TiVo Central – Grey's Anatomy – Episode 3-7


This episode featured two different locations. You had the women of Seattle Grace Hospital working at the hospital. Then, you have the men of the hospital, minus Mark, on a camping trip. Mark is the newest male and the one that has caused the most trouble. But there was another reason he was invited to go on this camping trip. At least one reason that the writers came up with. More on that later.

First to the camping trip with Webber, Burke, Alex, George, and Derek. That’s a motley crew right there, and I’m not talking about the band. What did we see on that trip. Lets see there was some fishing. Webber found out that Joe the Bartender is gay. That was a little funny, the way he found out. Alex and George got into a fight over Callie and Mark sleeping together? Yeah, I don’t know, but I agree with Alex. George needs to drop Callie for good. Forget her. That “slap fight” between them was pretty funny, though. And oh yeah, how about everyone finding out that Burke is not as well as he said. You can expect there to be some long-lasting affects there.

Back at the hospital, we some interesting pairings. Mainly, Addison and Callie working together, Meredith and Mark working together, and Cristina and Bailey butting heads.

Lets start with Addison and Callie. Two women who are more similiar than they think. Addison found out here that Callie slept with Mark. But by now, who hasn’t?! Anyways it probably was a little awkward for them, but not more than George and Derek working together back in the day. Callie doesn’t have feelings for Mark, so I don’t think she’s attached to him. Thus, less awkwardness.

I LOVED Bailey giving it to Cristina about erasing her name off of the board. Yes, Cristina was just being a girlfriend, but she stepped over the line there. Things don’t look for both Cristina AND Burke. Lets see how their relationship holds together after all of this.

Now to Meredith and Mark. One minute Mark says he loves Addison or at least had feelings for her. The second minute he is hitting on everything that moves including Meredith in this episode. I found that extremely funny. I think Mark knew he didn’t have a chance, but he loved putting thoughts into Meredith’s head. He knows if Meredith starts thinking, it should affect Derek and Mark would love to mess with Derek through Meredith. That’s just who Mark is. One word can best describe Mark and that’s (Laguna Beach fans look out!) random! He’s still an interesting character, though.

I forgot to mention that George’s dad ended up in the hospital at the last second of this episode. That was a surprise and I don’t know what to say about it. This is probably a way to get George away from his “women problems” for multiple weeks this season. He won’t have time to think about Callie or Meredith or Izzie. He will be too worried about his dad. We’ll find out for sure where they are going with this story in the next episode.

As for Izzie and her story with that other doctor. I don’t even remember that doctor’s name, so that should tell how much I care about that. Too much going on in this episode, so that gets lost in the shuffle. But Izzie is slowly dealing with Denny’s death and trying to get back to “normal”. You see, this show has more in common with The O.C. than you think.

Lets finish off with the Derek and Meredith “relationship”. Actually, it goes back to Mark and Meredith earlier. Mark put little thoughts of Mark “dancing in a towel” into her head. For a second at least until Derek comes in and wants to start “fresh”. WHAT?!?! Last week he needed space and now he has that space and is ready to start again. Meredith had the right idea when she said “You’re too late. You wanted space and now there is too much water under the thing.” She went and screwed that all up when she said “Hi, I’m Meredith!” I know women everywhere are jumping up and down now, but I don’t like it. And you’ll find out why later, if I’m right. That’s all for now, though.

Sir Linksalot: Television News

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!