TV Babies: Prison Break – Episode 2-11


You’ve gotta “hand” it to T-Bag. Of all the Prison Breakers, he’s the one that continues to survive through the harshest situations. And with no help from anyone but himself. Left for dead (or prison) by Bellick and Geary, he manages to crawl out of his ex-girlfriend’s house just before the cops arrive. Next thing you know, he’s at Geary’s hotel room door – thanks to a tracking device on his loot. Geary’s history, in typical gruesome T-Bag fashion. And T-Bag lives to run another day…

Lincoln, with a lot of help from Daddy’s right-hand woman Jan, takes out the mole. And L.J.’s safe again, for now. Lincoln pairs up with his dad to meet up with Michael…

Who’s having plenty of trouble himself. First, he’s forced to work over an elderly shopkeeper. Then getting busted for trying to pass off sugar water as nitroglycerin for that plane ride to Panama. Sucre bails him out, but you have to wonder how tired Michael is at this point – physically and especially mentally. Remember, he’s not a true criminal – yet he’s being tested time and again to step over that line.

Stepping over that line is usually something Kellerman and Mahone have no issues with. Yet in this episode, Mahone reaches out to his estranged wife and hints at betraying the mysterious Mr. Kim. Kellerman, meanwhile, might be fighting feelings for Sara after all. Feelings I’m just finding annoying. If the writers try to sell him as a good guy in any way, I’m not buying…

Bolshoi Booze concludes with yet another rendevous: Michael, Sucre, Lincoln…and dear ‘ol dad. But surprise, Lincoln! Michael’s met him before…

Sir Linksalot: Prison Break