TV Babies: As Prison Break continues to remind us, the escapees have little control over their fate…


It certainly didn’t take long for Lincoln and L.J. to get “picked off”. How many times has L.J. changed hands since this show began? The briefly re-captured Burroughs Boys are intercepted by the Senior Burroughs. He’s got a team together which he feels can clear their names and expose the conspiracy. Unfortunately, there’s a mole among them (the guy who was giving Lincoln the unappreciated stare)”¦

Michael, meanwhile, is finally reunited with Sara. Yet there was something strangely empty about it: it seemed too soon. After another cat-and-mouse chase with Mahone (including that great shot of Mahone’s car barreling towards them), they succeed in alluding him. But not before Mahone again hints how little of all this is within his control. His last words as Michael flees: “I don’t have a choice”. And Sara pays dearly for her continued indecisiveness: she’s being held at gun-point courtesy of Kellerman at episode’e end.

As for our other Prison Break-ers: T-Bag is currently having a rough time of it, and may well have reached the end of the line. As Roy so succinctly puts it: “You just crapped out your last bargaining chip”¦” He no longer has the money, he’s trapped in the ex-girlfriend’s house who sold him out, and the cops are on their way. I’m not sure how, but I figure he gets out of at least one more jam and remains a player. Can the same be said for Billick? Ray leaves him at the bus station for dead with T-Bag’s loot. And Sucre’s stuck in Nebraska, unable to talk to Maricruz — who’s heading for Ixtapa, Mexico sans her fiancé.

Sir Linksalot: Prison Break