the brains of the Six-Pack (the Chos), and they finished the Detour with minimal issues. However, team ALKY wasn’t as cohesive a unit. David and Mary were a strong couple, but not a strong team. Lyn and Karlyn weren’t much better. The result was pretty much what we expected – some “lucky” homeowner getting dirty mattresses.

Roadblock – Find Stamps
Not a difficult task. It seems that this was designed with the intent of possibly screwing over the teams going for the Fast Forward.

– God Bless David and Mary for being David and Mary. They were very enjoyable to watch, and showed that sometimes good people are just good people.

– I wonder why we didn’t get to see more reactions from Tyler/James and Rob/Kimberly when they found out that they weren’t first and second. Clearly, they could see Erwin standing around. It would’ve been interesting.

– I give Godwin a 9 for form, and a 1 for practicality. Diving on the mat is about as useful as sliding into first.

– With the Six Pack down to four, I’d expect that we’ll see the Chos go it alone from here on out which is a good thing, as their alliance was keeping them in the back.

– Looking at the number of weeks left, it’s likely that next week will either be non-elimination or the first half of a double leg.

That’s all for this week.

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Sir Linksalot: The Amazing Race

Kevin has been an Insider since 2003, writing on a variety of topics ranging from The Amazing Race to Mixed Martial Arts. His current hobbies include Fantasy Football, Sporcle, travelling, making liberal use of his DVR and wondering what the heck he's gonna do when his two daughters are old enough to date. You can follow Kevin on Twitter (@starvenger).